Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1413 I like your expression!


Finger was panting violently, and next to him was the Kasdramon that had half of its head corroded away.

It wasn't because of how strong his breath was, but because the hungry Kasdramon didn't even think about it. It was planning to wait for the baby dragon to die, but it would suddenly explode.

The weakest defense is the mouth. When facing a dragon, even if it is just a young dragon, the result is obvious.

But Finger's situation is not very good either.

He really didn't plan to hide at the beginning, and there was a huge difference in strength between the two parties. Therefore, his spine had been trampled by the Kasdramon.

Is it a loss?

Of course it's not a loss. If he resisted from the beginning, he would definitely die.

Soon, Finger reacted and he survived.

A trace of hatred flashed through his empty eyes, and then he dragged his disabled body like a mindless dragon beast and crawled towards the kasdramon.

After crawling to Kasdramon's side, Finger started eating like crazy.

Minced meat mixed with blood splashed everywhere, making the smell of blood in the air even richer.


A heavy sound came from behind. Finger paused slightly in his eating action, and then started eating even more crazily.

The red dragon fell behind Fenger, and slowly leaned down, blowing hot breath from Finger's body. The broken spine pierced the flesh and blood, emitting a burnt smell under the high temperature.

Severe pain shot through his body, but he still didn't let Finger stop eating.

"What a waste!"

The red dragon 놅 suddenly spoke, as if 놇 was talking about Finger, and 꺗 was as if 놇 was cursing the dead 놅Kasdramon.

But soon, his trademark laughter sounded again.



I thought you would definitely die this time, but since you survived, I will give you three months as agreed.

As per the old rules, I will come find you in three months.

If you can't run away, what will you face next time...

It still depends on luck.


Please live well so that I can get more happiness.

Jie Jie Jie..."

A strong wind came, and the laughter became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Finger paused for a moment, and then started eating frantically again, but his eyes showed no hope.


No kidding.

Instead of thinking about how to escape, it is better to pray that the next time the big carousel turns, it will be a strong and weak dragon beast.


Did he decide not to leave?

Of course not!

In these three months, opportunities were exchanged for life. Even if he escaped again and again and was defeated again and again, he knew that as a young dragon, he could not escape the other party's control, but he still had to try.

It's not to fight for any chance, but to please the other party. Only by making the dragon happy, the next time the dragon beast will actually be weaker, and he can survive longer.

He silently ate up the Kasdramon, not only the bones, but even a layer of the ground stained with the dragon's blood was chewed off by him.

He doesn't waste any energy.

After eating, Finger continued to curl up in place silently.

Young dragons are very fragile, but also very tenacious. For serious injuries like a broken spine, they only need to lie down for half a month, and they will be fine.

Before closing his eyes, Finger looked up at the sky again.


What a luxury!

"Well, it's so rich in fire element!"

Werther glanced at the setting sun in the west, and his eyes flashed with joy.

The sun is not far from the horizon, and "night" is about to fall, but you can still feel such a rich fire element here. According to Gabriel, this means that it is not far from Shuanglong Gorge.

This made Werther's eyes flash with excitement.

To be honest, among the many elemental dispersion rules, the two elements of water and fire are the ones that Witt is least worried about.

With his elemental affinity, understanding the rules related to the two elements of water and fire is the least difficult, so before, Witte would not hesitate to change his itinerary and choose to go to the Sea of ​​Light.

However, it is not difficult at all. If you want to understand the words, it still takes a lot of time.

Therefore, when going to Shuanglong Gorge, Witte will only choose one element dispelling rule, and then go to the Sea of ​​Light. Dispelling light elements is still the top priority.


To be honest, although Witte came to Shuanglong Gorge, he was actually not very interested in Shuanglong Gorge anymore. He was still torn as to whether he should simply ignore the water or fire element dispersion rules and go directly to the light element dispersion rules.

It's rare to travel through time, and it's really unjustifiable to waste time practicing.

If possible, if Witte wants to go around, it's best to have a good relationship with some dragons. When he returns to the future, wouldn't it be possible to get a lot of help out of thin air?

Uh...well, this is indeed a bit taken for granted.

After all, if the relationship was not as strong as Boredea's, Werther would not even dare to show up in front of the other party.

Just as Werther was thinking about this and continuing to fly in the direction of Shuanglong Gorge, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and then looked in one direction.

"A baby dragon...interesting!"

Muttering, Werther didn't hesitate at all and flew directly in the direction he was looking at.

Finger looked at the Kaslong beast lying on the thick tree trunk opposite him, and a bitter taste appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This was not the Kaslong beast he had faced before, which had been hungry for who knows how long, had poor hunting skills, and had a decline in strength.

The opponent's strong body and shiny hair showed that this was a Kaslong beast in its peak state.

In addition, the most important point was that he could feel the opponent's breath.

Not silver, but gold!

Finally going to die?

When facing the Kaslong beast before, although Finger also had the will to die, he was unwilling to die like that. But this time, no matter what, he couldn't think of a way to keep himself alive.

Therefore, for him, reluctance is secondary, and the expression on his face is more of relief.

Finally, he is leaving this world that has never brought him a trace of warmth!

Thinking so in his heart, Finger looked at the Kaslong beast that slowly stood up, and a brilliant light gradually rose in his golden eyes.

It was not that he ignited the hope of life.

But in a situation where he was doomed to die, he tried to pick up his dignity as a dragon again.

Even if he died, he had to die in battle!


Finger got into position, and from his shriveled and thin body, a dragon power that belonged only to dragons rose. Even though it was very immature, it still showed its unyielding spirit.

However, what puzzled Finger was that after he roared, the Kaslongmon on the opposite side suddenly stopped, whimpered, and turned around to run away.

Suddenly, Finger realized it, turned his head sharply, and saw a pair of huge, shining golden pupils.

The sudden change scared Finger and he shivered immediately. He subconsciously took a few steps back, and then he heard a rather rough laugh.

"Hahaha, you are scared, right? I really like your expression!"


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