Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1412 Leaving the ruins...

There was an idea, but Witt didn't really implement it. He didn't know how many years it had been since the original discovery of the ruins.

Not to mention destroying the gate at the entrance, even if the entire ruins were destroyed, another dragon might appear and build an identical ruins. Everything has its own potential.

Therefore, Witt didn't plan to waste that time. What had happened could not be changed. This was what his father told him personally. He didn't need to verify it again and again.

Since he had visited the entire ruins before, Witt didn't waste any more time.

Go directly to the room where the crystal was stored.

Soon, Witt stood in front of the room and once again showed the air a wave of his specialty. Witt opened the door of the room easily.

However, the ruins still seemed to be not at their peak. Witt's actions caused new changes in the ruins.

There was a loud noise in the room, followed by the sound of falling and reverberating gravel.

Witt looked at the stone door that had just opened halfway and then completely shut down. He couldn't help but sigh, then shrunk his body and went in.

Entering the room, Witt came to the pile of crystals.

Looking at the body of the bronze dragon buried in the crystals because of the explosion in the corner, Witt shook his head and flew towards the corner where the explosion occurred.

He didn't touch the crystals, the law of time would not allow a dragon to drill through the air.

Wanting to double the crystals in a moment is a fart!


If it's gold coins, you can still give it a try.

Thinking this in his heart, Witt has come to the hole that was blown open...

"It's exactly the same as I remember!"

Muttering, Witt flew down.

The "garbage heap" below was already covered. Witt moved the rubble away, revealing the "garbage heap" below, but...

It turned out that Witt thought too much.

The gold coins he got were deliberately placed there by Sabina, and now, Sabina might still be in her mother's womb, so there would naturally be no gold coins here.


He sighed with regret, and then a hint of curiosity flashed in Witt's eyes.

He was now like in an exam, he had seen the answers, and as a result, he went back to the past and came to the day when the test paper was made.

He used to guess that the other hole in this room was dug out by the rotten wolf, and now it was time to reveal the true answer.

Thinking of this, Witt was a little excited.

With this idea in mind, Witt flew towards the corner of the room, and soon, a freshly broken hole appeared in front of Witt.

Of course, the cave entrance would not appear for no reason, not to mention that this is the outer wall of a ruin.

So, this cave entrance was smashed open by the rocks blown up from the other side.

Not only the cave entrance in the wall of the ruins, but also a crack was smashed open in the outer body.

Think about it, even the wall of the ruins was smashed open, and the force was just a not very thick rock wall, which could not be stopped by any means.

Of course, there are still some deviations between this cave entrance and the memory, but this deviation will be made up by the rotten wolf who later chose this place as a nest.


Witt laughed a few times and walked out of the cave entrance with an inexplicable look.

This incident really taught Witt a good lesson, and made him really understand what his father said before, that things that happened in the past cannot be changed. What does this sentence mean?

In this way, he can do things boldly in this past timeline according to his own ideas and his own rhythm.

In summary, do whatever you want!

No matter what he does, as long as he does not touch the time paradox, he does not have to worry about his behavior affecting his future self.

Everything he experiences in the future is what he has experienced now.

Leaving the ruins, flying away from the cave that was strange yet familiar, and returning to the surface, Witt looked at the sun hanging high in the sky and couldn't help but shout loudly.

After shouting, Witt ignored the dragon beasts living around him who were scared and fled, and then laughed and flew towards the direction of Shuanglong Gorge.

In any case, he survived the fatal conspiracy against him!

And the goal now is to practice well, wait for the time symbol to wake up again, and then-the king returns!

Witt flew towards Shuanglong Gorge, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

Those guys just bullied him for not breaking through to the legend. The next time they meet, he, who has already reached the legend, will use his fists to teach them what it means to be a dragon's revenge, and it is never too late!


"Kill him!"

In the huge circular arena, Finger quietly watched the Kaslong beast (cat family) across from him, which had just been released from the fence and was so hungry that his eyes were shining.

He was less than five meters tall, and facing the behemoth with a gap of dozens of meters, there was no fear in his eyes, only numbness and emptiness.

Only when he occasionally looked up at the sky would his eyes show some spirit.

That was the desire for freedom!


Finger's eyes moved slightly downward, and he looked at a pair of huge golden pupils full of teasing and malice. The spirit that had just appeared in his eyes quietly extinguished, and turned back to the previous emptiness and numbness.

"If you survive, you will be your food. If you die... hehehe..."

After a standard villain laugh, the red dragon with a huge body of more than 700 meters crawling on the edge of the arena looked at the arena with interest.

His eyes were full of undisguised malice.

Obviously, compared to the victory of the skinny young dragon, he hoped to see the Kas dragon beast... one of the many pets he raised, drink the dragon blood!

As for why...

From his expression, it can be seen that he is enjoying this process.

I don't know if there are other reasons.


A subtle sound of breaking through the air was heard. As the most common predatory dragon beast in the wild, even now, with its chest pressed against its back, it still maintained its hunting habits.

Its body turned into a gust of wind, silently but with a strong sense of oppression, circling around and attacking the young dragon that it regarded as prey.

Its golden eyes stared at Finger intently.

Its eyes were filled with a desire for killing, a longing for blood, and the purest malice towards the young dragon.

Finger stood motionless, with no trace of spirit in his empty eyes.

Perhaps, dying like this is a good choice.


A huge claw pressed Finger to his chest, and the severe pain of broken bones could not arouse his reaction.

However, when the bloody mouth with a fishy smell reached out to him, the smell seemed to have evoked some memory in him.

His golden eyes suddenly widened, revealing a strong unwillingness... ferocious!

Why do I have to endure such pain?


Thinking this in his heart, Finger opened his mouth again, just like in the past...

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