Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1408 You are finally here!

To be honest, Witt didn't expect that this exploration of the ruins would be so smooth.

But if you think about it carefully, there is no problem.

He didn't even know which part of the ruins the room below belonged to. In a ruin, it is possible that the real treasure is placed above any room in the ruins.

Think about it again, a rotten wolf with no wisdom can easily get the treasure in this ruins, which means that the treasure is not far away.

However, the current situation is that the treasure is too easy to get, but it has lost its sense of reality.

Witt sighed in his heart, but various materials appeared in front of him.

A moment later, a white light suddenly lit up in front of Witt.

The strong white light dispelled all the darkness in the room in just a moment.

Witt squinted his eyes, and after adapting to the strong light, he looked forward again, only to see a crystal mountain in front of him.

The light from the temporary magic crystal lamp was refracted and reflected by this crystal mountain, and it was colorful and beautiful. Witt couldn't help but exclaimed.

If gold coins are natural, then the crystal mountain in front of him is visually free of possessiveness and pure beauty.

After a while, Witt came back to his senses, flew to a high place, stretched out his claws, dug a groove on the wall, and then put the temporary magic crystal lamp into it.

After placing the light source, Witt turned his attention back to the crystal mountain.

Of course, it is called Crystal Mountain, but it is not complete. There are only a lot of crystals piled together, which looks like a mountain.

Witt murmured while flying around Crystal Mountain.

"With so many crystals, maybe I can discuss with Celine to replace two ruins. Hmm... I should say more good things, and there shouldn't be any... Huh?"

Suddenly, Witt paused and stared at a place on Crystal Mountain.

There was a big shadow there.

Witt thought of something, frowned slightly, and a hint of vigilance appeared in his eyes.

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the builder of this ruins.

In the ruins where treasures are buried, there is a high probability that there will be dragon corpses. How can a dragon who built the ruins to protect his treasure be willing to stay away from his treasure!

Thinking about this, Witt slowly approached.

The treasure was found, but there was one last step before collecting the treasure, and that was the dragon corpse!

When a dragon dies, its soul will completely decay. Under normal circumstances, this type of dragon corpse will not have any major problems.

But if the dragon is seriously injured and cannot be cured, that may not be the case.

Curse is the most common, just like the dragon named "Shi".

There is also a more common method called corpse explosion. Once a dragon approaches, the dragon crystal in the dragon corpse will explode. The legendary dragon crystal will explode, which is enough to tear open a space rift.

Whether it is an intruder approaching the dragon corpse or the treasure guarded by the dragon corpse, they will be drawn into the space rift.

In this case, if the invader is not strong enough, he is basically dead.

As for the treasures that are caught in the space rift, they will appear randomly in various locations in the dragon world until they are found by other dragons.

In addition to curses and corpse explosions, there is also a relatively rare situation-resurrection!

Don't forget that both bone dragons and undead dragons are born from dragon corpses.

Undead dragons are better. They are born from a bone egg condensed from a dragon corpse under special circumstances. The growth pattern is no different from that of ordinary dragons.

But bone dragons are different. Bone dragons are dragon corpses.

If you like something when you are alive, you will naturally like it after you die.

In this case, it goes without saying what it means to touch the other party's treasure.

Of course, the conditions for the bone dragon form are still quite harsh, and the living bone dragon will not stay in the ruins all the time, so the possibility of encountering such a thing is extremely small.

But considering his luck, Witt decided to be cautious.

Even if there is a high probability that a bone dragon will appear in such an ancient ruins.

When Witt approached cautiously, the shadow also revealed its true appearance, a lifeless dragon skeleton.

The broken dragon scales were scattered randomly on the gray-white dragon bones that had been broken into several pieces.

There was a crystal inlaid on the skull with a big hole.

In this way, it is impossible to be a bone dragon.

Moreover, there is no curse breath, and there are no conditions for using corpse explosion.

Witt breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he roughly determined the other party's race from the shape of the dragon scales. If nothing unexpected happened, this was a bronze dragon.

Speaking of which, Witt had only seen bronze dragons in Desidero.

Thinking about whether these were useful, Witt carefully took out the crystals pressed on the dragon bones.

Celine definitely didn't want to put these things in her collection.

What's more, she had already taken the other party's treasure, so she had to leave some dignity for the other party.

But maybe it was too long ago. Witt only moved the upper crystal, which caused some slight vibrations, and both the bones and the dragon scales were broken into pieces.

A dull dragon crystal rolled out from the shattered skull, bumped against the crystal, and then broke.


Witt smacked his lips. How long has this relic existed?

But unfortunately, no dragon could answer Witt.

It was difficult for Witt to clean up the broken pieces, so he simply threw a flame at them.

With the blessing of the dragon, the crystals would definitely be safe, and the others would not even have any residue left.

After that, out of caution, Witt circled around several times, and after completely eliminating all possible dangers, he put the crystals away.

After finishing the work, just as Witt was about to leave, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the half-open door of the room in the distance.

Is the door in front of him open?

Witt was a little uncertain.

After thinking about it, he flew towards the direction of the door.

When he arrived next to the door, he observed it carefully, and his slightly frowned brows relaxed.

Although I don't know why, this door has not been opened recently. It is likely that the explosion of the magic circuit over there has caused a chain reaction.


Looking at the dark passage outside, Witt hesitated for a moment and turned back.

After taking down the magic crystal lamp, he flew towards the door again.

Since he was here, it would be unreasonable to leave after exploring two rooms. Moreover, maybe the other party would leave a "garbage dump" in other rooms!

A hint of expectation flashed in Witt's eyes.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no breath related to the abyss in this passage.

In this case, Witt doesn't mind taking a longer turn.

However, just when Witt went around the entire ruins and walked out of the ruins door without any gains, he saw a familiar figure.

Sabina stretched out the two pairs of black wings behind her, a faint smile appeared on her delicate face, and a hint of teasing appeared in her scarlet eyes.

"You are finally here!"


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