Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1405 A relic!

The black blood covered the ground. Witt hovered above the battlefield, staring at the pearl on his claws. In addition to the thoughtful look in his eyes, there was also a touch of easily detectable joy.

This was the second Rotten Wolf team he encountered.

Among the five Rotten Wolfs, only one Rotten Wolf's stomach had what should have appeared.

This pearl was found by Witt in the stomach of a Rotten Wolf, but he only found one pearl. There were also some Rotten Wolf stomachs. Although there were no pearls, there were some fragments that were almost corroded by stomach acid.

The appearance of the fragments made Witt realize another problem.

That is the habits of the Rotten Wolf.

Rotten Wolf is a native species of the Dragon Realm. Witt's understanding of them is limited to the book "Abyss Creatures" written by Boredia.

The contents of the book come from the Abyss believers.

But do the Abyss believers really know all about the native species of the Rot Wolf?


Witt has studied the stomach of the Rot Wolf, and the Rot Wolf cannot obtain nutrients for its own growth from the head or anything else.

But this does not mean that they will eat the head or something.

Just like Celine can gain strength by eating metal, but she occasionally asks Witt for some to try out because of curiosity when she sees Witt eating the newly found ore.

And the Abyss believers must know these small details.

This also makes it reasonable for Witt to find gold coins from their stomachs.

What makes Witt more certain that this is just an accident is that the Abyss beasts active within the range of the Water Magic Dragon are only these four hunting teams.

Although the level of the magic of Water Magic Dragon is low, its detection range is not the range of the magic itself, but changes according to the strength of the mental power. The stronger the mental power, the wider the detection range.

Now two of the four rot wolf hunting teams have been killed. If you want to find the nest of these rot wolves, you have to leave at least one team.

But they didn't seem to complete the hunting task. Just in case, Witt left two.

As for why Witt went to find their nest by himself...

The underground nearby is a water-eroded cave, with crisscrossing passages, forming an extremely complex underground cave system.

After a slight attempt, Witt chose to let them lead the way.

Putting away the pearl, Witt glanced down at the ground below and opened his mouth with a white flame.

After the baptism of flames, the dead abyss beast left no trace.

Then, Witt went to a secluded place and waited quietly.

Two days passed quickly.

Under Witt's watch, the two rot wolf hunting teams hunted a large number of prey and then began to return.

This further proves that there is indeed a rot wolf nest around here.

After that, the two rot wolf teams met and waited for two days, and then left in one direction without hesitation.

They seemed to know that the two teams would come back.

This quite spiritual performance made Witt naturally curious about the abyss.

Although Witt had seen from the abyss believers and Skechers that the abyss was not as imagined, except for chaos and madness, there was only killing.

However, the abyss beasts born from the abyss mother body that Witt had been exposed to since childhood left an indelible impression on Witt.

What exactly does the abyss look like...

Sometimes, such an idea would be born in Witt's mind.

But unfortunately, if you want to get a satisfactory answer, you are destined to go to the abyss in person.

With your current strength...

Witt shook his head and shook out the thoughts in his mind, and then continued to follow attentively.

In order to be on the safe side, Witt also shrunk his body to the state of a newly born dragon.

Along the way, Witt also explored the surroundings again and again. Although the possibility was very small, his cautious character still made him be extremely vigilant about this action.

The good news is that everything is so natural, and there is nothing unusual that can arouse your vigilance.

The only unusual thing is that Witt's sense of crisis has not yet dissipated.


A long roar drew Witt's attention.

Looking at the hunting team that quickened its pace, Witt's heart moved, and a touch of joy flashed in his eyes.

This is the right place!

Thinking of this, Witt no longer followed the hunting team, but flew in the direction where the roar came from.

The cave was very large and dark.

On the smooth cave wall, there were layers of white water stains, which meant that every once in a while, most of this passage would be submerged in water.

Such a place is obviously not likely to have plants growing.

Ordinary plants are difficult to grow, let alone those luminous plants.

The strength of the rotten wolf is not very strong, the strongest is only silver, and there are only three of them.

The dark environment and the gap in strength made Witt, who turned off the "big night light", easily pass the hunting team and quietly enter the interior of the rotten wolf's nest.

This is a huge cave that is obviously higher than the groundwater level.

In the cave without a trace of light, a pair of scarlet eyes became conspicuous. They were the rotten wolves staying in the nest.

The movement of the scarlet eyes showed the activities of the rotten wolves left behind in the dragon's nest.

But Witt soon noticed that these eyes were all adult rotten wolves, and there were no cubs.

There is another space here!

Witt thought so in his heart and began to observe carefully.

Soon, Witt noticed that in such a dark environment, there was a place where the rotten wolves often wandered around.

Witt hurried over.

And when Witt got closer, he noticed that a very dim light was hidden in this dark space.

Witt found an opportunity and used magic to hide his figure. He came to the place where the dim light was emitted. There was a broken rock wall there.

The light seeped out from the crack.

The light was very weak, and the crack should be very deep. There was a high probability that there were members guarding it.

Thinking of this, Witt sighed in his heart.

I was originally planning to investigate secretly, but now it seems that I can only use violence.

Thinking of this, the "big night light" on Witt's chest lit up.

The sudden light instantly attracted the attention of all the rot wolves in the cave, and when they turned their heads to look over, the white flames that shot up into the sky illuminated the entire cave.

And they...

There is no doubt that a group of rot wolves, whose strongest is only silver level, facing the sneak attack of a purple crystal dragon, they have to survive a breath, and when they go down to brag, they can speak louder.

The movement outside attracted the attention of the rot wolves in the crack, and the chaotic footsteps sounded, but Witt opened his mouth expressionlessly towards the crack.

The white flames poured into the crack, and while the sound inside disappeared, Witt also paid attention to the situation inside the crack.

The pale yellow light showed their identity.

The rock creation whose elements are about to run out.

What is inside is obvious - a relic!

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