Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1400 A rare tranquility?

Witt looked up at the black sun in the sky and frowned slightly.

Originally, after giving up the original plan, Witt should have gone all the way west to the Sea of ​​Light, but at this time, he was heading all the way south.

It was not that Witt changed his mind again and set his sights on Shuanglong Gorge again.

In fact, the location of Shuanglong Gorge is not in the south, but in the southeast. This is the news that Witt got from Gabriel.

If it weren't for Yi's feeling that the gold coin that he temporarily lent to Skechers, Witt should have gone directly to Shuanglong Gorge instead of going around so much and now he can't go.

Of course, this should be a good thing.

Egbert had already been eyeing him. If it weren't for Yi's travel with Skechers, he probably didn't know what Egbert was doing.

Once entering the Water and Fire Secret Realm, if Egbert targets you again, there will inevitably be an information gap between the two sides.

The trouble will be even greater.

The Water and Fire Secret Realm must not be visited.

The goal of Witt's trip is very clear, which is the "black sun" hanging high in the sky.

This matter was originally part of Witt's plan, but since this matter can be completed on the way to Shuanglong Gorge, Witt didn't think much about it.

But now, Shuanglong Gorge can't be visited, so this matter needs a special trip.

All the information obtained before seems to indicate that the other party in the war that broke out in the central area of ​​​​Olivia Continent hundreds of years ago was Desidero.

However, the evidence is not very sufficient, and Witt cannot be sure.

However, for this matter, Witt has his own way of verification.

Below the legendary level, it is actually very difficult to identify whether the traces left on a battlefield belong to a particular dragon.

It is not very difficult when the battle has just ended and the elements of the battlefield still have the breath of both sides of the battle.

But as time goes by, the breath will gradually dissipate. It is more difficult to distinguish only from the traces left by magic and the way of fighting.

Because the same element has only a few kinds of magic that are often used in battle.

It is normal for different dragons to use different magic.

At the legendary level, it will be easier to identify whether it belongs to a particular dragon.

On the one hand, the legendary dragon has already comprehended the rules, and different dragons will have different understandings even if they have the same rules. At this time, the power begins to develop towards personalization.

On the other hand, the breath left by the legendary dragon can last for a long time. Let’s not talk about anything else, just look at the ruins that Witte visited recently.

The space there has been running according to the will of the dragon until now.

When it reaches the legendary level, it is even more so.

The energy they control has completely turned into their own shape, and their energy has been linked to their names.

This is even more true for Desidero!

In the area close to the "Black Sun", as long as the energy of the "Black Sun" is blocked by the law of space, it is Desidero without a doubt.

If not, the battle has nothing to do with Desidero.

This is almost equivalent to black and white.

The question is...

"Where is this thing!"

Witt stared at the "Black Sun" in the sky and couldn't help but complain.

In order to find Egbert's laboratory, they had already gone deep into the wilderness in the center of the continent.

Now, another month has passed since I said goodbye to Elroya.

The Olivia continent is not very big. After such a long time, I should have reached the center of the wilderness area. However, the black sun is still hanging in front of me.


With a sigh, Witt retracted his gaze and then scanned the surroundings.

Another month has passed, and the sun is closer to the western horizon. The temperature has dropped again. Although it is still hot now, it is an acceptable temperature for dragon beasts.

The resilience of plants is stronger.

Therefore, the current Olivia continent is completely different from the wildfire scene I saw before.

The trees are lush, the grass is lush, and the roars of various dragon beasts are one after another.

Under the continuous crazy favor of the sun for several months, the edge of the river that has not stopped flowing is a thriving scene.

Even though Witt had lived on this continent for so long and had seen this kind of scene countless times, he still couldn't help but show a hint of amazement after seeing this scene.

This continent can really be described as "magical".

The green all over his eyes soothed Witt's impatience, and his frown gradually relaxed.

"Forget it, let's find a place to rest. If it doesn't work, we can go to Gabriel's place."

Although that place is also unreliable, and it is normal that he will never see Gabriel again in the future, but... it is a kind of comfort!

Seeing a lake in the distance, Witt flew directly to that place regardless of what was there.

At the same time, the dragon's might that belongs to the dragon on his body was released.

Even though the people below were in a state of panic, Witt's expression did not change at all, and the dragon's dominance was clearly evident.


With a dull sound, Witt landed on the lakeside.

Looking down, a piece of lawn that looks quite neat and soft grows around the lake.

It is not difficult to guess that this piece of lawn should have been part of the lake.

Under the scorching sun, the lake water receded, and the seeds of the surrounding grass and trees fell on the fertile lake mud. After a few days, it will grow into its current appearance.

However, Witt only took a look, and he would not lie down and roll on the ground like a young dragon after seeing such a place.

However, if you are a little tired of flying, there is nothing wrong with lying down here!

Thinking of this, Witt lay down on the spot, and the soft grass leaves drilled into the gaps between the scales, itching his skin, and Witt squinted his eyes unconsciously.

A cool breeze blew, and he took a deep breath, full of the fragrance of grass and trees.

However, unlike the Sky City, the wind here, in addition to the smell of grass and trees, can also smell the subtle smell of fireworks if you smell it carefully.

This is the last gift left by the wildfire to this land, uh... today!

The grass is soft, the breeze is gentle, there is no noisy sound of dragon beasts around, only the roar that seems to come from afar, like a lullaby.

Witt's eyelids drooped unconsciously, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

Speaking of which, how long has Witt not slept well?

Not practicing, not restoring spirit, just sleeping.


Even I don't know.

Maybe, this time, I can have a good sleep...

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