Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 140 Further construction!

Witt spent countless words explaining that the Dragon's Nest he had mentioned before was not an evil organization that studied young dragons, that the Boko he mentioned was not a murderer who cruelly killed young dragons, and that he was not a dragon dealer who came here specifically to abduct young dragons.

However, Antawana still had no intention of letting down her vigilance against him.

Helplessly, Witt gave up.

Anyway, he had already explained it, and the other party could believe it or not!

He did not have so much time to explain a problem that did not exist in the first place.

"Anyway, the dragon plague is such a dangerous thing. It is the first rapid growth period, and I did not lie to you. If you still don't believe me, then, think about it!"

After that, Witt no longer paid attention to Antawana, but continued the unfinished construction.

That's right, he was not going to install a wall on the ice top behind his head, but as the place where he would carve the magic circle next, some things were necessary.

After leveling the ground and reinforcing the zero-degree cold current, Witt took out the enchantment pen and a can of light blue magic solution.

This can of magic solution is a rare high-level magic solution in the dragon scale space.

For the current people, it is a little less.

Let alone whether you have the ability to prepare high-level magic solution, the materials alone are enough to give you a headache.

A gold-level dragon beast cannot be defeated at all when it does not use the blazing white breath. Even if it uses the blazing white breath, it may not win. Even if it wins, the materials will not be preserved.

Moreover, if you want the dragon egg on the neck to hatch successfully, you need to provide it with a stable external environment. In this way, the blazing white breath will not move unless it is absolutely necessary.

With the magic solution, Witt began to search in the dragon scale space, and soon, he found another crystal jar.

Unlike normal crystal jars, this crystal jar is aqua blue and emits waves of elemental fluctuations.

The crystals on the body of the crystal dragon will fall off every once in a while, and no matter what the attribute of the crystal dragon is, the crystals that fall off are colorless.

Such crystals are not only hard in texture, but also have a certain mitigating effect on the loss of elemental power.

However, this effect is quite limited, and the more advanced the magic solution, the more so.

If the crystal is not naturally fallen off from the crystal dragon's body, but is taken directly, it will show its original color. Such crystals can effectively prevent the corresponding elements from escaping.

Uh... Don't get me wrong, it's not necessary to kill the dragon to take the crystal.

The crystal on the crystal dragon's body is like the dragon scales, which can be replaced.

However, if it falls off automatically, the growth rate of this crystal will be very fast, just a few days. If it is taken directly, this long period of time will be extended to two to three months.

When other dragons in the dragon's nest need this kind of crystal, they only need to go to the crystal dragon to discuss it. As long as the other party is not in a bad mood, it will basically give it.

And the crystal jar that Witte just brought is this kind of crystal.

Because only this kind of crystal can preserve the things inside.

The teacher once told me that the dragon beast crystal core is directly embedded in the magic circle, which is the most primitive use of the dragon beast crystal core.

The injection magic core refined from the dragon beast crystal core through the alchemy process is the key to the long-term use of a magic array.

And the injection magic core is contained in this crystal jar.

Uh... to put it simply, it is to refine the dragon beast crystal core, which is originally large in size, fixed in shape, and inefficient in utilizing elemental power, into a liquid with high element concentration.

This liquid magic core will crystallize in a relatively short time and become part of the magic array.

The most important thing is that this magic core does not need to follow the level correspondence rule, that is, the level of magic solution must correspond to the level of magic core.

And the magic core in the jar of Vitt is a level 1 magic core.

Below level 1, including level 1 magic arrays, can use this magic core.

Such a precious thing was naturally not made by Witte himself, but given by the teacher, so it was a little less.

And the magic core that Witte could make by himself was only below level three.

It was not that Witte was lazy, but when refining the magic core, it would also explode, and the explosion power was far greater than the explosion of the magic circle. The explosion of the level three magic core alone would make Witte's scales all over his body change.

At least two or three hundred years, or even longer, you can't refine a magic core of this level.

So, if it weren't for the importance of the magic circle that you were about to carve, you wouldn't be willing to give up this kind of magic core.

On the other side, Antawana looked at Witte, from the initial vigilance, slowly turned to doubt, and soon turned into curiosity.

"What are you doing?"

However, Witte did not respond to the other party, or rather, you didn't listen to Antawana's voice at all.

At this time, Witt has already started to draw this magic circle.

A high-level magic circle is still difficult for Witt. Even if he devotes himself to it, there is no guarantee of success.

The materials in the room are limited, and the magic core is extremely precious.

Therefore, Witt directly blocked all information from the outside world, trying not to let any factors interfere with drawing the magic circle.

When Antawana saw that Witt ignored her, she thought that it was her distrustful attitude that annoyed Witt.

She was a little embarrassed and was more curious about what Witt was doing, so she stood up and walked towards Witt.

When she saw the graceful lines carved on the ground under Witt's claws, her eyes suddenly lit up. Just as she was about to ask, she saw Witt's serious and solemn eyes and subconsciously stopped talking.

This time she understood that Witt was not ignoring her, but was doing things seriously.

Looking at the lines on the ground, Antawana always felt a little familiar. After searching in her memory, she now understood what Witt was doing.

"So this is the magic circle!"

After muttering to herself, Antawana stood aside and looked curiously.

And this look was two magic circles!

When Witte connected the circuit, he spread his wings skillfully and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only Antawana was left with a confused look on her face, not knowing what happened!

Just when she hesitated for a moment and was about to leave like Witte, Witte flew back again.

Of course, it was not because he noticed that Antawana was still in the magic circle, but because the light emitted by the magic circuit was stable and smooth.

The first step, the magic circuit was engraved successfully!

At this time, Witte did not notice Antawana standing beside him. After a moment of hesitation, he looked away with a guilty conscience.

Fortunately, it succeeded. If the magic circuit engraving failed...

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