Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1385 Four years...


After a long breath, Witt, who was standing in front of him and placed on the experimental table, showed an excitement that could not be concealed.

In that dragon's nest, Witt obtained a total of 10,360 gold coins.

It doesn't seem much, but you have to know that in the past two thousand years and nearly three thousand years, Witt has only 5,720 gold coins in total, except for the pile of cursed gold coins.

This harvest is not bad.

And these gold coins can finally be spread on the ground in a thin layer, so that Witt can experience what it feels like to sleep on the treasure.

Of course, Witt is not unreasonable.

Skechers took so many risks with him, even if Skechers didn't ask for it, Witt was very painful and gave Skechers three gold coins.

For this reason, I was distressed and couldn't sleep for several days.

Of course, in addition to the more than 10,000 gold coins, there are also quite a lot of invisible gains.

The ancient dragon text related to the dragon soul has great research value.

And the supplement of relevant knowledge has greatly helped Witt to comprehend the special ancient dragon text that breaks through the legendary alchemist. It can be said that it has made Witt take a big step towards the legendary alchemist.

Of course, Witt is still a little distance away from the legendary alchemist, which makes Witt even more upset about what happened before.

If his mental power was already at the middle level of purple crystal at that time, he would be a legendary alchemist now.

What a pity!

Retracting his thoughts, Witt's eyes fell on the dragon scale in front of him again.

This magic circle on the dragon scale is another invisible harvest in this relic.

When Witt was dealing with those mechanical puppets, he encountered a special mechanical puppet at the second to last red dot.

On its puppet core, some special alchemical magic circles were engraved.

And those alchemical magic circles were shadowed by shaping magic.

It was also these alchemical magic circles that made the mechanical puppet extremely powerful. During Witt's battle with it, the left wing was directly torn off.

After four years of research, Witt finally combined those alchemical magic circles with the shaping magic circle he created.

And the theoretical result is the magic circle on the dragon scale in front of Witt.

The reason why it is a theoretical result is that in theory, this dragon-shaped magic circle can push the strength and intensity of the body to the level of lost magic.

Lost magic is the only magic that does not rely on the power of rules, but only relies on the power of elements to hurt legendary magic.

If you have to explain it in popular language, it is most appropriate to describe lost magic as half-step legend.

But it is just a theory, and Witt has not put it into practice.

With the level of magic circle, there will definitely be no problem in the operation of the magic circle, but with a purple crystal-level body, carrying the power of half-step legend...

To be honest, Witt has no idea.

Legend and purple crystal exist at two levels.

After recovering a little, Witt came to an open space not far away.

The magic circle was created by him, so he was naturally very familiar with it. Just a thought, the power of water element in his body burst out like a flood.

And under him, a gray-white magic circle also emerged.

As the magic circle appeared, Witt's body began to change dramatically. First, he uncontrollably restored his original body shape, which was also a normal body shape of more than a thousand meters.

Then, the muscles on his body began to wriggle wildly, and the dragon scales on his body surface swayed back and forth like waves.

At the same time, the dragon scales also began to change, becoming thicker overall and thinner at the edges. The dragon scales on the face grew rapidly, forming a complete armor that covered the face.

The dragon wings on the back began to grow, lengthen, widen, and thicken. The bones at the joints pierced the surface skin and grew directly out, with sharp bone spurs.

At the joints of the limbs, each dragon scale stretched and extended, and finally formed a sharp blade that did not affect Witt's movement at all.

The dragon tail became thicker and thicker, and the dragon scales at the end grew rapidly, forming three opposing sharp blades.

The power gushed out from the whole body, making Witt roar unconsciously.

Looking down at himself, Witt couldn't help but laugh strangely.

So handsome... No, so strong!

But soon, some helplessness emerged in Witt's eyes.

Although he was strong, this was a price.

He still used the water element dragon crystal like a floodgate, telling a cruel fact that the water element reserves in his body were only enough to maintain this posture for three minutes.

Even if the shaping magic circle was not picky, plus the element dragon crystal, it would only last for six minutes.

This was just for maintenance.

Once a battle broke out, a single water element dragon crystal would probably be enough for a minute.

However, if it was a life-and-death battle, one minute would almost determine the winner. If it was a stalemate... there would be no stalemate in a life-and-death battle.

In that situation, once you find that you can't kill the opponent even if you use all your strength, there is no need to fight on, you can just run away.

While Witt was thinking about these things, the noise here attracted Skechers.

"What are you doing..."

Hearing Skechers' voice, Witt turned his head and looked over, grinning (unfortunately, he couldn't see it because of the face armor), and said with a smile: "Shaping magic, how about it, very cool, right!"


Skechers looked at Witt speechlessly, such a powerful magic, your focus is actually handsome?

Moreover, it's not that I haven't seen Witt's shaping magic, but I didn't expect that this magic has been transformed by Witt to this extent.

Even if he just stood there, Witt gave him a very strong sense of oppression.

Of course, this is not important. What's important is that Witt, who gave him such a sense of oppression, is only at the middle level of purple crystal.

"Very strong!"

Skechers commented truthfully.

Hearing this, Witt smiled and then put away the battle dragon form.

Of course, if I have to say, Witt still has some regrets about this magic circle transformation.

The battle dragon form has indeed reached the level of lost magic, but the other three forms of shaping magic, sword dragon, speed dragon and shield dragon, have not been upgraded by one level.

The magic circles of those three forms only improve the power of magic circles above nine nodes.

When studying the three magic circles, I vaguely realized that the three magic circles could not reach the level of lost magic. They either maintained the forbidden spell level above nine nodes or soared to the sky and reached the rule level.

The battle dragon form is just the cooperation of the three, and the effect of the three combined is greater than the three, which has reached the level of lost magic.

Witt guessed that this might be related to the two non-elemental law characteristics of speed and strength.

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