Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1381 Mental Power Breakthrough!

Originally, he wanted to attack the other party's laboratory just to vent his anger, but now it seems that it has become the best way to solve the problem.


Witt glanced at Skechers, and there was no rush for this matter.

Egbert was probably still wandering outside, and his mental power had not yet broken through, so the other party would not notice the abnormal flow of elements in the Buried Snow Gorge for a while.

He would consider this matter after he went out.

Thinking of this, Witt turned his head and looked at his back. A wing the size of a dragon scale had grown out of the wound.

The rich breath of life rushed towards the wing, and the recovery was quite good.

Then, he should also recover his mental power and space power, and see if his mental power can break through.

Thinking of this, Witt stood up and flew away.

When practicing, it is better to stay away from Skechers, which is good for him and Skechers.

When he arrived at the place where he usually practiced, Witt lay down habitually. Just when he was about to sleep, Witt was suddenly stunned. The dragon crystal that stored his mental power moved.

Witt quickly responded. This was a breakthrough in mental power!

Overjoyed, Witt quickly closed his eyes and focused all his attention on the dragon crystal.

Witt had three dragon crystals in his body, one of which was a water element dragon crystal. During the practice process, it had gradually moved from the head to the water element lungs.

A fire element dragon crystal, like the water element dragon crystal, also automatically moved to the fire element lungs.

Mental power and space power were in one dragon crystal, and the two powers were mixed together.

For example, inside the dragon crystal, the space power was exhausted, and all the mental power condensed together, gradually forming a vortex. The mental power did not come from the outside world, but from the dragon soul.

The dragon soul produces spiritual power, and spiritual power nourishes the dragon soul. This is an alternating process.

Witt's dragon soul also resides in this dragon crystal.

Now, the vortex-shaped spiritual power wrapped up the dragon soul. The dragon soul, which has never had any sense of existence, opened its eyes this time.

A strange perspective of me looking at myself and myself looking at me made Witt feel dizzy.

But soon, he didn't care about these.

The dragon soul is a part of Witt's self, and the dragon soul is him. After a period of torture from a strange perspective, Witt found that his perspective overlapped with that of the dragon soul.

Subconsciously, Witt opened his mouth, and the surrounding spiritual power followed his breathing, going in and out with his dragon soul.

Every time it goes in and out, the spiritual power will be purer and more tenacious.

Time passed by little by little...

The mental vortex surrounding the dragon soul was getting bigger and bigger, and Witt's perspective was not always fixed on the dragon soul.

So, he saw his dragon soul being wrapped by the mental vortex for a while, and then he was in a state of being wrapped again, completely out of control, but without a trace of uneasiness.

Just when Witt's consciousness began to feel tired from the tossing back and forth, a crisp cracking sound made him wake up immediately.

Then Witt noticed that his mental power had filled the entire dragon crystal.

In addition, the space power was also restored.

There was not much in a group, but it was like a rock, standing in the mental storm, the unmoving space power and the dragon crystal were so conspicuous.

Although the mental force did not "fight" with the spatial force, it was obvious that the two forces were no longer as harmonious as before.

Sure enough, Witt soon found a crack on the surface of the dragon crystal where the two forces met.

No way, it's coming again!

As soon as this idea came up, the spatial force moved under Witt's gaze.

It just fluctuated a little, and the dragon crystal instantly split into two.

Witt looked at this scene and didn't know what kind of emotion to express for a while.

The power increased again, and there was one more dragon crystal...

It sounds like a good thing. The more dragon crystals, the more power is stored. The water element dragon crystal and the fire element dragon crystal have the most say in this regard.

When they first came, the three dragon crystals were indeed not as big as the normal dragon crystals, but with Witt's practice, the three dragon crystals have long returned to the size of normal dragon crystals.

But how should he go in the future?

It's not that there are no dragons with multiple dragon crystals. The three-headed demon dragon has three dragon crystals, and they can still practice normally.

However, Witt has already understood that his dragon crystal is different from that of the three-headed demon dragon.

The spiritual power of the three-headed demon dragon is divided into three parts, each of which is stored in three dragon crystals. This is why they quarreled with themselves.

And Witt's dragon crystal is a pure power dragon crystal, and there is no spiritual power in it.

Although it looks the same as ordinary dragon crystals, it is just the same in appearance. What does dragon crystal mean? Witt has no idea at all.

While thinking, the movement in the spiritual power dragon crystal gradually subsided.

Witt's perception of the surroundings has improved a lot.

This means that he has successfully broken through, and his spiritual power has reached the level of amethyst high, which will make it easier for him to contact the power of the law and comprehend the power of rules.

Similarly, the breakthrough in mental strength also means that Witt only needs to absorb enough elemental power to easily break through to the high level of purple crystal.

However, looking at the two dragon crystals, one large and one small, floating in his head, Witt had a headache.

Witt sighed and opened his eyes.

In less than two magic hours, his field of vision expanded by another five times of the original field of vision.

The time was very short, and this breakthrough was very smooth.

The only problem was that the dragon crystal was lost again.

Of course, it is highly likely that there will be no impact on the breakthrough of the legend. After all, the conditions for the breakthrough of the legend are clearly stated.

The mental power is up to standard, the power of the rules is comprehended, and the physical strength can keep up.

Witt has already comprehended the power of the rules. Although it is not an elemental rule, there is no problem. The physical requirements are vague, but the dragon does not need to pay attention to this at all.

And Witt's physical body is even more not to mention.

In other words, as long as Witt's mental power meets the standard, even if his elemental power remains at the purple crystal level, he can still break through the legend with the help of space rules.

As for the elements, with the legendary level of mental power, it is not a matter of time to contact the water and fire elemental laws and comprehend these two rules.

Therefore, there is nothing to worry about breaking through the legend.

What Witt is worried about is the future cultivation direction.

After all, his dragon crystal is different from that of an ordinary dragon. Whether he can continue to advance along the cultivation path of an ordinary dragon in the future is unknown.

Thinking of this, Witt shook his tail a little irritably.

It's not that there is really no dragon that can give him an accurate answer, but where can he find his dear dragon scales!


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