Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1366 Exploration! (V)

It sounds simple, just cut off the connection, but it is impossible to do it with Witt's energy.

Then, external energy is needed at this time.

Because of its unique material, the space stone itself has the energy of space, and it can naturally establish a connection with the surrounding space, thereby causing resonance.

However, the nature of the space stone itself tends to be stable.

Therefore, a piece of space stone that has not been specially treated looks no different from ordinary stone.

This is its external appearance.

And the internal manifestation of this characteristic is that the stability of the space stone can affect other spaces around it, which makes the space stone a material for strengthening existing spaces.

For example, the space teleportation magic circle!

This is the first use of the space stone, to stabilize the space.

On the other hand, the space stone itself has the energy of space, and these space powers can be guided out, so the real space magic circle uses the space stone as the energy core.

For example, the alchemy pen that Witt had met before, Gabriel, who was mistaken by him as a dark alchemist, was left to him by his teacher, which could cut through space.

The energy core of the alchemy magic circle above is the space stone.

This is the first use of the space stone, output energy.

Since it can be output, then, can it not absorb?

Of course!

And this point involves the third use of the space stone, space storage items, which is the space ring made of space stone used by the flying dragon.

The nature of the space stone is stable, but the space energy filled inside makes the interior of the space stone far more fragile than the internal space of other materials.

The fragile space makes it possible to break and expand its internal space. This is the idea of ​​the alchemist when the space storage items were first made.

The only problem is that the fragile space is easy to break, but it is also easy to shatter.

Until some genius injected other space powers into the space stone, thus obtaining a stable space, the space storage items were officially opened.

This proved that the space stone could not only serve as the energy core of the space power, but also as a storage device for absorbing other space powers.

The strength of the space power that Witte mastered was not enough to seize the control of the space in front of him.

However, the space stone could temporarily absorb and seal these owned space powers.

The reason why it was temporary was that the strength of the space stone itself had not reached the level of being able to withstand the power of a legendary high-ranking strongman without being destroyed.

And the owned space power would automatically establish a connection with the surrounding space according to the will of its original owner.

In the process of the space stone resisting this attack, it would consume its own space power.

When the space power in the space stone is consumed, the owned space power will continue its original "duty" and establish a connection with the surrounding space.

Of course, in this process, the space power of the space stone is consumed, and the owned space power will be consumed.

Theoretically, as long as there are enough space stones, these owned space powers will be consumed.


Witt is not stupid. He just needs to get in, not to completely wipe out this trap.

Even for him, these people did not collect too many space stones.

As the connection between the various city-states has been strengthened, the demand for space stones is increasing.

And the space stone itself is a high-grade material. Most of the excavated space stones will be collected by the city-states, and only a small part will flow into the market.

In addition, the long-distance space transmission magic circle itself needs space stones as materials.

The combination of these three aspects has led to a sharp increase in the value of the circulating space stones.

The space stone on Witt was obtained from Antasa Cantis.

On their side, although the former is a famous alchemist in the Sky City and the latter is a consul, in fact, they don’t have many space stones.

Witt spent a lot of money to get it.

So, don’t think that Witt was very happy when he took out this space stone, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, you will understand how stingy Witt is.

His current body size is more than one meter, which is larger than his current body size... less than two meters in essence.

For Witt’s normal body size, a space stone of less than two meters...

A little debris on Witt’s dragon scale is bigger than this!

But even so, Witt’s eyes still flashed with pain.

But soon he restrained himself.

Because he officially started.


Letting out a long breath, Witt used his own spirit and the spirit of space as a guide to connect the spirit of space with the spirit of the owner space that maintained the folded space and the space crack in front of him.

At the same time, on this space stone that had been processed by Witt, a special alchemical magic circle lit up.

A wave of energy fluctuations appeared on the space stone, and the spirit of the owner space was forcibly absorbed into the space stone and sealed up.

The spirit of space was restored to its original state.

The spirit of the owner space was sealed, and the folded space and the space crack immediately returned to flatness.

Seeing this, Witt did not dare to delay, and hurriedly stretched his claws to the stone door and quickly explored it.

With the cooperation of the spirit, Witt immediately understood the running state of the spirit in the alchemical magic circle inside the stone door.

The purpose of the ruins gate and the laboratory gate is different.

The layout on the door of the laboratory is to keep outsiders out. If it doesn't work, the entire laboratory will be destroyed. Therefore, if conditions permit, the alchemical magic array in the laboratory will form a whole.

One place is destroyed, all are destroyed!

However, the ruins are different. Although they will be completely destroyed, that is used as a stage of mutual destruction in the last step.

They will not be destroyed at the beginning.

Because in that case, the construction of the ruins would be completely unnecessary.

Therefore, it is rare to see an alchemical magic array system in the ruins, unless it is a trap-type ruins with nothing inside, the purpose is to trap the dragon to death.

However, this kind of trap-type ruins will not be strong at the beginning. The premise of trapping the dragon to death is that you have to let the dragon in first.

This one is obviously not.

The alchemical magic array in this stone door is a self-contained system, and its purpose is to block the dragon. Therefore, there is no mechanism to open the stone door on it, and there are only magic array traps such as defense and counterattack.

In this case...

After Witt found the energy core of the alchemical magic circle inside the door, he said nothing, and a silver-white magic circle suddenly lit up at his fingertips.

With a light scratch, a black crack appeared on the surface of the stone door.

Inside the crack, magic circuits made of mithril were crisscrossed.

Witt directly cut off several of the magic circuits, and the magic circuits were no longer flowing, and the light on the stone door dimmed a little.

With a grin, the silver-white magic circle on his fingertips suddenly expanded, and Witt's claws came out together, grabbing the space crack he had drawn before, and tore it violently.

The stone door at the crack was like a piece of cloth, and was directly torn open by Witt.


Glancing at the trembling space stone, Witt shouted softly, and then got in.

Skechers on the side followed closely...

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