Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1362 Exploration! (I)

After sighing, Witt saw Skechers staring at him eagerly, so he asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Skeechers was silent for a while.

"When are you leaving?"

Skeechers knew that Witt had his own things to do.

Now, he has found a breakthrough site, and he just needs to wait for the ruins to be explored. There is no reason for Witt to stay here.

Although he knew this, Skechers still wanted to ask.

Dragons like loneliness, but most dragons don't like loneliness.

Skechers obviously like the majority.


Witt glanced at Skechers, then thought for a while.

"Five to ten years, after your spiritual power breaks through to the high level of purple crystal, you will leave. This place is suitable for you to practice, but not for me to practice."

At this time, they are at the entrance of this space, and the concentration of elements is much different from that outside.

After all, this place is connected to the outside after all.

In terms of the activity of elements, the closer to the ruins, the more active the elements are. Witt can clearly feel that the temperature there is much lower than here.

In addition, the flow of elements there is much greater than here.

The ruins stopped to absorb the power of the surrounding elements. After extracting the power contained in the elements, they discharged these elements to the edge of this folded space.

The power of these elements has not been completely extracted, so they will be teleported to the outside after reaching the edge of the folded space.

As time goes by, these elements will become active again, flow into this space again, and finally return to the location of the ruins.

Why is this? The concentration of water elements here is obviously much higher than that of fire elements, but it is only slightly more active than the water elements in the surrounding areas of the Burial Snow Gorge.

It just keeps the snow in the Burial Snow Gorge from melting like other areas.

Most of the elemental power in this area is used to maintain the operation of the ruins.

In the case of laws, energy storage is beyond the limit, and the more energy is stored, the greater the possibility of the ruins being exposed.

Therefore, this part of the elemental power is not stored, but used up.

First, let's talk about how big this ruin is, and how it can consume so much elemental power.

This amount alone makes Witt dare to absorb elemental power here. He is afraid that it will affect the internal operation of the ruins.

After all, it is easy to find a place suitable for Skechers to practice.

The water element is like this, and the fire element is even more so.

The fire element here has been completely suppressed by the water element, and there is no way to practice here.

No matter what the reason is, Witt can stop his practice.

So, as long as his mental power breaks through, he will leave.

Of course, if he breaks through within five years, he can leave if he wants.

Egbert will definitely come here. If he wants to leave, he needs to consider how to leave without alarming Egbert.

According to Witt's estimation, it will take at least five years for Egbert to pay attention here and relax a little, so that he can have a chance to leave.

He thinks too much, but Egbert is too cautious.

Witt wants Skechers to be exposed to Egbert's vision, so he must think more.

Compared to things going in a bad direction, Witt would rather fight wits with the air.

Don't mention these!

Hearing Witt's words, Skechers nodded. Although he wanted to return to his own life again, he wanted more that after he lost his mind, no one could stand up to stop him.

No matter how bold and heroic he was when facing the power of the abyss, the longer Skechers was in contact with the abyss, the more he understood that Witt was necessary to exist.

The road under his feet was a one-way street leading to endless darkness, with abysses on both sides. If he took a wrong step, he would be doomed!

Witt was the only one who could let him live without dying.

Skechers was afraid of death, and he was afraid of losing himself.

Five to ten years...

Although it was short, it was enough.

Of course, he didn't say that during this period, he had to pull Witt to do something.

It was necessary!

He just needed to know that there was a dragon standing beside him.

Witt knew what Skechers was thinking, but he could roughly guess it. After all, for Skechers, the most important thing was nothing more than company.

Thinking about this, Witt glanced around again.

"Speaking of leaving...

You don't have the power of space to feel the situation in the surrounding space. After you leave, you may have to be nervous even when taking a walk, for fear that you will go out.

We have all come in. No matter what happens outside, it has nothing to do with us for the time being. Time is limited.

How about this, I will give you a range of activities.

How about it?"

Although he asked this, Witt didn't care whether Skechers agreed or not. He used the power of space again and tried to establish a connection with the surrounding space.

The power of the main space is basically concentrated at the edge of the folded space, maintaining the folded state of the space.

The inside of this space will be affected by the power of the main space.

Vitt easily established a connection with this space.

After making this connection, all kinds of information about this space appeared in Witt's mind.

Based on this information, Witt took out a metal column.

Then he took out some eye-catching paint and painted it on the metal column.

Then, while flying, Witt inserted the metal column into the ground. Soon, a large area was marked by Witt.

"The area surrounded by metal columns is more than 20,000 meters high. You can move freely in this large area and be teleported out."

As he said, Witt looked around.

Not to mention, this area is quite large.

The Burial Snow Gorge was folded up, with only width, height, and length.

The total area of ​​this area, except for the height, is much larger than the cave where the previous laboratory is located, almost twice as large.

This also includes the area occupied by the ruins.

After Witt circled this area, he basically determined that the dragon who left this ruins had reached the legendary high level in terms of space attainments.

Moreover, the space rules he mastered must include the space folding rules.

Folding space and space folding rules are two completely different concepts. Witt can fold space, but the space he folded can't even fit himself.

Needless to say, the maintenance time is limited. Without the help of external forces, it can only last for a month.

This is not only a matter of one's own strength, but also a matter of understanding of space.


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