Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1361 The real Snow Burial Gorge!


Accompanied by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the snowflakes flew up.

Witt struggled to raise his head and looked behind him. When he saw Skechers, he breathed a sigh of relief, weakly lowered his head, and leaned on the snow below.

While panting greedily and heavily, he rolled his eyes and scanned the surroundings.

Even if he was sleepy, he had to look at the surroundings.

When he saw the huge building exuding an ancient atmosphere on the rock wall in the distance, he closed his eyes.

There are ruins and treasures, so you can rest assured!


Hearing Skechers' voice, Witt closed his eyes and said weakly: "Too tired, let me sleep first, and don't run around!"

After the voice fell, Witt did not move.

Skech landed beside Witt and hurriedly checked his condition. He was relieved to make sure that Witt was simply asleep.

Then, Skech had time to measure the surrounding situation.

Looking up from this bright area illuminated by the sun, to the northeast is a steep rock wall that is several times higher than when he looked up from the bottom of the canyon before.

The rock wall is far away from where they are, and it is estimated by visual estimation that it is more than 10,000 meters.

However, when they were on the surface, the widest part of the Buried Snow Canyon was about the same number.

At this time, when they looked southwest, the rock wall on the other side was farther away from where they were, and it can even be said that it was at least twice as wide.

In other words, the actual width of the Buried Snow Canyon is more than 30,000 meters, and this is not the widest part.

The Buried Snow Gorge seen from the front is folded up, not only the depth between the top and the bottom, but also the width from left to right. This hidden area...

Skech's gaze to the southwest moved slightly downward. Since the sunlight was also folded in, the view here was very clear.

Not far from them, there was a shadow that stretched out to both sides.

This means that they are not in the deepest part of the Buried Snow Gorge.

Of course, this is certain.

Because they often went to the bottom of the Buried Snow Gorge before, what was folded up was not the bottom of the Buried Snow Gorge, but the huge rock shelf extending from the northeastern rock wall where they are now.

In other words, the rock wall of the Buried Snow Gorge is not seen from the front, straight up and down, but in the shape of stairs, but the space where they are on this step is hidden.

Thinking of this, Skechers' gaze turned to the huge building on the northeastern rock wall.

It's called a building, but it actually looks more like a door.

Made of rock, with rigid lines and simple style, it exudes a solemnity everywhere. It's not hard to imagine what kind of character the dragon that built it has.

Retracting his gaze, Skechers crouched down not far from Witt.

Even his shrunken body didn't recover.

He was strictly following Witt's instructions. Witt didn't let him run around, and he didn't even move.

It's not that he was really obedient, but he didn't dare to move.

The dragon that left this relic obviously had a very high attainment in space. When you see traps like space, it's too late.

Skechers has a deep understanding of this.

Witt closed his eyes and rushed in, but Skechers didn't.

He watched himself, almost brushing against a dark space crack that exuded a strong and dangerous atmosphere, passing by it.

The space crack suddenly appeared and disappeared. The space crack he saw only stayed for a moment in his eyes, but he was frightened.

The fear in his heart did not subside for a long time.

This place is too dangerous, so let's wait for the more professional Witt to wake up.


When Witt woke up, he saw Skechers not far away, frowning and looking at the surroundings with a vigilant face. Moreover, he still maintained a one-meter body shape.

"Uh... what are you doing?"

Of course, Witt's awakening must not be hidden from Skechers. When Witt opened his eyes, he looked over.

After hearing Witt's words, Skechers paused slightly.

"Didn't you tell me not to run around?"

Hearing this, Witt thought about it for a while and understood what Skechers meant.

This is scared.

Witt realized this, and while he was amused in his heart, he nodded seriously.

"I didn't have time to explain it clearly before. In this folded space, we really can't run around. Once we accidentally run out of the range of the folded space, our previous efforts will be in vain."

Witt was not just to take care of Skech's emotions.

That's the fact.

From the beginning to the real entry into this space, it is not as simple as two or three magics. In fact, they flew for nearly two days.

During these two days, Witt's mental power continued to operate at a high intensity, otherwise, he would not have just left a sentence and then fell asleep.

In addition, it took more than one or two days to come out of the laboratory left by Egbert and return after 02 sent the message to the blood. 02's speed could not be faster than Witt.

It took five days to go back and forth.

Otherwise, Witt's mental strength would not be able to sustain two days of high-intensity use.

After all, he had used a lost magic before.

So, in fact, when Witt and the others entered this space, seven days had passed since he emptied Egbert's laboratory.

Now, he slept for one day.

Eight days...

Even if they were lucky enough not to encounter a space rift when they accidentally left this space, they would be able to leave here without knowing when Egbert would come.

They had no time to try a second time.

However, this also indirectly shows how safe this place is.

Even though Witt himself had mastered the rules of space, he spent so much effort that he could not find the entrance even if he killed Egbert.

Even if he had a flash of inspiration and realized that this relic was related to the power of space, he could not get in.

He said that luck was on their side this time.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt saw that Skechers' brows were still frowning.

Knowing that maintaining the young dragon's body was a burden for Skechers, Witt didn't say anything more. While restoring his body, he said, "This is still far from the edge of the folded space."

Seeing this, Skechers' brows relaxed and he couldn't wait to restore his body.

Witt chuckled at this, then turned his head and looked around.

After a moment, a sigh of emotion appeared on his face.

"This is the real Snow Burial Gorge!"


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