Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1350 What does Egbert think?

"Don't destroy them!"

Hearing Werther's sudden request, Skechers breathed out in his mouth. After a slight pause, he took it back.

Then he flapped his wings and rushed towards the figure he captured.

On Witte's side, he quickly took out a dragon scale from the reverse scale space, activated it, and threw it directly into the sky.

As the dragon scale shot upward, it suddenly erupted with an extremely intense light.

It is like a rising sun that instantly illuminates the entire underground cave, extremely harshly and brightly.

Light Element 깇꾉 Forbidden Spell of Nodes - Great Light Technique!

As a member of the light element, it is clear that it is a super powerful field magic targeting dark elements. Under the illumination of the Great Light Technique, most of the dark element magic will be weakened or even lose its effect.

The only pity is that Witte himself has no affinity with the light element. This is just a magic circle. The number of elements in the magic core is limited, and the duration of the Great Light Technique is only twenty seconds.

It is impossible to truly exert the domineering characteristics of this field.

However, this is enough!

The magic circle of the Great Light Technique, the magic used by these experimental subjects, is the same as the magic circle.

In the field formed by the Great Light Technique, the experimental subjects who attacked Werther and the others were completely revealed, and their appearance made Skechers couldn't help but frown.

Under the head of a normal flying dragon, the metal body is made of gray-white alloy.

The golden eyes exuded a dim light, indicating that they were only maintaining the most basic activity. They were nominally alive, but they were basically the same as dead.

The joint between the two necks is extremely rough, and the fractures are uneven, indicating that the manufacturer does not care about these experimental subjects.

But the body is surrounded by the dark elements, still trying to resist the Great Light Technique, and it shows that this experimental object has become a 녌놅.

Because only if there is a main element, it will behave like this.


Looking at these weird experimental subjects, after the initial shock, a flash of anger flashed in Skechers' eyes.

Playing with the dragon soul wantonly is extremely disgusting for any dragon clan.

Werther naturally knew what Skechers meant.

His face looked equally ugly.

"Just keep one, destroy all the others!"

These dragons have obviously lost the hope of saving them, and giving them death is the best destination for them.

After hearing Witte's words, Skechers no longer had any scruples, and the flames burning in his body surged again.

Werther is also familiar with this magic.

Deflagration (77)!

He often uses it, but when Skechers uses this magic, instead of the strong oppressive feeling of flames, there is more of a feeling of raging magic flames.

In the blink of an eye, Skechers appeared in front of several experimental subjects, with magic flames surrounding his body, directly igniting the head of one experimental subject, revealing dragon scales and a metal skull under the skin.

Obviously, this is not crude grafting, but an overall transformation. As for why it became like this, there is a high probability that the other parts of the skin and scales will be damaged.

Ignore Skechers' actions, or rather, don't pay attention at all.

Although the combat performance of these experimental subjects is stronger than that of killers and dark puppets.

But the abyss on Skechers can also be called a puppet terminator. These dragon crystals, as the core experimental body of power, cannot stop the erosion of the abyss at all.

In contrast, Witte is more concerned about the formation of these experimental bodies.

Because these experimental subjects gave him a bad guess, but whether his guess was accurate or not depended on whether the experimental subjects were what he thought.

Soon, Witte selected an experimental subject that was far away from other experimental subjects as his target.

After quickly arriving in front of the opponent, he opened his claws and ignored the dark element magic of the experimental subject. The permanently frozen ice turned into chains and bound the experimental subject instantly.

The duration of the Great Light Technique is too short, and Witte does not have time to consume his body through these experiments, so he uses it as a killing move.

Looking at the experimental subject who stopped moving under the influence of the eternal freezing ice, a touch of relief finally flashed through his golden eyes, and a coldness flashed in Werther's eyes.

He suddenly felt that it would be a bit advantageous for him to let that guy die like that.

But the other party was dead, and no body was left behind. Werther just sighed silently, and then looked down.

At this time, the dragon scale embedded in the ceiling of the cave, the energy core in the energy core was exhausted, the great light spell failed, and the surrounding space darkened again.

However, Witte has clearly seen the situation in this cave.

The entire cave is an irregular one, roughly in the shape of a spherical cavity. The space is very large, and even with Vert's spiritual level, it cannot even cover the entire cave.

There are magic circuits on the surrounding rock walls, which have obviously been reinforced by the Thunder Winged Dragon.

At the bottom of the cave, there is a large silver-white metal building, occupying almost one-third of the cavern below.

In terms of floor space alone, it is at least twice as large as the laboratory in Morton.

This made Werther frown.

This is really an amethyst low-level wind and thunder winged dragon. Is it enough to build it?

Of course, this does not refer to the scale. If it is large, it will take hundreds of years to build it. The key is the materials!

Thinking of this, Witt's previous idea seemed to be verified.

In particular, after he set his eyes on the experimental subject in his claws, he was basically sure that this wind and thunder pterosaur was not only an important chess piece under Egbert's claws.

Even, the other party may also be entrusted with an important task entrusted by Egbert.

Because the alloy material on this experimental subject is the Egbert alloy controlled by Egbert.

Just like Egbert alloy cannot be obtained by Egbert from the ruins and then analyzed, the wind and thunder pterosaur has not been able to analyze this alloy from the killer.

Then his source of alloy can only be Egbert.

In this case, Witt first thought of whether Egbert knew this place, because it was obvious!

He first thought of Egbert's recent series of actions, which could be called crazy.

Before, Witt didn't know what Egbert wanted to do.

But after seeing these experimental subjects, a bold idea appeared in Witt's mind.

"I once thought of abandoning the flesh that only grows slowly with the passage of time, replacing it with a mechanical dragon body with infinite possibilities, breaking the dragon crystal, and letting the dragon soul get rid of the shackles of elemental affinity and spiritual growth..."

This is what Antasa once said.

And now, this Egbert seems to be moving towards this goal...

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