Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1335: A fierce analysis...

A snowflake fell from the sky, swirling like a falling feather, and crashed into another snowflake.

Floating and crashing all the way, the snowflakes became heavier and heavier. In this windless air, they fell faster and faster, from the original fluttering to vertical falling.

When the snowflake was about to approach the ground...


Well, there was not such a loud sound, but the force was great. The snowflake directly stuck to a piece of gray-white metal.

But soon, the snowflake melted into snow water.

And the snow water soon froze into a thin piece of ice in the low temperature of this "night".

As the snowflakes continued to fall, the ice layer covering the gray-white metal became thicker and thicker, until the temperature of the metal was high enough to penetrate the ice layer, and then the snowflakes fell on it, so that it could maintain its original appearance.


Suddenly, an extremely subtle cracking sound was heard, and the gray-white metal covered with thin snow and thin ice began to tremble.

But neither the broken snow nor the ice fell down, but slowly rotated around the gray-white metal.

As more and more ice and snow appeared around, the gray-white metal was gradually wrapped up, and these ice and snow gradually changed into a specific image.

Finally, a pterosaur about ten meters long, made entirely of ice and snow, was completely formed.

Looking around again, similar scenes were repeated.

Far away from these "ice and snow pterosaurs", a giant dragon made entirely of solid ice, about 700 meters long, was lowering its head and quietly watching everything happening below.

Until hundreds of "ice and snow pterosaurs" took shape, flew in one direction, and disappeared under the blizzard, the giant dragon made of solid ice raised its head slightly and watched the "ice and snow pterosaurs" leave.

After the "ice and snow pterosaurs" completely disappeared, the body of the giant dragon made of solid ice began to change. The light blue ice, like paraffin, melted and deformed, and finally became a low ice mound.

Inside the ice mound, a gray-white metal cube slowly rotated until the light blue ice mound was covered by snowflakes falling from the air.

This area has changed to be the same as the surrounding environment.


Witt hid himself perfectly in the blizzard, quietly watching everything happening below, with golden light flowing in his eyes, so that even if he was wearing the skin of a young dragon, he could still easily see that he was different.

"Legion-type exploration element puppet, the material is Halder alloy, and the main exploration magic array is light information collection and imaging..."

Witt murmured in a low voice.

As soon as he met, he pulled out the alchemical puppet sent by the other party, and the color of his underwear was revealed.

This is called professionalism!

The so-called light information collection and imaging is actually image collection.

This is a common and advanced function on the exploration element puppet. To achieve this function, too many magic arrays are needed.

This is the reason why this function has not developed in the direction of tracking and combat alchemical puppets.

Puppet core, then, this function takes up a little more, that function has to be reduced, this is the reason why the alchemical puppet tracking module has not made any progress.

It is because there is no tracking module, but if you want to install a tracking module, the combat module will inevitably be reduced.

If you want to reduce the combat module, you need to continue to shrink the alchemical magic circle with more advanced alchemical technology.

And the shrinking of the alchemical magic circle means that the magic circuit shrinks, and the shrinking of the magic circuit means that the amount of elements passing through per unit time is reduced.

If you want to ensure the amount of elements passing through per unit time while shrinking the magic circuit, you need a better magic circuit.

However, the Dragon Realm is so large that there are not many materials that can serve as magic circuits.

The most common and universal ones are copper, mithril, and refined gold.

Of course, there is no better one.

Metenulos alloy is a better material than fine gold, but it is hard to find one gram.

If you don't have Metenulos alloy and want to meet the requirements mentioned above, there is only one way, legendary alchemist!

So, before the appearance of the killer, all alchemy puppets equipped with combat and tracking at the same time must be legendary alchemy puppets, and this level of puppets will not be circulated on the surface.

Vette has never been exposed to alchemy puppets at this level.

These are not important.

Just mentioned, the image tracking module is an advanced function in the alchemy puppet.

The alchemist who can make this kind of alchemy puppet, in terms of magic array professionalism alone, is better than that water element dragon, and that is Egbert.

Although Egbert seems to be quite famous among the dark alchemists, in Witt's opinion, his professional alchemy level is even lower than Gabriel.

Of course, this is a comprehensive statement.

Alchemy level is a relatively broad concept after all, which includes many contents, such as material synthesis, material processing, magic array, magic matching, etc.

There are also some alchemy contents that will not be reflected in the alchemy puppet.

Egbert is quite poor in magic matching and magic array, but he does have considerable ability in material synthesis.

As for the Egbert alloy, it may be that he got it from the ruins...

It's basically possible!

Egbert is not a metal dragon or a crystal dragon, but an elemental dragon.

Due to the special nature of the Egbert alloy, even a metal dragon or a crystal dragon is extremely difficult to replicate without a certain level of alchemy.

In general, alloy materials are relatively confidential to an alchemist.

After all, knowing the materials and refining techniques, it is easy to find a way to deal with it.

Therefore, the higher the level of the alloy, the more likely it is to leave behind the material ratio and refining techniques, and the Metenulos alloy is an example.

In summary, Egbert may have obtained the refining method of the Egbert alloy from a relic. If he gets the alloy, he may be able to replicate it.

Therefore, that alloy is the result of Egbert's research.


The dragon's tail hit his forehead, and a trace of annoyance flashed in Witt's eyes, and he wanted to hide his joy, but he couldn't hide it at all.

The reason for the annoyance was that his thoughts began to fly around under control again.

The reason for the joy was that Witt was too familiar with this situation. Every time his mental power improved, he would control his thoughts.

And just now, after Witt noticed this, he realized that his mental power had taken another step towards the high level of purple crystal.

"Haha, what a pleasant surprise!"

While muttering, Witt's mouth corners grinned...

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