Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1319 A young dragon living alone...


A roar full of unwillingness broke the silence in the forest.

A not very big Elkin dragon beast hovered above the forest, with golden eyes, looking at the forest below with desire and tyranny.

Occasionally, it would flap its wings and shoot out wind blades.

However, the power of this wind blade was not very great, and it only barely cut off a tree below.

The fallen trees covered the space below more tightly.

At this time, a pair of shining golden eyes appeared in the gap between the branches of the trees, and after a slightly panicked look at the Elkin dragon beast in the sky, they hurriedly shrank back.

Seeing this, the Elkin dragon beast roared again, hovered for a while, and finally chose to leave.

Hunting is a very short process.

If you miss an opportunity, it will be difficult to catch it again.

The most important thing is that there are several breaths around that make you frightened. You dare not stay any longer. No matter how unwilling you are, your survival instinct is telling you that if you don't leave, your life will be in danger.

After watching the Elkin Dragon Beast leave, after a while, the man with a pair of golden eyes hiding in the corner below finally showed up.

This is a silver dragon, about one meter long, indicating its identity as a young dragon. The ugly dent on its chest and the dragon scales without metallic luster further explain its situation.

His name is Witt, a silver dragon that failed to mutate and just hatched...

Well, this is just his current identity.

Witt's eyes flashed with a strange look. Although he was a little resistant to shrinking his body at first, but...

Don't say it, it's quite interesting to do this occasionally.

The Elkindramon was a suitable extra that Witt had been looking for for a long time.

It was an Elkindramon from the Olivia continent, much smaller than the Elkindramon from the Fast continent. The adult was about five meters tall, and its strength was only at the bronze level.

Of course, it was possible to be promoted to the silver level, but that was only a special case.

Compared to its famous counterparts on the Fast continent, the Elkindramon from the Olivia continent was just one of the many bottom-level predators.

Of course, Witt chose this Elkindramon as an extra because of this.

After all, if it was strong, how could a "young dragon" who had just hatched escape from the opponent's claws?

Biting the broken tree branch next to him...

Vette performed diligently, a "young dragon" who had just hatched and experienced a thrilling pursuit. He finally escaped, but was so hungry that he gnawed wood.

Most of the aura on his body was restrained by him, leaving only the elemental aura that was almost equivalent to the lower bronze level.

It is difficult for the weak to play the strong, but it is much easier to do it.

Unless a legendary existence emerges now, it is basically impossible to see Viette's background.

So, will the other party be a legend?

Of course not!

If it was a legend, it would not be impossible to get the dark alloy.

After gnawing the wood for a while, Viette looked around "vigilantly", and then moved towards the south while cautiously testing.

As for why it was the south, it was because he was chased from the north.

The direction that the Elkin Dragon Beast left was the north.

As a "young dragon" who had just been born and was hunted, of course, he subconsciously wanted to move away from the enemy.

On the other hand, Witt, who had grown up as a young dragon and had raised several young dragons, had such experience, it was easy for him to play a young dragon.

Silver dragons love water, this is their nature.

It was "daytime" at this time, and the high temperature of the sun melted the snow in the forest. The water flowed together, or gradually seeped into the ground, or flowed towards the low-lying areas, and finally flowed to the forest river.

Witt was like a real young dragon, moving along those small streams of water, as if to find the forest river.

During this period, he occasionally followed the wrong stream and ended up in a dead pool.

In this case, he could only return the original way and find another way.

Along the way, he drank snow water when thirsty and ate soil and grass when hungry. Occasionally, he could meet some small dragon beasts to eat meat, which would make him happy for most of the day.

When he encountered danger, he either dug a hole on the spot or hid nearby.

As time passed, the originally "naive" young dragon gradually mastered the little skills to survive in the forest, and he lived quite well.

Finally, in the sixth month after Witt appeared in the forest, he found a river.

Witt, who found the river, did not rush into the river immediately to enjoy the wonderful taste of being wrapped in the water, but walked around first.

Along the river, he found a place where dragon beasts appeared, and then he settled down.

After digging a hole as a residence, Witt began to live a point-to-point life, sleeping, swimming, and patrolling the territory. He lived a very comfortable life, as if he had completely forgotten his purpose.

But did he really forget?

Of course not!

Not to mention, the territory he chose happened to be near the entrance of a cave, and in the first month after he appeared in the forest, he was already targeted by a mechanical puppet.

The mechanical puppet did not attack directly. Obviously, the dark alchemist had noticed his presence.

However, it might be because a giant dragon had just passed by, which made him more sensitive to giant dragons. When facing the young dragon that suddenly appeared, Witt was a little afraid to attack.


Witt was soaking in the river, seemingly swimming, but actually monitoring the every move of the mechanical puppet.

"It should be almost unable to hold it back..."

Witt murmured in a low voice, and the mechanical puppet was already approaching his territory.

Although he said this on the surface, Witt's heart was calm.

He was not in a hurry at all.

Witt was a qualified dragon hunter.

Before, he could confirm whether there was a dragon in the Ice Valley, so he was a reef in the Endless Sea for many years. Now, for intelligence, it is not unacceptable to be a young dragon.

However, the other party was more impatient than he imagined.

On the first day when Witt discovered the abnormal movement of the mechanical puppet, when the "young dragon" Witt was sleeping, the mechanical puppet attacked Witt at a very fast speed.

Then, it appeared "silently" outside Witt's cave.

Then, a strange smell came from outside the cave.

Witt, who was a pharmacist, instantly smelled the composition and effect of the smell, and then "fell asleep" quite cooperatively...

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