Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1316: One of the three items has been removed!

A cold wind blew, and a huge figure appeared in the sky above the ice valley. This was a white dragon more than seven meters long.

His golden pupils glanced around, his brows furrowed, and his eyes exuded a hint of coldness.

A dragon actually took advantage of his absence and broke into his territory.

How brave!

Thinking of this, Bai Long flew into the cave. When he saw the missing piece of ice in the center of the cave, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Then, Bai Long couldn't help but sneered.

"Interesting, he actually came back.

We meet again, and let's settle the account with the past!

But to be honest, you are still so brave, you dare to mess around in such a place, leaving me unprepared..."

Muttering, a ball of light appeared on Bai Long's face.

Then, he threw the ball of light to the ground in the distance.

The ball of light landed and quickly sank into the ice layer, and then the light gradually dissipated.

After doing all this, the white dragon flew outside, and when it reached the sky above the ice valley, a breath that moved the heaven and earth emerged from the white dragon's body.


A roar full of anger made the blizzard surrounding the ice valley more anxious.

The dragon beasts living around, far away from the ice valley, did not care about sleeping after hearing the roar, and immediately climbed out of the nest and fled to a farther distance.

The roaring white dragon did not chase the invader to the west, but after a meaningful laugh, turned around and flew towards the endless sea in the east.


"Hiss... That guy really didn't leave the dragon's nest too far!"

Listening to the roar from afar, Witt took a deep breath, muttered, and then he, who had already changed into a velociraptor, lit up with a white flame, and his flying speed was a little faster.

However, after he used the power of the elements, the elemental fluctuations generated suddenly disappeared when they were about to leave his body, and did not spread to the outside world at all.

The news was confirmed, the things were in hand, and the dragon was also angry because of his intrusion. If he didn't run now, when would he run!

Of course, while running away, Witt did not forget to check the things that he had taken risks and forced to get.

That was a broken dragon scale.

Well...well, using "one" to describe it is somewhat exaggerated. To be more precise, this piece of dragon scale fragment may not even be one tenth of it.

But just this fragment, for Witt, a dragon who often deals with dragon scales (dragon scales are needed as carriers for the engraving of magic circles), can still be easily identified.

This is a fragment of a white dragon's dragon scale.

The extremely weak elemental breath left means that this dragon scale was shed automatically.

After breaking, it was sealed in the ice.

In fact, there should be quite a few such dragon scale fragments in the ice cave, but the time was too short and he didn't have time to find more.

The information matched, and there was no doubt that the ice valley was the territory of Waltergu that Witt was looking for.

The angry roar just now also came from him.

After confirming this point, the matter was also resolved.

That's right, it was resolved!

With Witt's current strength, even if the opponent stood there, he could not hurt him at all. Waltergu was different from the water element dragon.

The opponent had enough strength to kill a legendary high-level dragon of the same level.

If you want to find a reference, the opponent's strength is about the same, which should be equivalent to Boredia before the breakthrough.

This level of opponent is definitely not something Witt can provoke.

So, this matter ends here.

Whether he hunts the opponent himself after becoming stronger, or waits for Boredia to break through and bewitch the opponent to kill, that is a matter for the future.

Thinking of this in his mind, Witt took out a crystal jar while flying, and then engraved on it.

After that, Witt carefully put the dragon scale fragment into it.

The magic circle on the jar can prevent the internal breath from flowing to the greatest extent.

Whether he can find Walter Gu in the future depends on whether the dragon scales in this jar can retain the aura it contains.

After putting away the jar, Witt began to think about his next plan.

The task of finding Walter Gu's trace has been completed. One of the three goals he came to Olivia Continent has been achieved.

There are two goals left, one is to find relevant information about the other party in the war with the abyss, and the other is to find a place suitable for practicing and understanding the rules of the three elements of water, fire, and light.

Not only that, he must try to master at least one element dispersal rule before the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

Well... it's best to have the light element!

In the battle with Celine, he can't rely on shaping magic, extreme power, or time magic to win!

The options are elemental magic and mental magic.

There is no need to think about elemental magic. It distracts too much energy. It is basically impossible to catch up with Celine in elemental magic alone.

But in terms of spiritual magic, if he can't dispel and comprehend the light element, then there is basically no hope.

Above Legend and Legendary, those are two completely different levels.

He didn't want to be laughed at by other dragons after losing to Celine.

Then, thinking of this, the next plan is more obvious.

First, find out the news of the other force that is fighting against the abyss on the Olivia continent as soon as possible.

Second, rush to the west side of the Olivia continent and find the area where the light element law appears. It is best to use the method of inquiring. If I do it myself, I may not have enough time.

Then the problem comes.

Where should I get these two pieces of information?

This question has been in Witt's mind until one day two months later, when it was answered!



With a loud bang, a mechanical puppet was embedded in the ground, and the exposed, broken core showed that it had no possibility of rising again.


A strong wind swept past, and a huge silver-white figure fell beside the mechanical puppet.

The sharp needle pierced into the chest of the mechanical puppet and directly pulled out the puppet core. At the moment when the puppet core exploded, a familiar magic circle appeared in Witt's eyes.

"The breath tracking magic circle... from those guys!"

Witt muttered, with a flash of thought in his eyes.

He was attacked when he was resting here just now, and the attacker was the mechanical puppet in front of him.

Of course, there was more than one.

However, this one was the most intact one. As for the other mechanical puppets, they all exploded when he tried to get the puppet core out.

Uh... Well, this one is the same.

However, fortunately, he has already got what he wanted, so it doesn't matter whether it explodes or not...

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