Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1313 The plan changes again!

The mental power has carefully explored the surroundings. Even if the opponent is a legend, he cannot do it. In this case, he hides within the range of Witte's perception.

In other words, the surrounding area is safe for the time being.

Therefore, after making the decision, Witte did not hesitate too much and flew directly towards the broken ice cave.

After entering the ice cave, what appeared in front of Witte was a passage full of broken ice, and not far from the passage was a bubble-shaped space with a smooth surface.

In this space, some areas have a spike-like ice crystal structure, but it has been shattered, and the fragments have not fallen into this bubble-shaped space.

From the shape of this space, Werther can almost restore what the scene was like when the other party was dealing with the ice burial.

Although this ice peak is not the edge of the iceberg formed by the ice burial, it is already very close to 늌wai.

Obviously, although the other party failed to react in time when the ice burial came, its own strength was there, and the time it took to withstand this lost magic was not very long.

The formation of the bubble-like space is most likely due to the elemental shield released in time by the other party after discovering that it cannot escape the scope of the ice burial.

Those spike-like ice crystal structures should be the temporarily released 꽮 element shield, which cannot block the damage of the ice burial. These are the locations where the 꽮 element shield breaks.

As for those destroyed ice crystal structures, if nothing unexpected happened, they should have hurt the other party.

It allows the opponent to choose to evacuate instead of chasing him, who is likely to fall into a weak state. There is a high probability of a penetrating injury, and a very serious penetrating injury.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the ice surface without even a trace of debris left behind, Werther couldn't help but curse inwardly.

This guy is really cautious.

Not only did they not chase him down who might have fallen into a weak state, but he also took away everything that might leave his aura. It was true that not even a single dragon scale was left for him.

His expression changed for a moment, and Werther could only give up the idea of ​​chasing the opponent to avoid future troubles.

Well...well, the idea itself is unrealistic.

He was able to block the tracking ability of the breath tracking magic circle in such a short period of time. Those dark alchemists had no idea how long they had access to this magic circle, and there was no way they would not have countermeasures.

Therefore, his idea of ​​tracking the water 꽮素꾫 dragon through the remaining breath of the other party is not very realistic in itself.

In the final analysis, it’s just a bit unwilling!

But there was nothing he could do no matter how unwilling he was. Werther sighed and flew towards the cave.

Then he turned around and flew towards the center of the ice crystal mountain range created by the ice burial.

This side was created by his power. In this area, both magic and perception are stronger than other sides.

Therefore, restoring mental strength here is the best choice.

In addition, the water dragon is not dead, and the opponent may come back at any time. The anti-aura tracking magic circle made in a hurry seems a bit crude.

He needs to do it again.

After all, he may be able to ensure the operation of this thing for a long time on the continent of Olivia.

While thinking, Werther had reached the central area.

The temperature here has dropped to absolute zero, which is nothing to Werther.

Ice Burial will kill him. That's because during the formation process, Ice Burial will absorb a large amount of surrounding free elements. These elements are the main force of magic damage.

After the magic dissipates, these free elements will be contaminated with his breath and will no longer cause harm to him.

After all, many dragons use this method to create an environment suitable for their own lives, and dragons are not awakened people with special hobbies and do not like to stay in an environment where their blood is "drained" all the time. 꿗.

After arriving at the location, Witte directly looked for a space covered by ice peaks that extended out irregularly, then took out a piece of fine gold and turned his eyes to his tail...

Well, the golden alchemy magic circle on the silver dragon scales is a bit too obvious.

Werther's eyes turned to his right.

That's right, he plans to engrave the anti-aura tracking alchemy magic array on his body to ensure that this magic array can cover his aura at all times.

The tail, which was rarely persecuted, was waving slightly excitedly.

But this is not important.

The alchemy magic circle is powered by 늌, so there is no need to worry about Witte's ability to absorb 꽮elements.

In this case, the question arises, why didn't Werther directly carve the alchemy magic circle on his body?


Who says no!

When Witte opened his right wing, a magic circle with fine gold as its magic circuit suddenly appeared.

Of course, there is only one!

As for the reason...

Werther also considered engraving fine gold alchemy magic circles under his wings, but he finally gave up the idea.

For one thing, he doesn't have that much gold.

On the other hand, it doesn’t have to be!

Whether it is his teacher or Violet, the magic circles carved on the wings are all carefully selected by 귷꽮 element magic.

The core of magic circle tactics is the cooperation between elements.

The advantage is that it allows dragons who are not compatible with this type of element to release the magic of this type of element.

The alchemical magic circle, on the other hand, can only release magic related to its own affinity elements.

This alone means that there is no need to engrave the alchemical magic circle on one's body.

The magic circle on Witt's body can be engraved because it is the lost magic, Ice Burial!

As for why Ice Burial was engraved on one's body...

If one's own element reserves are sufficient, the use of the alchemical magic circle will not affect the normal chanting of magic. In other words, with sufficient element reserves and the existence of the alchemical magic circle, Witt can release two Ice Burials at the same time.

If it is really used, the power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Therefore, it is not that all magic does not need to be engraved on one's body with the alchemical magic circle, but other magic is not qualified in front of Ice Burial.

Engraving the alchemical magic circle is not a difficult task for Witt.

Soon, the magic circle was completed, and Witt took the time to start recovering his mental strength.

Time passed little by little, and soon, seven days passed in a flash.

After recovering, Witt knew very well that the water dragon would not let him go easily, so as soon as he recovered his peak state, he was ready to leave this place.

No matter how suitable the environment of the world was for him, the realms of both sides were there. Without sneak attacks and advance arrangements, he would definitely not be the opponent of the other party.

However, the question came again, where to go?

Witt looked at the west, then at the east, and then he changed his plan again, leaving his hiding place and flying towards the east...

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