Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1303 The title lady is having breakfast!

After hearing what Witt said, Betty was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt with a strange expression.

So, is the dragon like this?

"I guess you are thinking, is the dragon like this?"

Seeing Betty looking at him in astonishment, Witt chuckled and said, "Don't look at me like that. To be honest, compared to most flying dragon nests and earth dragon nests, the dragons are too far away from you.

After all, there are too few dragons.

As dragons, you only have a few words circulating among you. When you first meet, it is easy to have such thoughts.

However, I have to remind you that not all dragons are like you, with good tempers, easy to talk to, and nosy!

You heard it right, It's just a trivial matter!

For some dragons, what you think is a disaster for the extinction of the race is just a trivial matter in their eyes.

The world outside is very big. New dragon nests are born and die every moment. What your dragon nest has experienced is just a tiny wave in the river of time.

So, don't entrust your trust casually just because of a few short words.

After all..."

Witt's mouth corners were raised, revealing two rows of white teeth, with a bad smile on his face, and then pointed at the mechanical puppet not far away.

"I told you yesterday that the mechanical puppet was made based on those mechanical puppets. I was just trying to catch up with what happened here, but...

What if I lied to you?

Those mechanical puppets were also made by me, and I made them the culprits who destroyed the dragon's nest, and I appeared in front of you as the savior.

Do you think this is likely?"

Betty stared at Witt blankly.

"But you saved 놖!"

"Maybe 놖's target is you."


"It's just an experiment to verify how far a flying dragon with hatred in its heart can go in the future cultivation path.

Emotions are also part of the dragon, and they are also part of the dragon soul, and the dragon soul is an inevitable step in the alchemy of the dragon body.


You may not understand what I said.

But it doesn't matter, just ignore what 놖 said later."

Betty panicked and subconsciously stepped back a little. After thinking hard, she continued: "But...but...you helped 놖 deal with the bodies of the dragons in the tribe..."

"Maybe 놖 just collected them and kept them for experiments, but you didn't see them, right!"


Betty was silent.

Witt looked at Betty's eyes full of vigilance and confusion and chuckled.

"That's the right expression. Don't trust a strange dragon easily, especially when you are the only one left. Of course, try not to show this suspicion openly.

It's a simple truth, because you don't have the strength to get out of trouble.

Your only goal is to keep yourself alive.


I've said it before, don't look at 놖 like that. 놖 was just giving an example just now. You won't take it seriously, right?"

Betty still looked at Witt vigilantly.

Witt raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Okay, it seems that you really listened to 놖's words, and this is 놖's purpose. 놖 should be happy."

With that, Witt turned his head back and continued his previous work.

It's not enough to use elemental power to clean up the abyss power in the cores of the four mechanical puppets in one day.

What's more, the abyss power inside the core of the mechanical puppet is not something that Witt's elemental power can easily remove. The energy level of that thing is higher than his elemental power.

It is undoubtedly the legendary power of the abyss.

Witt can only use his elemental power to grind it bit by bit.

He dare not use the ultimate power, the power of space rules...

Witt is reluctant to use it. This is the power he uses to escape at the critical moment. With his purple crystal strength, the recovery of the power of space rules is still relatively slow.

Of course, because it is his own understanding, it must be faster than the recovery of the power of time.

Just when Witt was cleaning the abyss power of the puppet core, Betty finally figured it out. What Witt said just now, she no longer showed such great vigilance against Witt.

However, this is only on the surface. She really listened to Witt's words. Even if she was wary, she was just hiding it deep in her heart.

The young dragon is the stage when the dragon clan has the strongest learning ability.

Hiding her vigilance, Betty saw Witt with his back to her, fiddling with something. Driven by curiosity, she flew out of the cave and came to Witt's face.

When she saw the puppet core in Witt's body, her brows furrowed.

"What is this? It's really disgusting!"

Witt paused for a moment, and Betty appeared in his field of vision.

"How many years have you been born? Have you heard of the abyss?"

Hearing this, Betty was stunned for a moment, then her face fell on a small piece of paper and lay down.

"I'm ten years old this year, the abyss... what is that?"

"Ten years old... five meters..."

Witt smacked his lips slightly.

It should be said that it is worthy of being a flying dragon. Although the dragon can be five meters at the age of two, that is when it is asleep. Under normal circumstances, the growth rate of the dragon is the slowest.

Thinking about this, Witt thought about it and explained: "Simply put, the Abyss is an invader from the world, and their goal is to occupy our world."

Betty frowned, and a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes.

"So, it was the Abyss that attacked the Dragon Nest?"

What surprised Betty was that Witt shook his head after hearing this.


"Of course not!"

Witt continued: "It was the Dark Alchemist who attacked your Dragon Nest, and the Abyss was just their collaborator. By the way, if you were ten years old, you should have started to learn about the knowledge of the Dragon Nest. You should be familiar with alchemy, right?"

Betty nodded, and then shook her head.

"I do know alchemy, but..."

Betty's eyes showed another rare expression, she said shyly: "But I like magic more, so..."

"It's okay, it's okay, this is not a test of your alchemy. Since you know alchemy, do you know dragon body alchemy?"

Betty's eyes condensed, and she had guessed in her heart.

"I heard the teacher mention it once, dragon body alchemy is a taboo in alchemy, so..."

Witt nodded.

"That's why the dark alchemist is an alchemist who does dragon body alchemy. Dragon body alchemy... Just as its literal meaning, the dragon body is regarded as a material for alchemy experiments.

In other words, the dragon's nest you are in was just regarded as a material by a dark alchemist, and then it was slaughtered."


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