Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1300 So close?

After restraining his emotions, Witt put his eyes back on the motionless mechanical puppet in front of him.

The reason why it didn't move was because Witt hadn't given it a clear command.

At this time, the mechanical puppet was in standby mode.

In addition, for convenience, Witt set up two action modules for the mechanical puppet, one for non-combat and one for combat.

In the non-combat state, the mechanical puppet will be in a follow-up state.

That is to say, wherever Witt goes, the mechanical puppet will follow.

In the combat state, the action module will lock the combat target according to the language instructions with mental power issued by Witt.

In this way, it can basically prevent the mechanical puppet from being "strategized".

And the mechanical puppets that attacked Witt before locked Witt in this way.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that the recognition module of the mechanical puppet in front of him was reproduced one-to-one by Witt from the cores of the mechanical puppets that attacked him.

I have to say that the other party's alchemy magic array in this part is quite good.

As for whether the reproduction will damage his image...

In Witt's opinion, how could some guys who can't even make magic arrays well master such a recognition module composed of alchemy magic arrays.

It is likely that it was taken from the notebook of a certain alchemist, just like some alchemy magic arrays in the core of the previous elemental puppets.

So, Witt had no psychological burden in replicating it.

In addition, with the breath tracking module that made Witt amazed...

To be honest, Witt even suspected that these dark alchemists really found a relic left by an alchemist somewhere.

You know, the breath tracking module of the alchemy puppet has always been a problem.

On the market, almost all alchemy puppets will lose the target after a certain distance and enter the dormant or patrol mode.

So, the breath tracking module has always been the research focus of each alchemist.

A few months ago, when Witt sent Fus away and cleaned up the traces left by Fus, he deliberately left his own breath. There was a certain reason.

At the beginning, when the other party tracked Fus, Witt thought it was an ordinary elemental puppet.

And ordinary elemental puppets do not have the ability to track.

It was because of this that Witt suspected that the other party had a breath tracking module.

Of course, it was later proved that it was not an ordinary elemental puppet, but a dark puppet.

And the dark puppet itself can pass on what it "sees" to the puppet operator, which does not belong to the tracking module of the alchemy puppet.

Although Witt himself misunderstood, this gave Witt a reminder.

The dark alchemist spontaneously formed a dark world isolated from the outside light world, and the two did not communicate with each other.

The normal alchemists in the outside world have no progress in the breath tracking module, which does not mean that the dark alchemists in the dark world have also gained nothing in this regard.

Therefore, Witt deliberately left his breath, wanting to see if the other party could find his trace just by breath.

And the fact proved that these guys dared to pursue eternity, and they still had some skills.

Whether this breath tracking module was found from a certain ruins or not, they already had this technology, which was indisputable.

And now...

Witt's mouth couldn't help but grin, he had this technology!

In this way, he could prepare some helpers for himself who were not afraid of injury, pain, strong in combat, and could carry out his orders to the end.


"It seems that I need to collect more materials..."

Muttering softly, Witt looked at the mechanical puppet in front of him again.

There was nothing wrong with the core. As for the appearance, Witt was of course attracted by his battle dragon form, which was performed step by step according to his fighting habits.

It must be the form that best suits his fighting style, there is no doubt about this.

Witt designed the mechanical puppet into a fighting dragon form, which must be able to bring the fighting method in the combat module to the maximum extent.

Moreover, in Witt's imagination, the mechanical puppet in front of him has the possibility of further development.

Of course, this is a matter for the future.

After carefully appreciating his own work, Witt suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Try the breath tracking module!"

Muttering, Witt took out a box made of dark alloy from his reverse scale space after thinking for a while.

Opening the box, the abyss breath that the dragon hates suddenly emerged.

This is what Witt left behind on purpose.

In order to give this thing to Boredia as a gift.

Of course, not the current Boredia, but the Boredia who has broken through to the legend.

The situation here is too complicated.

But Witt doesn't like this kind of complexity, Witt likes to turn the table.

He himself did not have the ability to flip the table, so he asked a dragon who had the ability to flip the table to help him flip over the messy table of Olivia Lu.

What abyss invasion, what dark alchemist, the rats from the stinking ditch should curl up obediently and stay in the stinking ditch honestly.

Instead of trying to run in the sun when no dragon pays attention to them like now.

It just so happens that after Poredia breaks through, he needs a target who is familiar with the new power.

Of course, the things in the box are not used as evidence to prove the seriousness of Olivia's problem. With Poredia's self-awareness, he doesn't care about these at all.

This thing is left for Poredia as a target.

Doesn't the other party like to hide in the dark and watch the changes in the dragon world? I just don't know if he still has this leisure when he is targeted by the legend.

As for whether Poredia can successfully break through the legend...

It must be possible!


As if thinking of something that makes the dragon happy, Witt couldn't help laughing out loud.

Then, he took a wisp of the abyss breath from the box, and then wore it down to a basically harmless state, and then injected it into the mechanical puppet.


Accompanied by a sharp metal friction sound, the mechanical puppet moved.

This surprised Witt.

"So close?"

In Witt's setting, the mechanical puppet will automatically switch to combat mode only when the breath to be tracked is nearby.

Under normal circumstances, the mechanical puppet will indicate the direction.

After a moment of hesitation, a hint of doubt flashed in Witt's eyes.

"Could it be that after noticing that the mechanical puppet was destroyed, it sent the mechanical puppet over?"

Muttering in a low voice, Witt did not stop the mechanical puppet's movement, allowing it to fly outside, and Witt followed closely behind with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

It's just in time to see the combat power of this mechanical puppet...

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