Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1293 What kind of name should I choose?

Werther lay prone on the ground.

He had put away the test bench and the things on it, leaving only a fist-sized metal cube on the ground in front of him.

For dark alloys, even if the magic array on the test platform reaches the highest temperature, it is no longer enough to resmelt it.

In this case, Werther can only use the blazing white flame.


Hope this cave holds up! "

After taking a long breath, Witte murmured, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Then, the "big night light" on Werther's chest turned blazing white.

Soon, a ray of flame surged out from the "big night light", and under the control of Werther's mental power, it floated quietly in front of Werther.

However, with the appearance of this flame, the surrounding temperature began to rise rapidly.

Some debris not far away from Witte entered a red-hot state in two or three breaths, and then melted into lava.

The cave is fine.

Witte used dozens of rock solidification magic arrays to fix it in advance, and in order to prevent the appearance of the blazing white divine flame from affecting the surrounding elements.

Werther did not use the alchemical magic circle, but the normal magic circle which was more expensive.

However, Witte had already felt that the blazing white flame began to ignore the control of his mental power and forcibly plundered the surrounding elements to strengthen himself.

Can't delay!

With this thought in his heart, the blazing white divine flame suspended in Witte's claws turned into a circle under the control of Witte's mental power.

Then, Witte threw the dark alloy into the center of the circle.

The appearance of the alloy obviously attracted the attention of Blazing White God Flame. Without realizing it, 돗 was ready to attach itself to the dark alloy.

But this won’t work!

Once the blazing white divine flame comes into contact with the dark alloy, the dark alloy will become the nourishment of the blazing white divine flame.

Witte quickly gathered his mental strength and tried his best to control the blazing white divine flame.

However, it is the instinct of Blazing Divine Flame to melt all things.

The flames could not come into contact with the dark alloy, and the temperature of the blazing white flames increased uncontrollably.

This is exactly what Werther wants to see.

As the temperature increased, a layer of fine ripples began to appear on the surface of the dark alloy, like a breeze blowing on the still lake.

But Werther knew that just in this case, it was not considered a molten state.

He continued to strengthen his mental power and took the initiative to increase the temperature of the blazing white divine flame.

As the temperature continues to rise, the rock walls, ground, etc. of the cave are all showing a red-hot state.

However, a layer of earthy yellow light covered the entire cave, which prevented the cave from melting further.

But temperature is not something that can be stopped easily.

The cave could not melt, so the high temperature was transmitted along the rock wall of the cave to the outside.

The ice and snow around the cave began to melt rapidly, and the snow water was quickly boiled by the high temperature, absorbing the water vapor. The water vapor flew out and met the cold air again.

For a time, the whole valley was filled with white smoke.

However, at this time, Werther could no longer care about the changes outside.

The protective ability of the magic circle has its limits. Once the power of the elements in the energy core is completely consumed, the magic circle will naturally become ineffective.

Werther doesn't care about melting in caves, valleys, etc., but once it reaches that level, his progress in smelting alloys will inevitably be disrupted.

What a pity, if this were in his laboratory, there would be no need to worry about this kind of thing.

Today's blazing white flames cannot melt his fully armed laboratory.

Such thoughts only appeared in Werther's mind for a moment, and then he was restrained by Werther. Now is not the time to be distracted.

He focused his attention again on the molten dark alloy.

Time was passing, and Werther soon had to pay attention to his surroundings.

Because the earthy yellow light covering the cave has begun to weaken, which also means that the rock solidification magic array is about to lose its effectiveness.

With the temperature in the cave at this time, as long as there is no rock layer solidification magic array, the cave will melt instantly.

If he loses his balance, this alloy smelting will also fail.

In this situation, can Werther not pay attention to the situation outside?

"Hold on...Hold on..."

Werther murmured unconsciously and regretted at the same time. He should have made more arrangements and made full preparations before starting the smelting.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has prepared so many ordinary rock solidification magic arrays, and in order to maintain the magic array for Violet, Werther is now very poor, and even the liquid magic core has been consumed. .

As for the alchemy magic array type of rock solidification, it is not suitable for this scenario.

Of course, it is not suitable, but if it is an alchemical magic circle with fine gold as the magic circuit, it can still persist for a period of time. Witte just felt sorry for fine gold, so he did not do it.


You shouldn’t be greedy!

늀While Werther was thinking this and staring nervously at the dark alloy that was about to completely melt, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The dark alloy is completely melted, 늀It's this time!

Gathering all his mental power, Witte didn't even bother to control the temperature of the blazing white divine flame. He devoted all his mental power into the liquid form of dark alloy.

A dragon beast crystal core also flew out from the reverse scale space and fell into the dark alloy.

At the same time, the blazing white divine flame, which was no longer controlled by Witt's mental power, suddenly erupted, and the already terrifying high temperature was raised again.

The khaki light was extinguished in an instant, accompanied by a roar, and the entire cave was instantly liquefied. Before the lava above fell, Witt's huge body had already sunk into the lava formed on the ground.

From the outside...

A terrifying heat wave, with the valley of Witt's cave as the center, swept across the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant.

Whether it was ice and snow or sleeping plants, they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, the melting area of ​​ice and snow continued to expand.

The area closer to the cave collapsed in an instant, replaced by a huge lava lake.

The area farther away was also a scorched earth.

It was totally unlike the scene that would appear at "night" on the Olivia continent.

As for the dragon beasts living around here...

They left peacefully, without any pain, and quietly, without making any sound.

After the lava lake shone for a few breaths, a huge silver-white figure flew out of the lava lake, and the lava slid off the silver-white dragon scales without leaving any trace.

Only the rising white smoke and pungent sulfur smell on the body indicated that Witt had just flown out of the lava.

Without paying attention to the surrounding situation, Witt grinned, looking at the legendary alchemical item floating on his claws, and then couldn't help laughing.


Finally, it's not in vain!

Well... what kind of name should I give it?"


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