Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1281 You are free!

What are you doing?

Witt looked at the body in front of him, which was gradually getting colder.

You have persisted for so long, just to see me?

Thinking this in his heart, Witt had time to carefully observe the situation of the opponent.

The frostbite on the opponent's body was very serious, and the reason for his death was that something seemed to have helped him resist the absolute zero cold current.

That's why he didn't freeze into ice like those earth dragons and abyss demons.

After searching for a while, Witt found a pile of broken metal parts under the flesh wings of the opponent.

There were also some traces of magic circuits on it.

Witt melted a metal box with ore and carefully collected these metal parts. He even opened the body of the opponent and searched around carefully.

This is a good thing!

It can resist the zero-degree cold current released by the enemy, although it only blocked it for a while, but it still shows the ineffectiveness of this thing.

Whether it is kept for research or given as a gift to Billy, it is a good choice.

Then, Witt began to search the opponent's body.

Alchemists who do dragon body alchemy are called dark alchemists.

And dark alchemists have always lived in the dark, and the world they are in is completely different from the world that Witt and others see normally.

The world they are in is full of lies, killing, conspiracy, etc.

Therefore, the things they use are basically made by themselves.

And dark alchemists, whether materials, equipment, or anything else, need to keep them close to their bodies so that they can escape as quickly as possible after their tracks are exposed.

Therefore, it is necessary to store items in space.

Because they are afraid of being targeted by other dragons, their space storage items are made very secret and cannot be easily found.

What Witt is doing now is to find this thing.

After a long time, Witt finally noticed a strange fluctuation on a thin dragon scale at the root of the opposite flesh wing.

Pulling off the dragon scale, Witt studied it carefully.

The dragon scale is not a real dragon scale, but a space ore in the shape of a dragon scale.

It is densely covered with magic circuits. Witt carefully identified it. After finding no abnormal arrangement, he injected his mental power into it.

Then a bright smile appeared on Witt's face.

"Rich, this guy is really rich!"

The storage space was full of various materials, some of which even Witt himself could not get, and he had to go to Antasa to get them.

Soon, Witt transferred the materials in the storage space to his own reverse scale space.

Then, his eyes moved to the opponent's body again.

A flying dragon who is a dark alchemist, when he was discovered and was about to escape, would he not take his research results and materials with him?

Witt didn't believe it!

So, he started to search again.

After a while, three more dragon scales with abnormal fluctuations were found by Witt.

So far, Witt has given the opponent a full-body examination.

Witt randomly selected a dragon scale, looked at it carefully, smacked his lips, and then put it into his reverse scale space.

"How cruel!"

There are activation instructions on the dragon scales. If nothing unexpected happens, the storage space should be filled with various magic arrays.

Once it explodes, coupled with the space being destroyed, the space collapse formed in that instant, even if it is a legendary dragon, it will not end well.

It is possible that the unlucky ones will be taken away in one wave.

This can be kept, maybe it will come in handy someday.

Afterwards, Witt checked the other two storage spaces.

One made Witt's face as black as the bottom of a pot, and the records on it were all completed or unfinished experimental data.

Flying dragons, earth dragons, and even giant dragons are all on the research list of him.

From the names of these research topics, it is not difficult for Witt to see that what he wants to do is actually to enhance his elemental affinity.

If nothing unexpected happens, this guy should be trapped at the purple crystal level.

But he was unwilling to give up, and tried to change his fate with the dragon body alchemy knowledge he accidentally obtained.


You are really dreaming!"

Don't look at Witt. From the research materials left by him, it can be seen that the knowledge of dragon body alchemy mastered by this guy is just superficial.

It is still a long way to change his own destiny!

However, although it is superficial, the number of dragons sacrificed for this is not small at all.

The time span of the records that have been completed alone is already three thousand years.

The dead dragons have become a series of cold numbers in those experimental records, including two dragon eggs.

Witt hesitated for a moment, and then put these things into his own reverse scale space.

This information is a warning!

If there is a chance, you can show it to Fus.

Compared with this sin, what he has on his body is nothing!

As for the last storage space, it contains the research results of the research team, which is one of the goals of Witte's trip.

With this thing, at least, it's not a wasted trip.

As for the other target...

They have been broken into ice slag, so there is no need to study them at all.

After sorting out all the harvest, Witt looked at the corpse.

Although he hated the opponent, according to the rules of the dragon clan, no matter what kind of opponent, after killing the opponent, he would leave the opponent with the dignity of the dragon clan.

"Take your sins and disappear from this world!"

Muttering, Witt directly blew a zero-degree cold current, and then flicked his fingers, and the dragon became slag all over the ground.

After doing this, Witt looked at the passage in front of him, hesitated slightly, and then squeezed into the interior of the laboratory.

Since it is a laboratory, there is a probability that there are test subjects.

Judging from the position of the opponent, he should be preparing to run to the laboratory, but he was killed half to death by absolute zero on the way.

Since he chose to run to the laboratory, there was a high probability that the laboratory could block absolute zero.

"I hope the dragon used as a test subject inside is fine."

Muttering, Witt walked inside.

Of course, the "fine" he said did not mean to be alive at absolute zero, and that the dark alchemist did not attack them.

Under absolute zero, there is only death or life.

And under the dark alchemist, it is better to die than to live.

Facts have proved that Witt's worries are unnecessary. How could he leave the materials unused!

When he came to the laboratory and saw the lifeless eyes inside, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Alas, you are free!"

As soon as the words fell, a cold current swept through the entire laboratory...

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