Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1273 Interrogation!

However, when it comes to the fact that Fuss doesn't know magic, Witt still has a lot of questions.

Logically speaking, Fuss already has wisdom, and with wisdom, he should be able to learn magic, unless he himself has no elemental affinity, but this point is not mentioned in the description of the innate dragon beast.

When Witt was thinking about this, he was not far away from Dimos and the others.

Similarly, he had already seen the figure of Fuss.

"Well, I'll ask you when I have a chance later!"

Witt muttered, and then he increased his flying speed.

Now is not the time to ask these questions.


Witt fell heavily to the ground, but this time there was no floating snow flying.

A trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

In the previous battle, the area where Dimos was, whether it was snow or ice, was melted by the white flame on his body.

The temperature of the white flame was very high, and there was not even much water stain left around it.

At this time, the battle was over and the temperature dropped again. Due to the high water content in the air, this area had a damp and cold feeling.

This made Witt, who had just landed, frown, and then slightly let go of his body temperature.

He was not afraid of the cold, after all, he had an affinity with the water element, but he hated this damp and cold feeling.

The "big night light" on Witt's chest became brighter due to the increase in body temperature, which made the dragons such as Dimos who were looking at him involuntarily look away.

The light was slightly dazzling.

In fact, this was because Witt's "big night light" emitted blue light. If it was changed to blazing white and the body temperature was raised, it would be difficult for other dragons to look directly at him.

Not to mention these...

As soon as Witt landed, his eyes fell on Dimos.

"Are you sure you didn't hide anything from us?"

Dimos certainly knew why Witt asked this. After all, the goal of these Abyss believers was too clear. It was obvious that they didn't want revenge, but to silence them.

So, after hearing this question, Dimos himself began to recall what happened before, but the more he thought about it, the more he frowned.

After a moment, Dimos shook his head.

"I don't have to hide it from you. It was a coincidence that Fusi met us. It was you who proposed to escort us back to the dragon's nest.

In fact, I also doubt that we were attacked before, not because we broke something.

But I just thought about it carefully. We didn't find anything along the way until we were attacked by the Abyss believers.

So, it is probably not because we broke something, but they thought we broke something.

Even though they knew that there were two dragons like you, they still chose to attack us. It seems that their plan is not small!"

Hearing this, Witt thought for a while.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, although we are dragons, our realm is indeed purple crystal. It's not surprising that we would try to attack us.

There are five purple crystals on the opposite side!"

Hearing this, Dimos and Fusi couldn't help but look at Witt more.

You made the three purple crystals on the opposite side flee miserably with just one encounter. Five purple crystals... are they a lot?

This time, Witt didn't notice the two dragons' gazes, because his attention had already been on the body of the unconscious sword demon in his claws.

"Forget it, well, I didn't intend to find the answer to the question from your body. Let's see what our captive says first!"

While speaking, Witt opened his claws, revealing the sword demon inside, whose armor had been burned and deformed.

Fusi's face didn't show too much surprise.

Without mentioning Witt's character, just based on the character of the dragon, he would not let the attacker go easily.

Witt's strength is stronger than the three Abyss believers combined. In this case, he did not choose to pursue desperately, which must have been rewarded.

This is also the reason why he did not pursue desperately.

Otherwise, I would never let the two Abyss believers escape from his claws intact.


"How do you interrogate?"

Hearing this, Witt grinned and said with a smile: "The interrogation method is not important, what is important is the principle of interrogation. If you want the captives to cooperate, the best way is to threaten them with death.

But, considering the positions of both sides, the Dragon Realm and the Abyss are in a life-and-death relationship.

So, the threat of death is useless to them.

Then, we can only consider a more cruel method, that is, let the other party beg us to kill him!"

As he said, Witt's head suddenly came in front of the four little ones, grinning and laughing, and asked: "Do you think I'm right?"


Looking at the four students who were almost scared silly, Dimos had to remind them.

At the same time, Witt's bad character and the level in his mind were also improved again.

When Witt heard what Dimos said, he paused for a moment. The four little ones who dared not even look at him looked back and forth for a few times, and then put their heads back.

"It's just a joke, why take it so seriously!

However, their personalities are not good, especially in this continent, I suggest you focus on training their courage.

I'm serious!"

After that, Witt ignored the speechless expressions of Dimos and the others, and his eyes fell on the body of the knife demon again.

When he noticed the other party's subtle mental fluctuations, Witt's mouth corners couldn't help but grin.

"Just wake up, so I don't have to call you. I don't care what your name is, what your identity is, what your origin is, I just want to know your plan.

You heard what I said just now. If you want to die quickly, you'd better cooperate with me."


Witt's words were met with silence.

Seeing this, a fierce light flashed in Witt's eyes.

"Since you don't want to cooperate, I'll show you something new."

As he said, Witt used his mental power to directly control the knife demon, then opened his mouth, and a thin stream of cold air spurted out of his mouth.

Although the cold air was very thin, when it appeared, Fus and the others on the side felt a chill in their hearts.

That's right, the eternal frozen ice!

The four little dragons were not strong, and their performance was even worse. They stood there, shivering from the cold.

However, Witt didn't care about that. The cold current fell on the arm of the sword demon, and a layer of white frost instantly formed.

It didn't seem to be very powerful.

However, the sword demon opened his eyes instantly and looked at his arm in horror.

"What did you do?"

Witt didn't answer, but stretched out his other claw, and the claw became sharper due to the effect of a small gray-white magic circle.

Then, Witt stretched out his claw to the sword demon's arm in full view of everyone...

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