Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 127 The Starry Sky Dragon is a dragon that lives in the starry sky!

Chapter 127 The Starry Sky Dragon is the dragon that lives in the starry sky!

"He thought he could play with time, but the result was that he was played with by time and was covered with bruises..."

Witt murmured in a low voice.

This is what Winters once told him, and now it has come true on him.

He once glimpsed a glimpse of the future, but it was not until things happened that he realized that the scene had happened before.

Has it changed?

It has not changed!

In fact, he found the power of time in himself, saw his former self, and gave a key hint.

So, has it changed?

Still no change!

Throughout the whole thing, he never jumped into the long river of time to change what he wanted to change. He thought he jumped, but in fact, he just filled in the last part of the time loop.

"Sure enough, those who play with time will eventually be played with by time!"

Witt smiled bitterly, looking at the invisible power entrenched in his heart, a hint of helplessness flashed across his eyes, he really wanted to know what kind of role this power had.

In the dragon world, time belongs to the law, and it is a power that can only be used by legendary beings.

How could such a power be possessed and used by a young dragon like him.

"Of course you can do it yourself, that's what I left for you!"

The sudden voice scared Witt, and then he hurriedly looked around.

"Don't look for it, I'll tell you the position of the right front paw, dig it, and don't worry about me hurting you, I'm your father!"


Hearing this, the vigilance that Witt had just shown in his eyes dissipated a little.

However, he still didn't completely let down his guard.

"What evidence do you have?"

"Blazing White Breath!"

After hearing this, Witt was completely relieved. Winters and the others only knew that his fire element breath was a highly compressed white flame, but no one knew that the name of this breath was Blazing White Breath.

Now that his identity was confirmed, Witt followed the other party's statement and clawed at the rock surface with his right claw.

When the claw pierced into the rock, Witt's eyes condensed, and then, with a strong dig, a dark red scale was caught in Witt's claws.

"This is..."

"Your father's dragon scale!"

Witt looked at this dragon scale curiously.

It looked almost exactly the same as the dragon scale on Winters, but the size was only a few circles larger than the dragon scale on his body, and the color was dark red.

"So, you are talking to me through this dragon scale?"

"Of course... yes!

The scale is just a time-space anchor point, which I use to determine your location at this point in time.

For you, the one talking to you now is my past self!

By the way, your egg is still lying on my body, and is about to be sent to Desidero.

However, I saw that you in the future would come to this place and use the time rune, so I left a scale here to answer some questions for you.

I didn't expect that the time rune would wake up so early.

Sure enough, time is so easy to play with, even I have seen things."

Hearing this, Witt was silent for a moment.

"You can see clearly enough. In fact, I saw the future when I was two years old."

"Oh, that's just a sign of the awakening of the time rune. You were just affected by the power of the time rune, so you saw the so-called future."

"The so-called future?"

"It's the most likely future among countless futures!


Who do you think you are?

You are just a young dragon, a bronze dragon. Do you think you can control time and see the real future?

You have already encountered a time loop!

You can't even jump into the long river of time, so how can you control time?"

Hearing this, Witt was not angry, because this was the fact.

"What is the time rune? Is it related to the law of time?"

"The time rune is a concept I created. Do you have an affinity for an element?"

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment. Although he understood why the topic suddenly jumped to elemental affinity, he still said honestly: "Water element and fire element affinity."

Just after he finished speaking, Witt suddenly reacted.

"Since you in the past can talk to me in the present, it means that you can at least use the power of time. Do you know my situation?"

"I've said that the power of time is omnipotent, and I have jumped into the long river of time, which means that there is no existence of me in the long river of time.

So, even if I control the power of time, I can't see my own future.

And you are my son, closely related to me, and what I can see about you is very limited."

After a pause, the voice continued: "Okay, let's continue with the previous topic. Since you are compatible with water and fire elements, it means that you have inherited your mother's magical talent."

Hearing this, Witt became curious.

"My mother is also compatible with water and fire elements. Is she a silver dragon?"

"Of course... yes!

Uh... I mean, she is indeed a silver dragon, but different from the silver dragons in the dragon world.

Let's put it this way, the silver dragon in the dragon world is not a real silver dragon, it just has part of the starry sky dragon's bloodline, and the same is true for most other dragon species.

The real silver dragon is also known as the magic dragon, proficient in all magic! "

Werther rubbed his forehead.

"Wait a minute and let me figure it out for myself. You just mentioned that the silver dragon of Star Dragon 꿗, uh... Star Dragon 놊 is the name of our race?"

"That is a general term, which means the giant dragon living in the starry sky, just like you now call yourself a dragon species!"

"No special powers?"



After a moment of silence, Werther suppressed his desire to complain and asked: "Then you can control time because..."

"I am the Supreme!"

"The highest is..."

"Existence above myth!"

Werther slapped his head and almost cracked his own skull!

Thanks to the words he left for the other party when he was young, his heart was surging. As a result, your special one is a giant dragon that lives in the starry sky and is above the level of myth.

Give me all my dreams and ambitions!

"If I don't tell you otherwise, the Starry Sky Dragon actually has some special powers."

Upon hearing this, Werther's eyes lit up.

"What special power?"

"A dragon's body can grow to a very large size, just like a dragon in the dragon world, it will grow long when it reaches a certain level."

"How big will you be?"

"Playing with planets as marbles!"


Werther, who fell silent again, had to admit that his dream and ambition had returned at this moment.

Then, he thought of another thing.

"So, you are a red dragon, and what kind of mutant dragon is 놊?"

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