Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1253 A sudden battle!

Chapter 1253 A sudden battle!

Just when Witt chose to retreat, he keenly noticed that the opponent seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if he had not expected Witt to choose to retreat.

This made Witt smell something unusual.

But before he could think about it, the dragon on the opposite side chased out again.

When it flew out of the frozen abyss, it finally showed its figure in front of Witt.

It was a blue crystal dragon.

It was about 700 meters in size and should be about the same age.

Before Witt could observe carefully, the opponent's mouth opened again, and a cold current flashing with strange light rushed towards Witt at a faster speed.

This is another breath of the blue crystal dragon, the ice crystal storm!

In terms of power, the ice storm is much stronger than the crystal breath that the crystal dragon may awaken.

Thinking of this, Witt closed his wings and sank instantly. When he opened his wings again, the ice storm had already passed through his body.

From Witt's expression that did not change much, it can be seen that it was quite easy for him to dodge this attack.

The gap between the middle position of purple crystal and the lower position of purple crystal is not small, not to mention that Witt is the middle position of purple crystal at this time.

Therefore, Witt felt a little aggrieved.

It feels really uncomfortable to be chased and beaten by a dragon that is much weaker than you.

Thinking of this, Witt turned his head and glanced at the other party, trying to remember the other party's breath, and when he had the chance in the future, he would press the other party to the ground and beat him up.

But unfortunately, the cold current blew out of the Frozen Abyss, and the breath of the water element was too strong, completely covering up the breath of the other party.

After noticing this, Witt's face became even darker.

Witt was not afraid of being bullied by the dragon, and he firmly believed that he could grow to a very high level, so he firmly believed that even if the dragon bullied him, he would be bullied back one day in the future.

Even though Boredia had made fun of his body size, some time ago, he deliberately kept a body one meter longer than Boredia to imply the other party.

So, Witt was afraid that he could not find a dragon to bully him.

At this time, Witt couldn't help but hate himself again in his heart, why did he have such a small problem as face blindness.

Otherwise, he could just remember the face directly!

While Witt was thinking, the blue crystal dragon behind him was still chasing Witt relentlessly, and would occasionally spit out breath to attack Witt, trying to intercept the words.

Just when Witt was in a bad mood, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the gradually moving away from the Frozen Abyss.

With a thought in his mind, Witt's mouth grinned.

At this distance, if he beat the opponent and then ran away directly through space, even if there was a giant dragon that mastered space jump in the Frozen Abyss, it should not be able to react!

Thinking of this, Witt's eyes gradually became sharper.

His speed also slowed down a bit.

While Witt slowed down, he also kept an eye on the movements of the blue crystal dragon behind him.

When he noticed that the other party did not slow down the pursuit because of his slowdown, but instead increased the flying speed, Witt's grin became even more intense, revealing two rows of white sharp teeth.

"You asked for this!"

Muttering in his mouth, a very strong fire element suddenly emerged from Witt's body. Although it was suppressed by the cold current, it still reflected half of the sky red.

The dragon chasing behind saw this scene, and her pupils shrank sharply. She realized that things did not seem to develop in the direction she expected.

As the blue crystal dragon had this idea in her mind, she subconsciously chanted.

Soon, a water-blue crystal structure shield wrapped her body.

At the same time, the huge fire element released by Witt exploded, and the red light illuminated the sky of the ice field that was always shrouded in clouds.

The rich fire element released by Witt and the rich water element blown out from the frozen abyss collided violently, and then formed an element tide that blocked the vision and mental power detection.

Under the element tide, the blue crystal dragon could not figure out Witt's figure at all.

But she knew that staying in place would be dangerous.

Because this seemingly powerful magic is not an attack magic, but an acceleration magic, the 87-node forbidden spell of the fire element-element explosion!

Its acceleration effect is infinitely close to the legendary instant movement.

So, you must not stay in place.

However, she thought so, but her body could not keep up with her thoughts, not to mention that she had just cast a defensive forbidden spell on herself, the crystal layer!

So, when she thought of leaving the place, a silver-white figure appeared above her, and she could even feel the other party's cold eyes.

Before she could think about it, she was about to say something, and an irresistible force fell on her, and the sharp dragon easily cut through the crystal layer that protected her.

In an instant, dragon scales mixed with blood splattered everywhere!

And the blue crystal dragon also smashed heavily on the ice layer below under the action of the huge force.

With a loud roar, the blue crystal dragon felt that her body was about to fall apart. With palpitations, she opened her mouth again and tried to say something.

However, a silver-white dragon grabbed her head...


The words that the Blue Crystal Dragon was about to blurt out were smashed back with golden stars all over the sky.

"Not fainted yet?"

Witt raised his eyebrows, ready to hit him again, and then opened the space to run away.

But at this moment, a voice with a little anxiety came from a distance.

"Wait a minute, Witt!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously stopped his movements and turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

What's going on?

How did the other party know your name?

Just as Witt was thinking about this, another dragon also came into his sight.

It was a silver dragon.

Silver dragon...

Witt was stunned for a moment, then looked down.

Blue Crystal Dragon!

Long-lost memories slowly emerged from Witt's mind. Witt's eyelids twitched and he subconsciously let go of his mouth.

"You can't be..."

Witt let go of his mouth, and the blue crystal dragon shook its head fiercely, then turned its head to look at Witt, and said in a resentful tone: "You didn't tell us that you are face-blind, Witt!"


Hearing his own name from Witt's mouth, Ni was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt with a stunned face.

"No way, since you can call out my name, doesn't it mean... I was just joking, I didn't expect that you are really face-blind!"


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