Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1249 A rare opportunity...

"Don't worry, this news will definitely arouse your interest. At this point in time, Boredia has almost fallen into a deep sleep!"

As he said that, Viterrao looked at Legge with interest.

Boredia left in a hurry after Redek left. During the banquet, he just dozed off and seemed not to communicate much with Redek.

If nothing else, at that time, he had focused most of his attention on understanding the law of thunder element.

Otherwise, with the relationship between Boredia and Redeker, he would have to talk to Redeke no matter what.

He knew that as far as Witte knew, Reddock was the only flying dragon in Kongkong City who truly gained the friendship of Boredia. It was self-evident what the relationship between them was.

Therefore, unless forced, Boredia would not act like that.

After he left, he went directly to Morton Vein.

And there, there was the sleeping place that Boredia had prepared for him in advance.

Therefore, the other party is not likely to fall into a deep sleep now, but will definitely start to fall asleep.

The moment he woke up, there were only two legendary level guardians in the city.

Thinking of this, Werther couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Just as Werther was thinking about this, sure enough, he saw the expression he wanted to see.

Lager's face showed an extremely complicated expression.

He thought that this would happen. After all, Boredia's gift was placed there, but he just didn't expect that this would come so early.

After coming back to his senses, Legge looked at Werther.

"Okay, I'm indeed quite interested in this news, so you can leave now."

Hearing this, Witte grinned.

He seduced Laig with this news, not just to meet him. The opportunity was rare, how could he not seize it!

Legge was looked at by Werther, hesitated slightly, and then sighed.

"Okay, I just know that you came to me and there is nothing wrong with you. Just ask any questions. Considering the news you brought, I will try my best to answer them for you."

Hearing this, Werther chuckled.

"Is this right? I gave you the news, and you should give me what you want. Only in this way can the relationship between us be maintained for a long time."

Legge rolled his eyes.

He didn't want to maintain this relationship with Werther for a long time.

He was so tired talking to Werther!

Of course, if he didn't care about Werther's future, he would definitely be able to answer more easily, but he doesn't hate Werther to that extent.

Ruin the future...

He couldn't do something that lacked great virtue.

On the other side, seeing that Legge agreed, Witte didn't want to waste time, so he hurriedly asked all the alchemy problems that he had accumulated for more than a thousand years and had yet to be solved.

Of course, it's all said and done, but there aren't actually many problems.

After all, during the more than a thousand and hundred years that Werther stayed in the city, he was not sleeping. If there was a problem, he could go to Antasha.

What Antasha can't solve is Ilea.

And the questions he asked now were questions that even Ilaya couldn't explain clearly to him.

Of course, with Werther's current alchemy level, it is definitely not up to the level of Antasha and the others. Werther can also see that, so he cannot solve his problem. It's not that Antasha and the others are not good enough, and they don't know what he is doing. Ask for answers to questions.

It's because, whether it is Antasha or Ilaya, it seems that due to some special reasons, at some special level of knowledge, they need to hide it from Werther.

Just like the resonance alchemy magic circle in front of you.

Although he didn't know the specific reason, Werther was certain that neither Antasha nor Ilaya would harm him.

Just like Boredia's performance when the resonance alchemy magic circle was mentioned earlier.

Therefore, the reactions of Antasha and Ilaya also illustrate from the side that there is a special threshold in alchemy. If nothing else, this threshold needs to be crossed by oneself.

And as long as he crosses it, he will be able to become a legendary alchemist!

And it turns out that Witt's guess was correct.

When Legg answered his questions, he would also avoid some knowledge. He would use other knowledge, even metaphors, to guide him to think on his own.

Legge's level is obviously higher than that of Ilaya. For some problems that Ilaya didn't know how to explain, Legge gave him some new inspiration after thinking about them.

Time passed little by little during the conversation between Werther and Legg, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Werther's questions have also been fully answered in the past two months.

The price is, Lager looked at him with eyes full of disgust.

It seemed like she wished he could leave immediately.

Of course, for this kind of disdain, Werther's heart was filled with gratitude.

Without saying anything, he took out a hundred pearls as a thank you.

Not to mention, among the relics left by Vergo, there were quite a lot of pearls collected. Werther had squandered them for so long, and nearly half of them were left.

However, Werther knew that if he wanted to negotiate terms with Boredia, these pearls would definitely not be enough.

Witte's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered another thing.

I almost forgot that there were a large number of pearls in his reverse scale space. If Boredia knew about it, who knows what he would do.

However, this batch of pearls was cursed.

And the way to break the curse was also in the Olivia continent where he was about to go.

"Maybe I can go and take a look..."

Thinking of the power he had, Witt suddenly had such an idea in his mind.

Of course, he was not going to solve the curse.

According to the information left in the underwater ruins that Lis took them to, the strength of the dragon can basically be determined to be at the high legendary level.

For an enemy of this level, even if he stood there, he could not hurt a single dragon scale of the opponent.

So, Witt just went to investigate the situation.

And the power he had was enough to allow him to escape when facing a dragon of the high legendary level.

Don't forget that he has more than just the power of space jump.

And he has accumulated about two thousand years of time rule power. Even if it is the power at the level of restoring rules, under the reversal of time, it can allow him to perform space jumps with almost no consumption.

Of course, this is the power he will use when he is in a desperate situation.

After all, he can control the recovery of space rule power by himself, but he can only rely on the time symbol's phantom to restore the recovery of time rule power spontaneously.

Therefore, space jumps can be done at will, but time magic is still the trump card of Witt's trump cards. He will never use it unless it threatens his own life.

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