Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 125 Are you still alive?

Accompanied by a violent boiling sound, Witt fell heavily into the cold water.

The rising high-temperature white mist instantly steamed the following Abei Dragon Beast.

However, this still did not stop the Abei Dragon Beasts' enthusiasm for Witt. After the high-temperature steam dissipated, the Abei Dragon Beasts rushed directly into the water and continued to chase.

And Witt, who fell into the water, hurriedly controlled his body temperature. Although this thing does not consume elemental power, it consumes physical strength.

In this situation of being chased, physical strength is the most precious!

Seeing that Abei Dragon Beast still did not give up, Witt had no choice but to continue swimming towards the sound of water.

With such a drop, there must be a waterfall.

The closer you get to the waterfall, the faster the water will flow, and Abeyi Dragon Beast is small in size and can't chase in the fast water.

In fact, if the dragon's nest is still there, the Moon Shadow River is a good choice.

Unfortunately, the Moon Shadow River is now dry in the lower reaches, and even if you are bigger than Witt, you dare not go in easily in the upper reaches.

Only when the Moon Shadow River floods the deep valley left after the dragon's nest disappears to the horizontal surface, the Moon Shadow River can return to normal.

And only when the Moon Shadow River returns to normal can Witt use the Moon Shadow River to escape from the pursuit of these dragon beasts.

Thinking of this, Witt turned his head and looked at the Abeyi Dragon Beast who was following him with difficulty, grinned, and then... zero degree cold current!

Of course, he didn't dare to use it casually like he did outside, otherwise, he would freeze himself in it if he was not careful, which would be troublesome.

But, just like this, the ice cubes flowed down the water flow, which really caused a lot of trouble for the chasing Abei Dragon Beast!

However, before Witt could be happy for too long, he encountered another trouble.

Silver dragons are not like water element dragons, and cannot breathe underwater. Although he is close to water elements, he cannot use magic, so breathing has become a necessity.

However, the surface of the water has become the world of Abei Dragon Beasts. Every time he breathes, Witt is greeted by a black mass of killings!

Ordinary Abei Dragon Beasts are fine, but because of the giant dragon nest, Witt is chased by not only dragon soldiers, but also dragon guards. The strength of the dragon guards is not low, at least they are above silver, and more are gold.

Moreover, as time goes by, the law of Witt's breathing is gradually mastered by these Abei Dragon Beasts.

There was no other way, so Witt could only cancel the "sharp" magic, save the power of elements, and use the zero-degree cold current to buy himself a chance to breathe.

Fortunately, there is no way to stop dragons. As Witt got closer and closer to the waterfall, the water flow became turbulent. The Abeyi dragon beast that followed Witt into the water was no longer able to chase and kill Witt.

This made Witt no longer have to worry about it, and he was no longer in a hurry to rush to the waterfall.

In this way, there were more opportunities to breathe.

I have to say that the Desidero Dragon Nest is really good, and the pit left behind after the overall teleportation is also really good.

After nearly six magic hours of intermittent tossing, Witt finally saw the waterfall.

But because of the wash from above, the water here is so turbid.

It would be fine if Witte could not see the direction of his progress underwater, but the most important thing was that his old problem came back - mysophobia!

Witte, who was underwater, looked at his dirty body and felt extremely irritated. If he had not held a dragon egg in his hand, he would have wanted to rush out and fight with those dragon beasts to calm his irritability.

Witte tightened the dragon egg in his hand, took a breath for the last time, and then rushed to the place where the waterfall was.

At the same time, he did not forget to strengthen the dragon scales on his body with the "solid" magic.

This waterfall is at least tens of thousands of meters high. Witte is not so stubborn that he can directly withstand the huge water flow falling from such a high ground.

That would kill the dragon!

Not only that, Witte also deliberately swam a distance towards the depths.

If it weren't for the turbid water that made him quite irritable, and if the air stored in his lungs was not enough, he would even want to swim close to the bottom.

Soon, Witt swam to the bottom of the waterfall. Not only was the water flowing fast, but the direction of the water flow was already in a mess because the force of the water flow was too strong.

If he had been a water elemental dragon, this place could have been used as a hiding place to avoid the Abey Dragon Beast.

Unfortunately, he didn't!

The water flow with terrifying force fell on Witt's body, making him grit his teeth, fearing that he would spit out the air in his lungs accidentally.

The surrounding turbulence affected Witt's direction, but fortunately the sound of the waterfall falling was loud enough for him to determine the exact direction!

Finally, when the air in his lungs was about to run out, Witt passed through the waterfall from underwater!

Hearing the sound and running behind, Witt rushed to the water surface.


With a violent splash of water, Witt breathed frantically.

At the same time, his eyes did not forget to look around vigilantly.

In front of him was a huge irregular rock wall with a protruding rock on it, blocking the water flow from above, making an area below that was not covered by the waterfall.

However, this area was not very large. The waterfall was only two or three meters behind him, and there was a rock wall four meters in front of him.

In addition, the protruding rock above was shaking constantly under the impact of the water flow, and it could be washed down at any time.

Seeing this, Witt didn't dare to waste time, and hurriedly stretched out his hands and dug on the rock wall in front of him.

Soon, a cave large enough to accommodate his ten-meter dragon body appeared on the rock wall.

Seeing the cave taking shape, Witt hurriedly jumped out of the turbid water and slipped into the cave.

Uh... it can only accommodate his ten-meter body.

Glancing at the tail outside the cave, well, he forgot that his tail was as long as his body.

But it doesn't matter!

Lying on the ground, Witt let his tail expand the space of the cave by himself, and turned his head to give himself a set of zero-degree cold current all over his body.

Then with a light tap, the broken ice took away the mud and sand on the scales and even in the gaps between the scales.

Of course, Witt's cleanliness is not that serious.

He just hates the feeling of being wrapped in turbid and sticky liquid. It doesn't matter if there is mud and sand on his body, but the mud and sand in the gaps between the scales are more uncomfortable for the dragon.

After cleaning his body, Witt glanced at his tail that was still working hard, and then turned his eyes to the dragon egg in his body, with a bit of weirdness in his eyes.

Speaking of which, this dragon egg, in his body, completely endured the high temperature of his body, and after the high temperature, he brought it into the cold river water.

"By the way, is it still alive? It shouldn't be cooked yet!"


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