Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1248 Target, Olivia Continent, but...

Since he had already told Celine and the others, Witt did not plan to return to the Sky City. Instead, he went directly to the Ice City after arriving at the Scorching City from the City of Life.

Although he left in such a hurry that he did not have time to say goodbye to his friends one by one, the Dragon Feast was only about 1,100 years away.

It was not a long time, so he could visit them again after he came back.

What's more, except for Avery and the others, the guys who were staying in the Sky City were probably eager to leave early.

After all, as long as they left, they would not have to be beaten.

Thinking of this, Witt felt better because of Meier's departure.

Looking down at the complicated maze-like streets, Witt searched for the location of the Leige shop while recalling the information about the Olivia continent.

The Olivia continent is different from the other continents. That place is a little special.

In addition to the special year with only two seasons, "night" and "day", there is another special thing, that is, there is no teleportation space to the Olivia continent in the other continent.

You can only reach that continent through the Fast Continent, which is the closest to the Olivia continent.

And the Olivia continent also has a clear location, which is in the north of the Fast Continent.

This is why Witt appeared in the Ice and Snow City.

If you want to go to the Olivia continent, you need to enter the Great Ice Field again.

And this time, you need to go further.

Go directly through the Great Ice Field, pass through the Frozen Abyss, and then continue to go north, cross an ice bridge connecting the Fast Continent and the Olivia Continent, and you can reach that place.

That's right!

The Fast Continent and the Olivia Continent are not connected by an endless sea, but by an ice bridge.

It's called an ice bridge, but it's just a name.

There is actually another large ice field there, but it's narrower, and the environment is far less harsh than the Great Ice Field. Compared with the two continents, it's like a bridge connecting the two places, so it's called an ice bridge.

Such a peculiar terrain is actually because most of the cold currents blowing out of the Frozen Abyss flow to the south, and very few flow to the north.

Of course, that part of the volume is definitely not enough to form an ice bridge connecting the two continents.

But don't forget the special nature of the Olivia Continent!

When the "night" season comes, there will be six months when the Olivia Continent will be completely without sunlight.

The temperature is as low as that of the Great Icefield.

Two low-temperature areas that are not far from each other naturally form a narrow passage between them.

Moreover, although the cold currents blown out by the Frozen Abyss flow to the north very little, it also makes the ice bridge still not melt during the six-month sun scorching period when the "daytime" season arrives on the Olivia continent.

Even in the late period, some areas of this ice continent have turned into scorched earth, but the ice bridge is still strong.

Thus, the ice bridge has become a landmark area leading to the Olivia continent.

This is also the road that Witt is going to take.

Of course, what I am doing now has nothing to do with this matter.

It is unreasonable not to visit Legge when you come to the Ice and Snow City. The other party has helped me a lot.

Being able to meet Billy and the others so quickly, there is no doubt that Leger has done a lot.

The last time Witt came to the Ice and Snow City was more than 1,700 years ago, when he held a banquet and invited Isco.

At that time, Leger was already asleep.

The other party was probably hiding.

After all, Leger woke up too quickly that time.

But this time it was different. Even if Leger pretended to sleep to avoid him, as long as he was not in deep sleep, Witt could make the other party "willingly" meet him!

While thinking, Witt walked around several times, up and down several times, and finally found the familiar... maintenance shop!

There was no way. Isco's home was not a shop and had no name. Leger was a shop, but it also had no name. Witt could only use the name of the maintenance shop around them as a signpost.

Although it sounds a bit strange, this method is really good. At this time, he is already standing in front of the store of Lege.


Witt cleared his throat, and then walked into Lege's store under the strange eyes of the dragons around him.

"There is a dragon here, I am Witt, Lege, I come to see you!"

The loud roar echoed in the store, echoed... Well, no dragon responded!

But Witt had already expected this.

"Lege, you are asleep, I bring you a piece of news related to Boredia that will definitely arouse your interest. Are you sure you don't want to come out and see it?"


After another silence, a slightly heavy footsteps came from the stone door behind the counter.

Witt grinned...

It's true!

As the stone door opened, an ice dragon walked out.

When he saw Witt, a flash of surprise flashed across his displeased eyes, but he quickly subsided.

With Liger's strength, he could naturally see that Witt's body shape at this time was not his true appearance.

But he soon remembered that Witte had been growing at a much faster speed than a normal dragon. If this energy had continued until now, the other party might have exceeded a kilometer.

Thinking about this, Leige said calmly: "I thought who was so rude and yelled in my shop, it turned out to be you.

Because of your yelling, the alchemical puppet I just made was scrapped.

If you can't give me a satisfactory explanation, you will stay here and suffer for me. The punishment period is one hundred years!"

Hearing this, Witte's mouth curled again.

Making alchemical puppets?

What a lie!

I just didn't want to see you, so I didn't respond and pretended to sleep. When I heard the news about Poredia from you, I found a reason to leave.

Of course, Witt didn't say anything because he was afraid that Leger would be angry and keep him here for a hundred years.

As a good friend of Poredia, Leger would definitely find a way to deal with Poredia's ability when he knew that Poredia had mastered space jump.

This is just like Celine's desperate training of her magic release speed after knowing that Witt could use mental magic.

In addition, Leger's legendary high-level strength...

Even Witt's space jump is definitely useless in front of Leger!

So, if the other party wants to stay, I really can't leave!


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