Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1247 The final farewell!

Witt silently stared at the yellow sand in front of him.

Meyer is dead!

Just after he used space jump with Meyer.

In response to Meyer's last wish, Witt crushed Meyer's body and the dragon crystal in Meyer into powder, allowing Meyer to completely merge with the land.

Although Meyer had been mentally prepared for more than 17 years and nearly two years, when Meyer really left this world, Witt understood that the dragon might not be as... indifferent as rumored.

When Redek left, Witt felt very heavy, but not to the point of sadness. However, when Meyer gradually died in front of him, Witt really knew what sadness was.

Hesitant and confused, trying to keep him, but unable to do anything!


With a long breath, Witt looked at the gold coin floating in front of him.

That was the gold coin that 놛 had given to Meyer.

Although it was not a real 녊 gold coin, it was made of fine gold and blessed by the dragon, and it could be regarded as a token of 놛.

Witt did not expect that Meyer did not leave the gold coin to Hemerland, but returned it to 놛 at the moment before 놛 died.

Witt knew that Meyer did not want Hemerland to trouble Witt with the gold coin one day in the future after 놛's death because of 놛.

Being able to make such a choice was Meyer's confidence in Hemerland, and even more so a respect for Witt.

When Witt thought of the way Meyer took out the gold coin just now, he felt as if a big stone was blocking his heart, and he felt surprisingly uncomfortable.

After staring at the gold coin for a long time, Witt took out the space magic book that Meier left for him. There was a small round hole on the cover of the book.

Before, he didn't understand what the hole was for, but now...

Witt put the gold coin into the hole, and the gold coin fit perfectly. Meier had already made a choice, but he kept the gold coin on him for a while.

Gently stroking the magic book, Witt carefully put it into his Ni Lin space. This was the most precious gift left by his students.

After putting the magic book away, Witt looked deeply in the direction of Hemerland, then flapped his wings and turned to fly in the direction of the City of Life.

The Island of Life is still a distance away from Hemerland. Witt directly used space jump to teleport here. For him, it has overdrawn all his energy.

In a short period of time, I can't use space jump.

But this is not normal. After all, I am still a purple crystal level. I can use space jump only because space jump does not belong to the elemental rules.

After Witt really comprehended space jump, the dragon crystal in my head, which originally belonged to the spirit, now has a resident, that is, space.

Therefore, I was able to get up from the ground shortly after overdrawing and continue to see Meyer off.

I was also able to leave as if nothing had happened after finishing the job, instead of resting on the spot.

As for the comprehension of space jump, it was actually a recent thing. When I broke through to the purple crystal level, my active spirit just touched the space law that Witt had been pursuing for many years.

Then I comprehended the rule of space jump.

As for why it can surge out...

This is actually very unusual.

The spirit of the dragon, at the purple crystal level, is enough to support them to simply use the rules they have comprehended.

So, not only Witt, but also Celine, Linsda, Closher, Odorov, etc., the dragons who have already mastered the rules in advance, can simply use the rules they have comprehended at the purple crystal level.

However, Witt has the help of Meyer, which makes him have a deep understanding of the power of space, so he can easily use the power that should have exceeded his energy scope.

This is just like the former Antasa, who could rely on the energy rules that he had comprehended in advance to deal with Zakri's attack in a short time across a space.

This is also why Witt showed Meyer the power of space jump.

Although it sounds a bit strange, there is no doubt that it is because of Meyer's professor that he can use this power.

The reason why Witt did not bring his dragon with him is also related to space jump.

Don't look at him falling to the ground directly after using space jump, but in fact, it is only because he overdraws his energy and jumps too far at one time.

With frequent use of space jump, Witt is enough to get rid of most of the legends' pursuit without being prepared.

However, it is limited to himself!

If he brought his dragon with him, with his current space jump level, jumping a few meters is already the limit. For a legendary dragon, a distance of a few meters can be reached in the blink of an eye.

So, Witt chose to act on his own.

In this way, if you are unlucky enough to run into a legendary dragon that can use space jump, other dragons are just little brothers in front of you, and you can only watch you run away.

As for why you have to run into a legendary dragon...

Because the place you are going to is a legendary dragon, and it is likely to appear there.

It is natural for a dragon to be able to use the contact law to comprehend the rules, and even more reasonable for others, because they are legends, and legends are about comprehending the rules!

For Witt, a purple crystal, seeking the power of the rules is already beyond the scope of his ability. To sum it up in two words - adventure!

This is also the reason why Witt did not want to explain the situation to Celine.

Witt did not want Celine to worry.

If you don't take risks, it will be difficult to get the results you want in a short time.

Once, Witt was entangled for a long time because of this matter.

Fortunately, there is no need to entangle now.

The news brought by Mo Xi gave you the reason to leave the Sky City, and Professor Meyer's space jump gave you the capital to leave the Sky City and go out for adventure.

Even if Celine and the others expose my purpose, I can still convince Celine and the others with my own strength.

And my previous struggle was because I was afraid that Celine would pester me and follow me.

Fortunately, Celine also had her own plan.

Speaking of this, Witt was still a little worried.

Although Celine and Violet were strong, it would still be very dangerous if they encountered a legendary dragon. Although it was not so easy to encounter a legendary dragon in the wild, but...

Thinking about it, Witt was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then laughed dumbly. He didn't want Celine to worry. In the end, he became what he didn't want Celine to become.

Thinking of this in his heart, Witt looked ahead and flew all the way...

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