Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1244 Banquet?

Today in Sky City, the weather is not very good, it is gloomy, and it seems that it is going to rain.

The dragon who noticed this scene looked up at the sky with a puzzled look.

It is now the wind season. Although it is already the wind season, the wind is still not strong, and it is a very rare thing to have rain in the wind season.

After all, rain needs rain clouds. In Sky City during the wind season, even clouds will not stay in the sky for a long time.

So, even if it is raining, it is rain clouds blowing from other places, and they will be blown away soon. There will not be much rain during this period.

Is the thunder season coming early?

The dragons on the street looked at the sky in confusion. When the dragons around them were discussing the weather, they suddenly noticed that a large shadow passed through the sky.

Looking closely, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

What a large group of dragons!

What are so many dragons doing?

Most of the dragons were curious, and some of the dragons who knew what happened were surprised, and then a touch of emotion appeared on their faces.

Then they called their friends and followed the direction where the dragon flew.

They knew that the three archons of Sky City might become two again in the near future!

Of course, it is not certain. After all, the new patriarch of that tribe seems to be a very good successor dragon, and maybe he will take over the position of archon.

However, these things have little to do with them, ordinary dragons.

The reason they followed was just because they heard that there seemed to be a very special banquet there, and the special thing was that they would not stop strange dragons from entering.

So, they, who were in a state of having nothing to do, wanted to join in the fun.


In the air, the dragons flew silently.

Witt flew in the front, and behind his head were two other dragons, Avery and Meyer.

Meyer's condition recovered a little, but his realm had also dropped to the silver level. Although he looked very energetic, but...

Avery would look at Meyer from time to time.

There was a complex look in his eyes. He thought he only needed to send one friend away, but he didn't expect it to be two.

The other dragons behind Witt were also in a low mood.

Celin, Antawana, Linsda, Gedra, Agnar, Xingchen was not there. He was in a deep sleep state, and it was not easy to force him to call him.

In addition, Xingchen was not very familiar with Redek.

As for Moshi, who Billy met with Linsda and the others on the way, he stayed in the store.

They were not familiar with Redek and were not suitable to come.

There just happened to be no dragons in the store...

Speaking of Celine and the others, they thought that Witt must have something important to tell them, but they didn't expect that it was so important.

For the dragons who followed Witt to the Sky City when they were young dragons, Redek had a special meaning.

Although it was Witt who fought for it, their food was provided by Redek after all.

It's nothing wrong to say that he raised them from the young dragon stage.

Although the feelings of the giant dragons are indifferent, it doesn't mean that they don't remember the friendship of other dragons.

Witt could naturally feel the emotions coming from behind him.

He wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but he couldn't find the right words.

After struggling for a long time, he could only say...

"We're almost there!"

Redek's banquet was not held on the empty plain, but on a large open space around his tribe, where some dragons originally lived.

There were earth dragons, giant dragons, and flying dragon tribes!

The wind dragon tribe led by Redek is actually a very old tribe, and has been in Sky City for 60,000 to 70,000 years.

In such a long time, the giant dragons, earth dragons and flying dragons living around the tribe did not leave, but died (disappeared).

The dragon city-state is not like the wild, but it also has similar cruelty to the wild, but the city-state hides this cruelty behind the bustle and prosperity.

60,000 to 70,000 years is enough to leave some traces in Sky City.

Some dragons (tribes) left, and no new dragons (tribes) moved in, so many houses were vacant around.

Some houses have been there for a long time, and the patterns of the alchemy magic array engraved on the copper have problems, so they will naturally be demolished, and there will be a large area of ​​​​open space.

There is also a venue for this banquet.

However, when Witt's voice gradually fell, he looked at the banquet scene in the distance and couldn't help but be stunned.

Was he seeing a banquet without dragons?

Of course not!

It can even be said that on the contrary, he saw a bustling and lively banquet venue.

Moreover, compared with the banquet venue, Witt prefers to call it a market!

Witt could even faintly hear the sound of hawking and bargaining.

Of course, this is not a vegetable market, and what is sold is not fruits, vegetables or meat, but various magic-related items.

But he came to attend the banquet!

Witt even stopped because of the scene in the distance.

The other dragons behind Witt were the same.

The dullness along the way was instantly dispersed by the lively sounds coming from afar.

If Witt was not still young, he would even doubt whether there was something wrong with his memory.


Celine Witt flew to Witt's side, revealing a hint of inquiry in her eyes.

Seeing this, Witte shook his head, and then continued to signal the dragons to continue to follow him and fly in that direction.

Soon, Werther and the others arrived.

The arrival of several huge dragons did not extinguish the lively atmosphere of the 떘뀘bazaar. There were even dragons paying attention to Feitian and others.

This scene really confused Werther.

He came to attend the farewell party, not to visit the market.

Witte glanced around, and finally found an area that was incompatible with the market.

Of course, to say it is just a piece of food is compared to the lively market in 떘뀘.

It is also easy to accommodate some giant dragons that are more than 700 meters tall.

Witte flew over with the dragons, and soon they noticed Boredia, who was lying on the ground and taking a nap, and Redek, who seemed to be tired from flying and stood with his head floating.

And there were also these two giant dragons at the scene.

Such a big battle between Werther and the others naturally attracted Redecker's attention.

When Werther and the others landed, Redecker laughed and said: "How about Werther, I didn't expect it to be such a scene!"

The corners of Werther's mouth twitched.

"I really didn't expect you to make such a move, so this is..."

With that said, Werther turned his head and looked towards the market.

Redecker smiled shrewdly.

"Am I a profiteer? Ma 껗늀 is about to pass away. Before leaving, I have to earn this last sum and teach young Lisven a good lesson.

Let him understand how he became the leader of the Wind Dragon Clan. "


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