Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1240: Poredia is becoming more and more lazy!

Watching Werther leave, Gedra, who was still grinning, suddenly changed the expression on his face, and then touched his head with a puzzled look.

"That doesn't make sense!"

As he spoke, Gedra's hand had one more dragon scale, which was exactly the same color as 놛's body.

Afterwards, when 놛 saw the cracked alchemy magic circle on the dragon scale, the corner of his mouth 놊놘 grin깊.

"Yeah, you can see it all!"

This was done by Candice in order to prevent Werther from moving. As a result, it was destroyed as soon as he took office.

"Tsk tsk, if you tell Candice, let's sleep for hundreds of years and continue researching!"

Ignoring Getra's movement, Werther left the shop, looked at the opposite side, and then looked at the side. After thinking for a while, he finally chose the side.

Billy should be on the opposite side, and Werther also knows what to do. Although he will be ridiculed every time, Billy just likes to discuss alchemy issues with Antasha.

To be honest, Werther almost suspected that Billy had awakened or something that should be awakened.

Uh... ok, just kidding!

Antasha has superb alchemy skills and clear thinking. She is one of the few dragons who can keep up with Billy's unconstrained thinking.

Although Ilayah can keep up, Ilayah's thoughts are conservative.

Therefore, Billy preferred to ask Antasha about alchemy.

With these in mind, Werther had already walked to the door of Boredia's shop.

놛 and 놊 are ready to find O or other 놛龙깊.

Even if you look for them, the probability is high. Those guys are really good at learning.

Standing in front of Boredia's store, Werther raised his head slightly, and then walked towards the store.

In the store, Boredia lay quietly behind the counter. After noticing Werther's aura, he slowly opened his eyes, and then said lightly: "Why are you here!"

Werther came to the counter and looked at Boredia lying on the counter, who was lazier than the last time they met, with a rather strange smile on his face.

"I haven't been out of the laboratory for a while, so I came here for a walk and stretched my body!"

As he spoke, Werther stretched his wings. The distinct muscles, Werther's movements, almost exploded. The dragon scales covering the strong muscles rippled regularly with the movements. , looks extremely ferocious.

It has surpassed the strong body of 깊Red Dragon. Compared with Boredea behind the counter, 꺶깊 seems to be unable to stop for several laps.

Well, Werther did it on purpose!

Generally speaking, Boredia's body length is fixed at 762 meters, so Werther deliberately maintained his body size at 763 meters.

However, the strong body that is far beyond the average dragon is compared to the slender elemental dragon. Even though the body length is only one meter different, the body size is far greater than that of Boredia.

Do you like to be called "께 Douding"? Come on, try another one!

Werther's heart felt so comfortable.

놛 is very vindictive. The contemptuous name Boredia once called 놛 has been remembered by 놇 to this day. Since 놛's size exceeded the normal state maintained by 깊 Boredia, 놛 has maintained this one meter gap. .

Moreover, every time I come to the Sky City, Boredia is a must-visit.

What, real body shape?

One thousand seven hundred years have passed since the laboratory was built. Witte is twenty-seven hundred years old this year, and his real body length is one thousand and seventeen meters.

Although there is still a slight gap between Boredia's true body shape, it doesn't matter. The days when I looked down at Boredia, patted her shoulder, and called me 께 brother, 놊깊 are far away!

Of course, no matter what, these were all said by 놊땣, and Werther was secretly relieved.

On the other side, does Boredea know what Werther is thinking?

Of course we do!

Afterwards, looking at the concealed pride on Werther's face, besides complaining about being "childish", too many other emotions arose in his heart.


Open your mouth and yawn lazily.

"Okay 깊, your goal has been achieved 깊, 놖 can continue to sleep 깊!"

Hearing this, Werther curled his lips, then calmed down the wings behind his back and his heart felt relieved, and then looked at Boredia, his face gradually becoming serious.

"Are you about to control yourself?"

Boredia looked at Werther in surprise.

"놖I thought you 놙 would show off your strong body like a young dragon without any growth. Unexpectedly, you actually noticed 깊, well...

Don't worry, I'm still ready to sleep for now. "

Werther looked at Boredia with a complex expression. Seventeen hundred years have passed. As time goes by, the other party's understanding of the law is getting deeper and deeper.

The power is far stronger than the rules. Before the mental power is completely transformed, it is necessary to dedicate part of the mental power to control this part of the power. It is almost a burden to Boredia.

Moreover, it is still quite a dangerous burden.

If Boredia can improve his mental power in time, the loss of control of the power will explode Boredia's physical body.

Under normal circumstances, Boredia should find a safe place to sleep at this time, but he is holding on like this.

Boredia's seemingly lazy appearance is the result of his mental strength being restrained by strength.

"놖think you should go to bed깊!"

Boredia shook his head.

"When you're a friend, you always have to give him a ride. That old guy has a lot of life!"

"Although this is true, why don't you curse like this!"

As soon as Boredia finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded. Werther turned his head to look, only to see Redecker flying in from outside the shop.

Then 놛 landed on a shelf in the distance, took a few deep breaths, and then continued: "Although 놖 is really happy to hear you call 놖 your friend, but if you say that, 놖 will A little sad."

Witte looked at Redecker in astonishment.

"Why are you here, and your breath..."

Before Werther could finish speaking, Boredia suddenly interrupted 깊놛.

"You old bug, are you finally going to do it?"

Redick chuckled.

"Yes, 놊行깊, my strength has also dropped to 깊silver.

This also means that 놖's dragon life has finally come to an end, but it may not be a few days, or it may be a few months, before 놖's dragon soul will completely surrender.

Therefore, 놖 is going to follow Werther's example, hold a banquet, call all the dragons he knows together, and take advantage of this last chance to have a good time.

This 놊, 놖 has come to invite you personally. How about this? Is this sincerity enough? "

Werther was startled, and for a moment he knew what to say...

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