Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1237 Delivering the message!

His name is Moxi, and his race is Blue Crystal Dragon. Needless to say, this is naturally the Moxi who has no sense of existence!

Needless to say, the red crystal dragon next to Moxi is of course Billy!

It can be seen from the way Billy looks around that the long years have made him mature a lot.


A thunderous sound sounded, and Moxi looked at Billy with a strange expression, and Billy's eyes were firmly attracted by a wind and thunder pterosaur grabbing the leg of an unknown dragon beast. .

Uh...well, 놛 doesn't seem to have matured much.


"Ah, you called me."

Moxi looked at Billy, who looked over with a puzzled expression, and a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"We have serious business!"

When Billy heard this, he smiled awkwardly, and then quibbled: "I just saw an unknown dragon, not..."

"Okay, okay, I believe it, let's go!"

With that said, Moxi took the lead and flew towards the Sixth Street.

"Hey, listen to me first, Moxi, are your wings stiff? Why, you are so strong that you don't listen to me. Don't forget, I'm bigger than you!"


Moxie didn't even look at Billy, he just flew towards the Sixth Street.

As for listening to Billy…

You have to listen to it if it makes sense, otherwise it can be ignored.

This time, it was Dinnet who originally asked 놛 to come to Werther with the news, but Billy followed 껗 after learning the news.

So, I don't like Billy at all.

When Billy saw this, his face fell, and then he followed slowly.

Moxi's strength is much stronger than 놛. Now Moxi is a strong person at the Amethyst 떘 level, while 놛 has just broken through to the platinum level.

He also relied on his age to pretend to be the boss in front of Moxi.

This is still a situation where there is nothing serious.

"Alas, I have no strength and no right to speak!"

With a sigh, Billy flapped his wings and sped up a bit, but there was no envy or jealousy in his eyes.

Strength is not limited to realm.

Moxies are growing, and so is 놛, but 놛 needs a transformation!


Gedra, who had just completed the magic circle inspection of the products in the store, heard the sound coming from outside and turned his head to look.

Seeing Moxie and Billy walking in, a smile appeared on his face.

"Long time no see. Why did you come here? I remember the last time you came here was more than a hundred years ago."

After hearing what Gedra said, Moxi smiled at Gedra, but Billy on the side took over.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years, and you have become a bit stronger!"

As he said that, Billy paused briefly, and then said: "Witt is still in the laboratory over there. When he left, the guy said that in a few decades, he would be able to break through again. .

After more than a hundred years, you have to tell me whether that guy has become stronger or not. We are on the same front.

If that guy breaks through, there is no need for me to ask him to help test the new generation of elemental puppets.

Making this thing is very troublesome! "

Hearing this, Gedra sighed, then stretched out his paw and patted Billy on the shoulder.

"Unfortunate news, 놛 has a breakthrough!"

Upon hearing this, Billy suddenly lost the desire to see Werther and turned around and walked outside.

"I'm going to find Antasha, Moxi. You can go and see Werther yourself. That guy is addicted to dismantling elemental puppets. Go now. My poor elemental puppet will definitely become a target to test your own strength. 떚!

Gedra, when you are free, go and find me across the way. Let's go to the 'Fenglong's Dining Table' and have a good meal. "

After finishing his words, Billy ran out of the store without waiting for Gedra to respond.

Moxi shook his head helplessly, and then nodded towards Gedra again.

"You get busy first, I'm going to find Werther."

"Well, go ahead!"

Gedra also knew that Moxi was not good at chatting. After a few brief greetings, he watched Moxi go to the stone door behind the counter.

And 놛zi껧 also walked towards the counter. Today's magic circle practice has not started yet!

Entering the stone door, Moxi walked towards the laboratory.

After knocking on the door of the laboratory, there was no response from the dragon for a moment, so Moxi opened the laboratory directly, but there was no dragon inside.

At this time, Agnar should be practicing magic in the training room.

With this thought in his mind, Moxi walked towards the north side of the laboratory.

Originally, the north side of the laboratory was where various experimental materials were stored. There was even a cold room there specifically for storing materials that required special storage conditions.

Now, opposite the refrigerator room, there is another compartment.

Walking into the cubicle, a complicated magic array came into view.

After closing the door, Moxi activated the teleportation magic circle.

Suddenly, a gray-white alloy wall appeared in front of Moxi's eyes.

Moxi, on the other hand, walked to the opposite wall with ease, found a rather hidden position, and concentrated the elements. With the appearance of a magic circle, the metal wall also opened a channel hundreds of meters high. Door.

After walking out of the door, Moxi entered a gray-white metal passage and then turned left.

After walking along the passage for a while, Moxi came to an open metal door. Behind the door was a large space.

A 763-meter-long silver-white dragon stood in front of the experimental table, fiddling with something.

As for why such a precise number appeared in 놛's mind, Moxi couldn't help but grinned when he thought of something, and then 놛 walked in.

Hearing the movement behind him, the powerful silver-white dragon turned its head, revealing the iconic "big night light" on its chest.

Needless to say, 놛늀 is Werther!

When Werther saw Moxie, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It's Moxi. Did you come here on your own?"

"Come with Billy."

Hearing this, Witte thought for a moment, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he sneered.

"That guy is still so angry. Not only did he smash a few elemental puppets, but I didn't propose a fight. Forget it, let's not talk about it.

Just come over here and look for me, I guess there's something going on! "

Hearing this, Moxi nodded and then began to explain.

Listening to Moxi's words, Werther's face showed a hint of surprise at first, and then the surprise dissipated and turned into thinking.

After a moment, Werther nodded.

"I know, I'll go over there and take a look."

Hearing this, Moxi hurriedly asked, "Do you need me to go with you?"

Werther shook his head.

"No need. Let's not mention that the time is uncertain. Even if the time is determined, you are not suitable to follow."

With that said, Werther looked at Moxi and smiled.

"Don't show a disappointed expression. When you become stronger, I will take you there even if you don't tell me. Let's go. I haven't been back to Sky City for a while. Let's go back together!"

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