Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1233 I’ll give you a gift!

"Wait a minute!"

When Witt flew into the passage, Celine's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Witt's heart skipped a beat, and then he stopped as he was told. Although he still had a bit of resentment on his face, when he turned his head to look at Celine, a hint of doubt flashed across his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Celine followed and landed at a distance from Witt, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Your tail..."

"It's okay. Since you're here, it means that in that guy's opinion, this bet is over, and I don't have to drink that potion as agreed.

The effect of this potion will only last for one day.

It has been eighteen magic hours since I last drank the potion. In about six more magic hours, my tail will be fully restored.

What's more, even if I don't have a tail, I can still fly with magic.

By the way, the Thunder Pond, although it is all thunder plasma, the thunder element is also one of the elements that contains a lot of destructive aura. If you are interested in the Thunder Pond, there is the entrance over there. You can open it by injecting elements.

I said, I will go to settle accounts with that guy.

Wait, I will definitely return with victory!"

Hearing this, Celine rolled her eyes.

"If you ask me, it's useless for you to go. Will he think that I will tell you this?

He's just here!

Since he's here, you can't make any more trouble."

Witt shook his head firmly.

"Okay, I'll swallow this breath. If he wants to give me gold coins, I will steal his potion and carve words on his house. This matter is not over!"

After saying that, Witt flew away without turning his head.

Watching Witt leave, Celine thought for a while, and after feeling that there was no problem, she turned and walked in the direction that Witt had just pointed.

She was still quite interested in the destructive aura contained in the thunder pool.

As for Witt...

She had already gotten used to Witt's suicidal behavior, and Poredia knew the difference. At most, she would beat Witt up or pull out his scales...

As long as Witt didn't mind losing the dragon, she certainly didn't care!

However, when she thought of what Witt had just said, that he believed she would come to see him, a smile appeared on Celine's lips.

However, Celine, who had been fooled, never expected that Witt would laugh strangely after leaving her perception range.


"Hehe, finally got it done!"

Muttering, Witt continued to fly towards the Sky City.

As for throwing a big black pot on Poredia's head...

Witt didn't care. In fact, Poredia was good at doing things on his own, and he needed to use his brain to fool Celine.

It was good enough that he just took the blame.

Fortunately, he was quick-witted. If he had reacted a little slower, Celine would have guessed that he had done something dangerous again.

It was much easier to coax Boredia than to coax Celine.

He chose the lesser of two evils, so Witt threw the blame to Boredia without hesitation.

As for going to find Boredia...

This was true.

Boredia still had more than a dozen bottles of medicine left, and he had to complete all the treatments without telling Celine.

Since Celine came to find him, she would definitely stay for a while.

What's more, there was a minefield under the "laboratory", which contained a strong aura of destruction.

Celine would definitely see all of this.

Once she saw it, only God knew when she would leave.

If Celine left, how could he drink the medicine?

And since Celine was sure to leave, he had to leave.

Such a plan that kills two birds with one stone was thought out and executed smoothly by him in just a short moment...

"I am such a genius!"

Praising himself loudly, Witt hummed the ancient tune that was circulated among the dragons and could make the originally happy mood even happier, and flew towards the Sky City at a high speed.

There was no way, he had to act in full, saying that he was going to settle accounts with Boredia, and he couldn't fly back slowly.

What's more, there were too many familiar dragons on that street. If he took too long to go back, and Celine found out, Celine would be smart enough to guess what he did at once.

So, he had to check the "confession" with Boredia later, just in case!

As for Avery, as the head of the clan, he must know what he can say and what he can't say.



A loud shout broke the silence of the street.

When the dragon looked over curiously, he saw a silver-white dragon quickly jumping into Boredia's pharmacy.

The dragons who often come to this street are surprised by this.

This familiar voice, familiar scene, it is hard to guess what will happen in that store. After all, except for the dragon that jumped in, which is much larger than before, everything else is basically unchanged.

Moreover, they are also happy about this matter.

Soon, they have something to talk about, which makes their life that has changed a lot more colorful.

What do you think of the dragon outside...

In the store, Boredia, who was studying the potion, heard this sudden voice, frowned, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He hadn't seen Witt for ten years, and it seemed that he hadn't done anything to him!

Although he was confused in his heart, Poredia still responded on the surface: "What are you crazy about again?"

Witt rushed into the store, and his original aggressive look was instantly restrained by him. Then he walked to the counter and looked at Poredia with shame.

"I haven't seen you for ten years, I brought you a gift!"

Poredia looked at Witt's completely different attitude before and after, and after a slight silence, he looked at Witt indifferently.

"Pull out the scales or get beaten?"

Looking at Witt's expression, it goes without saying that this guy's so-called gift must be a black pot.

Hearing this, Witt laughed awkwardly.

"Don't be so impulsive, it's a black pot. For you who are about to enter the legend, even a scale will not fall off..."

"But it will damage my reputation!"

Witt pouted.

"You, what reputation do you still have? Although you were drunk and made trouble, that ugly attitude has already penetrated into Long's heart. The random addition of things to the potion has already cast your weird character.

No matter what you do, Long will be surprised.

At least just now, when I came into the store in that attitude, Long who noticed my behavior outside showed not surprise, but relief on his face...

Your reputation, hehe!"

As soon as the voice fell, Witt's head was grabbed by a wieldy boy and then pulled up.

"Who do you think gave you this?"


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