Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1222 A rare opportunity!

That's right, Werther is preparing to come into contact with the Law.

As for why 놊 is a rule instead of a law, that is because the rule is an extension of the law. A more accurate name for the rule is 껩, which should be a fragment of the law.

The rules that Avery understood through his breakthrough were based on the premise of contact with the rules.

So, the so-called rules of understanding are actually the rules of contact.

Witte wanted to come into contact with the law of thunder element. This was an idea that came to him overnight.

Don't forget, when he just started and couldn't use elemental magic, spiritual magic, which was one of the foundations of his strength, was his powerful capital.

Now, although he can use elemental magic, spiritual magic still ranks before elemental magic.

Spiritual magic targets elemental magic, but, among legends, magic is the external expression of strength, and the real inner part is the power of rules transformed from elements.

There is no corresponding law to support spiritual magic, or in other words, Witte's knowledge is not sure whether there is such a law.

Therefore, he chose to find another way to find the ability to take spiritual magic further from the eight elemental laws.

Witte had already thought about this step before.

Among the rules derived from each series of elemental laws, there is a special rule, which is elemental dispersion.

Werther's goal is the eight elemental dispersal rules.

As for the manifestation of spiritual magic at the legal level...

Werther has no idea yet. After all, he knows too little about the laws.

There must be a road for a car to reach the mountain, and a straight path for a boat to reach the bridge!

Witte's current goal is spiritual magic at the rule level. As for the law level, he will consider it after he reaches legend.

If there really isn't...

Didn't Werther completely give up on elemental magic?

Elemental magic is his retreat. It doesn't matter if he fails. If he is brave enough, he can follow the same path as other dragons.

As for now...

When Avery breaks through the legend, the corresponding laws around him will appear. With Boredia, a guy who has been exposed to the law of thunder element, the law of thunder element will be displayed very clearly here.

Although he is still platinum, he wants to give it a try in advance.

The power of rules can only be understood through contact with the rules when there is a breakthrough in the legend.

Before Antasha broke through the legend, she had already mastered the rules of power. There were several dragons around Witte who had mastered the power of the rules.

Olidorf, Closier, Linstar, Celine...

Although they cannot use the power of rules, they are just contaminated with the power of rules. The magic they use under the same conditions is stronger.

놙놊However, there are really few dragons who have such an opportunity.

Most dragons still have to understand the power of rules when they break through the legend.

As for Olidof and the others, except for Celine, the other dragons are all from 꽭눃. Celine was able to come into contact with the power of the rules of destruction in advance because of accident and luck.

Therefore, Witte did not expect that he could understand the rule of thunder element dispersion.

He just wants to try to get in touch and prepare for the future!

After all, he himself has no affinity with the element of thunder. To be honest, it is difficult to have such an opportunity when the law of the element of thunder is revealed in front of him!

Of course, if Boredia can successfully break through to the legend, it will be relatively simple to gain access to the law of thunder element.

When he thinks that he will have to search for these eight rules in the future, Witte feels his head hurt!

On the other side, after hearing Werther's words, the faces of the three dragons showed a hint of astonishment, and Boredea and Avery stopped, waiting for Werter's explanation.

Seeing this, Witte said helplessly: "The specifics are easy to describe. In short, you guys have to understand that I need to be exposed to the law of thunder element!"

Hearing this, Boredia took a deep look at Werther.

"It won't affect Avery's breakthrough, but..."

At this point, Boredia finally stopped talking. He knew that Werther would be wrong, and since Werther had already made his choice, he would have to go out of his way to persuade Werther.

When it comes to certain things, this young dragon full of secrets is extremely stubborn!

Of course, he will definitely ask the reason later.

Without saying anything else, Boredia turned around and flew downwards, and Avery quickly followed.

Afterwards, he looked at Werther with a slightly worried look.

It is very dangerous to have contact with elemental laws without elemental affinity, but Boredia is ready to persuade him, so what can he say!

놙You can pray in your heart, Werther is going to take it off!

Watching the two dragons enter the Leichi Cave, Witte closed the metal gate in front of him to prevent external element fluctuations from affecting Avery's breakthrough.

As for the law of thunder element, it will be isolated by this gate and the rock wall below...

If it can be easily isolated, then it is the rule!

"Meier, help guard the entrance. You have to use magic yourself. Come and bring these magic circles."

"Teacher, you..."

There are no other dragons here, so Meier can naturally call Werther this without restraint.

He also looked at Werther with a worried expression.

He himself was originally a legendary high-level powerhouse, so he naturally knew what the elemental laws meant to a dragon without such elemental affinities.

The most important thing is that Witt is still platinum.

However, before he finished speaking, Witt smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's just a test. If it works, I will give up. Paying my life for it is what I want."

Hearing this, Meyer opened his mouth, and finally nodded helplessly.

With his strength, it is easy to stop Witt, but as a student, he feels that he should trust the teacher.

In this way, Meyer left the cave entangled and flew outside.

After Meyer left, Witt began to adjust his state.

Is what he is going to do dangerous?

Of course it is dangerous!

Without the affinity of thunder element, but wanting to contact the law of thunder element, such behavior, to describe it in the way of example, is to throw wood into fire and salt into water.

It may not be as serious as the example given, but it is much worse.


With a long breath, Witt fell to the ground.

Avery didn't need to worry about him. If Avery couldn't break through to the legend in this situation, it would mean that he had no chance of becoming a legend.

In contrast, the attempt he was going to make required his full commitment.

Of course, as he said to Meyer, he was just trying it a little bit. If it worked, Witt would give up immediately. He hadn't lived long enough to be a thousand years old!

And the reason why Witt was so persistent was because he wanted to find his own way to become a strong man...

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