Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1221 Poredia’s new idea!

After leaving the Leichi Cave, Werther did not observe the situation inside the cave. Although he was a little bit curious about it, since Boredia asked them to leave, it meant that they could not withstand the power below.

Thinking about this, 뀞 faced Witte and asked: "Avery, how are you feeling now?"

Hearing this, Avery's brisk tone followed.

"It feels pretty good. I didn't expect you to hide such a good place."

Hearing this, Werther smiled sheepishly.

"The truth is, if you hadn't reminded me that you needed a suitable place to break through, I probably wouldn't have been able to remember this place for a while.

After all, this was more than six hundred years ago. "

As he spoke, Witte took out the experimental table and various materials.

"Witt, what are you..."

Hearing this, Werther smiled.

"The difference between me more than 600 years ago and me now, let alone the difference in the level of magic arrays, is just the existence of the thunder pool, which makes me dare not touch magic arrays that are too advanced.

To be honest, even I am a little surprised that this place has not been occupied by a powerful dragon beast for so many years.

However, such luck is considered good once. If it continues to be left here like this, sooner or later this thunder pool will be occupied by other dragons or dragon beasts.

Now, Boredia went to deal with the hidden dangers of the thunder pool.

As long as there are no hidden dangers, I can use a more powerful and complex magic circle to protect this place.

In addition to the thunder pool, this place is also a place where the two elements of water and fire are enriched.

Otherwise, even if it was to swear my right, I would not choose to sleep in this place.

Although the Sky City is good, the elements of wind and thunder are too rich, and other elements are squeezed out and become a little scarce.

If I want to participate in the next Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, the City in the Sky is definitely not suitable for me to absorb elements. It just so happens that I can build a laboratory here.

On the one hand, he is cultivating, and on the other hand, he has completely taken over this place as his own.

Later, when Boredia comes, we will discuss with him to see if we can build a teleportation magic circle. If possible, the sky city can be connected here. "

"It's a beautiful idea, but it doesn't work!"

At this moment, Boredia's voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this, Werther sighed.

"Can't you be accommodating? By the way, you solved it so quickly?"

Boredia glanced at Werther.

"If it were in the past, you would have no problem building whatever you wanted, but now that the abyss is invading, a teleportation magic circle with unimpeded access to the outside world will definitely not exist.

The teleportation magic circle with other city-states, not to mention that the city-state itself is very powerful, even if the city-state on the other side cannot defend it, the Sky City can still support it.

And the teleportation array you built privately can hardly guarantee the safety here.

So, do you think this teleportation magic circle can be built? "

Werther is immortal.

"Isn't it also possible to destroy something that can be destroyed in one direction?"

"One-way destruction?"

Boredia was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Werther in surprise.

"Can you get it out?"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"Of course I can't get it out, but Antasha Ilaya can definitely get it out, 뇾the resonance alchemy magic circle you mentioned before."

Werther still hasn't been able to study this thing thoroughly.

How to say it?

When Witte was studying this magic circle, he had a special feeling. He was missing something very important. As long as such a thing existed, this magic circle could function.

And the thing he lacked was the part of knowledge that Boredia kept secret from him and did not want to mention.

According to Witte's guess, this part of knowledge can only be understood by oneself.

Moreover, he had a hunch that as long as he understood this part of the knowledge, he would be a legendary alchemist!

"One-way destroyed teleportation magic circle..."

Boredia murmured, and his eyes gradually brightened.

Why didn't he think of such a simple truth?

On the other side, Werther saw the expression on Boredia's face suddenly brighten up. Not knowing why, he couldn't help but ask: "Hey, what did you think of again?"

Werther's words brought Boredia back from her thoughts.

He glanced at Werther and grinned.

"Dragon is only an insignificant part of the city in the sky. Most of the others are flying dragons, and most of the flying dragons are inseparable from the hunting grounds outside the city in the sky...

Speaking of this, what did you think of? "

Werther thought for a moment, and then looked at Boredia with some surprise.

"Are you going to use the teleportation magic circle to bring all the hunting grounds around Sky City under the protection of Sky City?"

Boredia nodded.

"I have been worried before that the teleportation magic array will be a fast channel for the abyss to attack the Sky City. However, after your reminder, if it is a one-way destructible teleportation magic array, there is no need to worry about this.

Moreover, this type of magic array can be arranged outwards in stages and batches, with the Sky City as the center, thus forming a layer-by-layer multiple defense system.

In this way, even if all the pastures cannot be protected, as long as the opponent fails to capture Sky City at once, Sky City will still have the capital to hold the opponent in a stalemate.

I'm going to find Wende right now! "

Werther originally listened quite seriously. After all, this was a pretty good defensive idea, but as soon as Boreidia's last words came out, Werther reacted.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing Boredia looking over in confusion, Witte said helplessly: "Don't worry, you have forgotten what we are here to do, Avery hasn't made a breakthrough yet!

As for the means to deal with the Abyss, the Abyss is still in the dormant stage, so don't worry. "

Boredia reacted this time.

"Sorry, I was thinking so seriously that I forgot about the main thing. The thunder pool below has stabilized. You can solidify the rock layer to strengthen it.

As long as the cave is not completely destroyed, the thunder pool will not explode.

But this is your business, Werther.

Avery, you come with me and I will personally oversee your breakthrough.

The two of you stay in front of him and don't come down. His foundation is unstable and interference from other elements may affect his understanding of the rules.

Especially you, Werther, must stay here.

The ultimate power of your body is more harmful than other elements. "

Hearing this, Avery nodded gratefully towards Boredia, and then followed.

Seeing the two dragons preparing to enter the Thunder Pond Cave below, Witte thought of his purpose and hurriedly asked: "By the way, Boredia, if I try to understand the rules of the thunder element here, will it affect Ivor?" A breakthrough?"


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