Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1211 Don’t go looking for death!

The creator of Fus is not difficult to investigate...

First of all, the strength.

For the Stroka Alchemy Site, Aqfrey had shown resistance in both his notes and experimental records.

This means that the Stroka Alchemy Site is very dangerous.

Moreover, in the records left in the laboratory that he and Winters found together when they returned to the past, the dragon that forced Aqfrey away from the Morton Vein and chased him all the way also escaped with serious injuries after entering the alchemy site.

Although Witt really hoped that the dragon was still alive, but with Aqfrey's mind, the probability of the dragon being alive... to be honest, it was infinitely close to zero.

Although Aqfrey's strength has been declining in the late old age as his dragon soul decayed, his strength is obviously not weak to be able to survive from the Stroka Alchemy Site.

If the dragon is seriously injured, it is likely to be hunted down by Aqfrey.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that if the alchemist who "created" Fusi really got the alchemy knowledge about dragon soul from the Stroka Alchemy Ruins, then his strength is definitely not weak.

At least they are all high-level legends!

When he learned that this alchemist was one of Fusi's mothers, Vitki was sure that the above guess was correct.

The dragon soul alchemy technology is likely to come from the Stroka Alchemy Ruins.

And this is also related to the other party's identity.

Fusi is still alive, which proves that the other party treats Fusi as his offspring, not an experimental subject.

A dragon that is willing to kill other dragons for its own children is probably not a wild dragon.

Not to mention that most wild dragons are selfish, even if a dragon who cares about his offspring really appears, it is difficult to get enough experimental subjects in a short period of time for him to study dragon soul.

To sum up, there is a 99% chance that this alchemist was born in the Dragon's Nest and is actually a powerful dragon.

This also explains why Fus is so world-weary.

In order to make her intelligent, her father or mother probably moved the dragonlings in the Dragon's Nest.

The possibility is quite high!

In Desidero, Winters is solely responsible for the dragon eggs.

If she wants to study dragon alchemy with those dragon eggs, it won't take much effort. On the contrary, not every dragon egg can successfully hatch a dragonling.

Winters has also experienced hundreds of years without a dragonling being born.

Then, even Antasa can make fake pupils that can deceive most dragons. Can't an alchemist who can figure out the research of the dragon soul from the Stroka alchemy site and successfully operate it do it?

It can definitely be done!

However, when Poredia met Fus, he recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Although it is possible that Fus deliberately sought death and did not bring that kind of thing to himself, just to let the dragon kill him when he saw his pupils...

But there is another possibility, that is, the alchemist did not have time to make a cover-up item for him, and his plan was exposed to the eyes of other dragons in the Dragon's Nest.

In fact, the latter possibility is greater.

The reason is that since the other party wants Fus to become an ordinary dragon, the most important thing to hide in this plan is Fus's body!

Since Fus knew, it means that there is something wrong with this plan.

Although it is not known whether Fus did not die because of the protection of the mother or the pity of the Dragon's Nest, there is no doubt that this matter will definitely cause waves in the Dragon's Nest.

This can be seen from Winters's status in Desidero.

The dragon that can be fully responsible for hatching dragon eggs is not only powerful, but also has the best identity in the dragon nest.

Therefore, this wave will definitely rise.

As long as we start from this direction, it is not difficult to figure out the origin of Fus and the identity of the alchemist behind him.

Thinking of this, Witt's eyes flashed.

I know the approximate area where the Stroka Alchemy Ruins are located. Although the space anchor left there has an accident, that place is on the left side of the sea route between the Desert City and the Hot City.

However, if I can find that alchemist, I may be able to know some more detailed information about the interior of the Stroka Alchemy Ruins.

Of course, whether it is the power of this dragon or the danger of the Stroka Alchemy Ruins itself, it is not something that I can deal with.

Therefore, Witt just buried this idea in his heart.

In the future, when my power is strong, I can directly find the Stroka Alchemy Ruins through this clue.

As for what he was looking for this place for...

To be honest, this is actually the same as the treasure, except that the former is for gold coins, while the latter is for knowledge.

Although the knowledge of dragon alchemy is full of blood, knowledge is the same as power. The dragon itself has no good or evil, and the dragon that uses knowledge has good and evil.

The thirst for knowledge is the nature of most dragons.


Poredia's voice pulled Witt's thoughts back. He looked up and saw that Poredia was looking at him with suspicion. Witt smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry, I was thinking too much!"

Hearing this, Poredia narrowed his eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

"What else can I think of? Of course, it's Fus's experience. I once saw a travelogue full of negative emotions in the library. Now it seems that Fus should have expressed his guilt in the book.


To be honest, if you think about it carefully, this is not your problem at all, but you have taken all the sins on yourself...

Of course, I won't say things like 'Why do you have to do this'.

We are just bystanders, unable to empathize with Fus's inner pain, so we are naturally not qualified to say things like let it go.

I just hope you can think clearly."

Poredia looked at Witte with some surprise.

"I believe that most dragons will definitely not react to Fus's experience with this, but more disgust.

A congenital dragon beast, with the appearance of a dragon, living a dragon's life... Few dragons can accept this.

Especially young dragons like you."

Witt shook his head.

"Dragon beasts can gain wisdom after becoming legends.

And the innate dragon beasts 녤 should be giant dragons. Becoming innate dragon beasts is not a choice made by 놛. Fus can regain intelligence, just like what you said before, 'I recognize 놛 as a giant dragon'.

I also recognize 놛 as a giant dragon!"

Speaking of this, Witt paused slightly, then climbed up from the counter.

"Okay, the chat is almost over. I have to go accompany my teacher. See you later!"

After that, Witt's huge body jumped directly from behind the counter, but surprisingly felt light.

Poredia looked at Witt's back and suddenly spoke.

"Don't go looking for death!"


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