Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1209 Are there myths in the dragon world?

Chapter 1209 Is the Dragon World a Myth?

Witt looked at Poredia's eyes full of oppression, his face changed slightly, and he subconsciously moved away from him.

"What do you want to do? I haven't provoked you recently!"

Hearing this, Poredia still stared at Witt.

"Don't you realize it yet?"


Witt was stunned for a moment, but he was not stupid. After thinking about it for a while, he understood why Poredia reacted like this.

"That... I said I was just curious, do you believe it?"

Looking at Poredia's unyielding eyes, Witt sighed helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I admit that I am indeed tempted by that knowledge, but... Don't worry, I won't study dragon body alchemy for these."

This, Witt really didn't say it casually.

If you just want to know the secrets of the dragon soul, who has more advantages than him?

He doesn't even need to study, just open his mouth and ask!

Among the many powers controlled by his father, there is a kind of flame related to the soul, that is the golden holy fire, which is called the flame that burns the soul.

Witt doesn't believe that his father who controls this kind of flame has no research on the dragon soul.

So, what he is really interested in is the creator of Fus, the dragon who has such profound knowledge about the dragon soul.

The last dragon that interested him so much was Aqfrey.

And the part about dragon body alchemy in Aqfrey comes from Shi, who has lived for an unknown period of time, but is still alive now.

And living for so long, it has already shown that Shi's research on dragon soul is quite deep.

So deep that he can almost get rid of, or even get rid of the shackles of dragon soul, and gain a longer life.

What Witt wants to know is whether the dragon's research on dragon soul is his own research, or like Aqfrey, it comes from Shi's legacy.

Is it related to the Stroka Alchemy Ruins?

No wonder Witte guessed so!

For the research on dragon soul, those alchemists involved in dragon body alchemy have never stopped.

Whether it is mechanical transformation or anything else, as long as you want to reach eternity, the dragon soul will always be the mountain that cannot be avoided.

Why did the dragon with a strong body suddenly drop in strength at the end of the old age and then die? The reason lies in the decay of the dragon soul.

Therefore, if you want to break the limit of life, you must work hard on the dragon soul.

Therefore, Shi, who has lived for an unknown period of time, has definitely made a breakthrough in the dragon soul.

With Witte's experience, until now, among the dragons he knows, only Shi has achieved this.

As for Os, to be honest, Witte suspects that he is also related to Shi's dragon body alchemy technology.

Therefore, when Witt realized that the alchemist behind Fuss had achieved such great results in the field of dragon soul research, the first thing he suspected was definitely whether the other party was related to Shi.

The Stroka alchemy ruins left by Shi, Yakfrey could enter, and other dragons could naturally enter as well.

Therefore, his reason for suspicion was quite sufficient.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt looked at Poredia openly on the surface.

He was interested in this alchemist and his alchemy results, and it was not surprising that he was interested in dragon body alchemy.

Of course, Witt was still very grateful to Poredia.

If it weren't for the other party's words just now, he might have really had the idea of ​​studying dragon body alchemy in his heart.

Once these ideas are generated, even if they are not done now, they will still fall on the heart like a seed, and take root and sprout in the future!

And Witt himself knew what state he was in just now. In that state, it was not strange to say anything.

But at present, he did not have those thoughts now.

On the other side, when Poredia heard Witt's slightly solemn words and his attitude of not being ashamed of his conscience, the light in his eyes finally subsided.

"To be honest, you should not touch these things in the future!"

A trace of fear flashed through Poredia's heart.

It was fortunate that he noticed that something was wrong with Witt's state.

Sure enough, the smarter the dragon, the easier it is to fall into the alchemy of the dragon body. This sentence was finally fulfilled in Witt.

Hearing this, Witt was immediately anxious.

"No, what do you mean, how can you be so suspenseful, and suddenly stop talking, you will be struck by thunder!"

"I'm not afraid!"

As he said this, Poredia closed his eyes, making it clear that he was not going to continue talking.

Witt saw this and gritted his teeth...

"If you don't tell me, I will give all the pearls to Anne!"

Boredia opened his eyes instantly.

"If you give all the pearls to Anne, I will give all the gold coins to Violet!"

As they said this, both dragons stared at each other, with no intention of giving in.

After a long while, Boredia spoke first.

"If it's just out of curiosity, do you have to persist to this extent?"

Hearing this, Witt's face froze, and then his eyes moved subconsciously.

Noticing this, Boredia's face darkened.

"Sure enough, there are other reasons!"

Hearing this, Witt said helplessly: "Okay, I'll tell you the truth. It was indeed an interest at first, but after hearing about Fus's origin, I think the dragon that "created" him may be related to another dragon I have been paying attention to."

"Another dragon..."

Poredia muttered, and then he looked directly at Witt.

"Why didn't you want to say it before?"

Witt smiled awkwardly.

"This dragon is a little special. His existence is unusually long, and has surpassed... By the way, how long is the lifespan limit of the legendary high-level?

Tell me and see if it is the same as the number I know."

Hearing this, Poredia glanced at Witt.

"About 300,000!"

Witt was stunned for a moment.

"About 300,000, shouldn't it be about 200,000?

A college teacher who taught us alchemy once told us that Os is a very old dragon, and his age has exceeded 200,000.

But if the lifespan limit of the legendary high-level is about 300,000.

Lofa should not use this kind of rhetoric!"

Hearing this, Poredia looked at Witt deeply.

"The lifespan limit is the lifespan limit, which is different from how long you have lived. Legends are not immortal, but they die quietly.

And it's not because the lifespan has reached the limit, but the process of understanding the law is actually extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will become part of the law.

So, Os is indeed a very ancient dragon.

Of course, there must be dragons older than him, but they are not obvious. In addition, you just mentioned legends. Don't forget that there are myths above legends!"

Witt's heart moved.

"Myths in the dragon world?"

Poredia chuckled.

"Who knows!"


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