Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1107 Why are you back?

However, what surprised Werther was that although his face was full of resistance, Billy still nodded.

Seeing Werther looking at him in surprise, Billy smiled bitterly.

"Although her aesthetics are a bit strange, her alchemy skills are indeed strong. By communicating with her, my alchemy skills can also be greatly improved.

Just suffering some verbal pressure is nothing at all.

In the City of Eternal Night, the alchemists who are stronger than me have much weirder tempers. Under normal circumstances, they are not even willing to pay attention to me.

Compared to them, Antasha is much better. "

"Is that so..."

Werther grinned.

"Whenever you go to find her, remember to call me."

To be honest, Werther really wanted to watch. The scene when Billy asked Antasha for advice must be exciting!

Of course Billy knew Werther's temperament.

He laughed a few times, said nothing, and walked towards the store.

Seeing this, Witte said: "You go back first, I have some things to do here."

After saying that, Witte walked towards the group of Thunder Winged Dragons next to him.

Meeting Avery again, as expected, Werther got the news of Colen and Alva's departure.

In their words, that is, when Werther comes back, Werther will definitely send it. Since the teleportation magic circle is here, it is too troublesome to send it back and forth, so it is better to leave in advance.

In this regard, Werther can only wait until he sees them again before he denounces them.

In addition, Meyer also decided to stay with Avery for a while.

Avery took a long leave from the top management of Sky City to prepare for the legendary breakthrough, and Meyer just happened to stay with Avery to help.

Witt certainly agrees with this.

Don't look at myths and legends, one is more powerful than the other, but in terms of Witte's more than nine hundred years of experience, legend is the mainstream in the dragon world.

Although the legend is strong, it is actually just a mascot and basically doesn't care about anything.

Most of their energy will be focused on improving their own strength, and they will not pay much attention to external matters.

Therefore, Avery's breakthrough to Legend will not only bring many benefits to his tribe, but also make his life in the Sky City more comfortable for Witte.

Without disturbing the two dragons too much, and just talking for a few words, Werther came out of Avery's place.

Originally, Werther planned to go back to the store to spend some time with his teacher.

After all, Giannis will be leaving Sky City soon.

However, just when Werther was about to return to his shop, he accidentally caught a familiar figure.

With a look of surprise on his face, Werther turned his foot and passed by his shop, continuing to walk towards the front.

"Boredia, why are you back?"

At this time, Boredia was in a semi-awake state, making straight circles when walking.

Fortunately, Boredia was still able to communicate smoothly in his semi-awake state.

"Oh, it's you. Is it ready over there?"

Werther nodded, stopped in front of Boredia's shop, and then looked at the other party curiously.

Boredia also took advantage of the situation and said: "It's not Annie, but she actually followed me. With her here, neither Jax nor Xiao Bing wanted to drink with me.

It’s no fun to drink by yourself, so of course I’m back.

What are you..."

With that said, Boredia saw Werther standing in front of his shop and asked, "You want to talk to me about your business?"

Werther nodded, and then followed Boredia into the store and said, "Linstar and the others went to other city-states, and Violet followed them.

After all, she is your daughter, I have to tell you no matter what. "

As he said that, a figure flashed in Werther's mind, and he continued: "Of course, this is only one aspect. On the other hand, I just saw Fosse when I was sending them away.

I was curious about him before, but then I heard Antasha say that you brought him back.

A long time ago, I wanted to ask you some things related to him, but as a result, I couldn't forget it every time.

This time I finally remembered it. This is a rare opportunity, so I came to find out more about it. "


As he said that, Boredia paused, then turned to glance at Werther, then turned his head and continued walking towards the counter.

Arriving behind the counter, Boredia leaned over and stared at Werther with burning eyes.

"Just curious?"

Werther raised his eyebrows, walked around the counter, and lay down next to Boredia. Seeing Boredia's response, it seemed that Fosse's matter was a big deal, and he was ready to take advantage of it.

With this thought in his mind, Witte nodded on his face.

"Seeing that he always gives up on himself, I'm a little curious about what kind of experience would make a dragon become like this...

However, judging from your response, it seems that Fusi has more secrets.

Although I like to explore, I don't have to know the secrets about other dragons.

So, if there's anything you can't say, just pretend I didn't ask. "

That's what he said, but Werther had no intention of leaving at all.

Boredia sneered.

"Are you ready to leave?"

As he spoke, he paused briefly, and then said: "He didn't specifically ask me to keep his experience secret.

Even when we first met, he told me his own experience.

Maybe, he wanted me to slap him to death after listening to his story.

Sin dragon...

This is what he calls himself. "

"Sin Dragon!"

Werther's eyes lit up. It was indeed a big melon. What a pity. It would have been nice if there were a lot of food in front of him now.

Listening to stories and eating at the same time, it feels comfortable just thinking about it.

Of course, just think about it.

Soon, Werther's attention was attracted by what Boredia said.

"About two thousand years ago, I went to the big ice field for some reasons, and there, I accidentally saw Foss frozen in ice.

The blue dragon has affinity with both wind and thunder attributes, and does not possess the element of water, so it is definitely not practicing.

And there is still a strong breath of life on his body.

So, I dug him out.

Who knows, after I dug him out, he asked me why I dug him out.

And when he looked at me, I finally knew why he sealed himself with ice.

Like Donitasa who was accepted as a student by Antasha, he is also a product of dragon body alchemy. "

Werther was stunned for a moment.

"The product of dragon body alchemy... No, how do you know that Donitasa is the product of dragon body alchemy?"

Boredia glanced at Werther.

"I've almost understood the law, and you asked me how I figured it out?"

Hearing this, Werther suddenly understood!

Boredia has almost understood the law, so his mental power is definitely far beyond that of ordinary legendary high-ranking people. It is normal for him to be able to tell that something is wrong with Donitaza's dragon soul.


Witte never imagined that Foss was actually the product of dragon body alchemy!

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