Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1106 Saw a familiar dragon!

Before Billy could leave, the dragons had already discussed when to leave, but 놛 himself did not participate. After reacting to this incident, he suffered the double blow of Dinnit's abandonment and Werther's disgust!

After reacting, Billy hurriedly drove.

"Wait... wait a minute!"

With that said, Billy turned to look at Dinnett.

"You didn't discuss such an important matter with me?"

Dinnette rolled his eyes.

"When we were discussing this matter, you were so angry because you were thrown out by Werther that you didn't come back!"

"Then...then you have to inform me!"

Billy's expression was a little unnatural. Obviously, 놛 still wanted to show off his face. Being exposed by Dinnit in public, he was a little embarrassed, and 늀 even sounded a little weaker.

Dinnett glanced at Billy.

"Isn't this a notification to you, or are you planning to go back with us?

That's just right!

Moxi, you can stay here in Sky City and leave the store to Billy to take care of. "

Hearing this, Billy said righteously: "Of course I want to stay in the Sky City. I finally reunited with the boss, but I have to stay for a few months anyway.

Moxi, I leave the care of the store to you! "

Mo Xilong was honest and didn't say anything. Anyway, he could do anything to 놛땤yan.

If you stay in the Sky City, you can stay with Witte for a while, and then return to the City of Eternal Night. Then you can practice well and make up for the shortcomings discovered in the previous battles.

땤On the other side, after Billy finished speaking, he looked at Werther with an aggrieved look.

"Boss, what you just said must be a joke!"

Werther chuckled.

"Okay, I'm really joking. No matter which one of you stays, I'll welcome you all. If you all stay, that would be even better!"

Hearing this, Dinnett sighed with emotion, and then shook his head.

"I have been in the City of Eternal Night for more than nine months. Although I have had a lot of fun recently, sometimes I feel that the sunlight outside is really dazzling."

Hearing this, Billy raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky.

"Is it glaring?"


The dragons were speechless. Dinnet was obviously not talking about the glare of the sun!

Werther stretched out his tail and patted Billy on the head.

"With your IQ, you're going to be stuck with alchemy for the rest of your life. Otherwise, it's really not suitable for you."

With that said, Werther ignored Billy, turned his head and glanced at the dragons, and then focused on Isa.

"If Celine goes, you should also go!"


Isa snorted coldly. Obviously, she was still resenting the previous battle, but she nodded in the end.

Werther chuckled.

"Oh, it seems that you have to stay with me for a while. It must be a bit lonely for a dragon to live in such a big room!"

Listening to Werther's teasing, Austria bared his teeth at Werther and slightly expressed his dissatisfaction.

“It’s nice to live by yourself!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ao realized something was wrong.

Sure enough, Werther's eyes had turned to Isa.

"You heard me, I think you are a burden!"

The dragons looked at Werther, who was constantly blazing. They were speechless. At the same time, the sadness of the separation was almost washed away.

This made everyone look at Werther uncontrollably.

Sometimes, I really can't tell whether this guy did it on purpose or unintentionally.

On the other side, Witte's eyes fell on the dragons in the store.

"It's more than nine. You've been staying in the Sky City. Don't you plan to go out for a walk?"


Linstar was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "Can I go out?"

"Of course!"

"But didn't you say before that it's dangerous outside?"

Witte said helplessly: "I wonder why you guys have built the teleportation system for so long and are still huddled in the Sky City. It's because of this!

The outside is dangerous, but the outside here does not refer to the outside of Sky City, but the wilderness.

The places you go to through the teleportation system are all city-states, and they are also big city-states.

늀 Even if there is no dragon legend to protect it, there is still a flying dragon legend.

How could a city-state be unsafe?

Therefore, if you are interested in visiting other city-states, of course there is no problem. "

After listening to Witte's words, the dragons suddenly understood, and then...

In the square in the center of the Sky City, the four dragons, Werther, Billy, O and Gedela, looked at each other.

Well, Witte's words successfully reduced the original huge dragon team to only the four of them, and the other dragons were gone!

늀Even Xingchen, that "lazy guy", also went with Lin Sida at his invitation.

The same goes for Violet.

As for the courses that Werther prepared for her, he said that they would wait until she came back. After finally being liberated, it can be said that Verritt has completely let herself go.

Of course, she was following the Linstars, so Werther wasn't too worried.

As for Violet’s training...

For the giant dragon, sometimes the time is very short, and sometimes, the time is very long.

땤About today’s Werther.

Thousands of 귷땡뎃 are all right in front of you, so discussing time with 놛 is of little significance.

Even if Violet went out and wandered for dozens of times, it was nothing at all.

Let’s not talk about this. Before Dinnett and the others left, they must have told Janis about it. This matter was completed on the way when they passed by Witt’s shop.

“Uh…what are your plans?”

After looking at each other, Witt opened his mouth first.

Hearing this, Ao glanced at Witt.

“I’ll go back and clean up the place where I live first. After the application was approved, I didn’t have time to clean up because of the banquet. See you later!”

After saying that, Ao turned and left.

Witt turned his eyes to Gedra.

“Look at what I’m doing. Of course I’m going back. I don’t know any dragons here.”


Witt sighed slightly, and then took the two dragons and prepared to go back.

However, at this time, Witt caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye. He turned his head to look at the figure who walked into the library, and a hint of thought flashed in Witt’s eyes.


"What's wrong?"

Hearing Billy's curious question, Witt shook his head.

"Nothing, let's go back!"

After that, the three dragons flew towards the sixth block.

Soon, Witt and his friends returned to the store.

Standing at the door of the store, Witt pointed to the opposite side, then looked at Billy and said, "I don't know if we told you that that's Antash's store.

If you have any questions about alchemy, you can go to her.

Ilaiya is a stronger alchemist than Antash, and she is often at Antash's place."

When Billy heard the name Antash, a hint of resistance suddenly appeared on his face. Obviously, the impression Antash left on him was quite deep...

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