Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1105 Leaving!

Chapter 1105 놚Leave!

"This place has been packed up. It's time for us to leave. I'll leave the venue to you. Later, I will take the materials for the magic circle to your shop. See you later!"

"See you later!"

After saying that, Witte watched Lisi lead a large group of wind dragons and fly towards Sky City.

From a distance, Werther could still hear the wind dragons talking.

There was some excitement in the conversation.

Obviously, they think that the fact that they have participated in the dragon banquet with their special status is a good talking point.

In response, Witte chuckled and then glanced around.

The banquet of just a few giant dragons is already so lively, so what kind of scene should the feast of ten thousand dragons be like?

Werther's eyes flashed with anticipation.

However, there was still quite some time before the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, so this expectation was quickly suppressed deep in Werther's heart.

Then, Witte turned to look at the dragons behind him.

Most of the dragons have left. Those who stayed here are all from the Dragon Nest and the companions from Sky City. Of course, there are also some weird guys mixed in here.

Due to the subsequent teaching activities, Violet did not leave with Anne.

Elise and Holsis had nowhere to go and could only stay with 놇굜nit and the others.

Of course, except for these dragons, the other dragons have left.

Boredia, before she could finish her drink, took Kuo Bing and Jax to fight in Sky City again.

Werther noticed that Anne's eyes as she watched them leave were somewhat unkind. Unsurprisingly, these "unkindnesses" ultimately fell on Boredia.

As for Janis, he has returned to the store.

Meyer also followed Avery and the others back to Sky City, hoping that the two guys, Coren and Alvana, would not leave before they went back.

Antasha and Isha took Donitasa back. After all, the guy didn't forget the new student.

As for Boredia's student, Clohir, after a disastrous defeat in a battle with Celine, he returned to Sky City alone early.

Thinking about it, she didn't expect that Celine's strength would improve to such a great extent after she realized the power of destruction.

In such a hurry to go back, she must not be willing to let the gap between her and Celine widen, so she is working hard to practice.

As for Olidolf, he left with Claude and the others.

Olidolph has been "hidden" by Jacques for many years. After finally coming here, it is impossible to go back easily.

He was going to take a good tour of the city with Claude and the others, who had not been back to Sky City for many years.

Of course, Sky City is impossible, and Jax does not allow him to leave Sky City too far.

With these thoughts in mind, Werther's eyes fell on O, Isa, Moxxi and Billy.

"You guys help level the ground..."

With that said, Werther turned to Linstar and 굜nit.

“The restoration of vegetation will be left to you!”

The vegetation around the banquet venue was not only trampled by the dragon, but also injured by various special effects of the dragon. The elemental power that escaped during the battle was the greatest threat to the grassland.

If natural elements are not used to balance the chaotic elemental forces around the banquet, it will be difficult for the vegetation in this place to recover in several years, or even hundreds of years.

Therefore, it must be Linstar and 굜nit.

After it was handled, Sky City saw the sincerity of Werther and the others, and it would be easier for Sky City to talk to them when they held a similar banquet in the future.

As the saying goes, if you borrow something, you must repay it. It is not difficult to borrow again. The same is true for the rental of venues.

Hearing Witte's words, Jilong nodded and then started to take action.

Witte's eyes immediately looked at the other dragons. Seeing that the other dragons were staring at him, Witte smiled and then said: "Don't look at me like that, the atmosphere is quite serious.

Please feel free, everyone. Dragons will do the dirty work. We can rest and watch them do it.

By the way, how was Holsis' harvest this time? "

At this banquet, in addition to the two guys Antasha and Violet running around, there was another guy running around, and that was Holsis, who was chasing the dragon scales everywhere.

There were quite a lot of alien dragons at this banquet, and in addition to the rare dragon species, there were also many special dragon species that appeared for the first time in the dragon world...

Of course, on this point, Werther is only based on his own knowledge.

Maybe similar dragon species have appeared in other places in the Dragon Realm, maybe.

Putting aside these things, Holsis was grinning until he showed up.

Hearing Witte's words, Holsis laughed even more, then stretched out his paws and showed off his trophies.

Although Witte couldn't identify a dragon by looking at its scales, the dragon scales that had just been pulled out still carried the breath of the owner of the dragon scales. Soon, Witte was able to identify the origin of these dragon scales.

The mutated black dragon Olidolph, the rare dragon species Claude the angry dragon, the diamond dragon Scott, the mutated sacred dragon Celine, the creation dragon Candice that appeared for the first time (from Witte's vision)...

Suddenly, Werther was stunned for a moment.

"This dragon scale is..."

Noticing Witte's gaze, Holsis scratched his head sheepishly, and then said with a smile: "After Your Excellency Anne understood my thoughts, she took the initiative to give me a dragon scale."

Witt was a little speechless. Is Anne the kind of dragon who likes to join in the fun?

Probably not, but...

Thinking in their hearts, Witt and Violet looked at each other, and both saw the strange look in each other's eyes.

Well, maybe Anne is really interested in this matter.

Let's not talk about these. With Holsis's opening, everyone started chatting happily afterwards.

Chatting while watching Violet and the others busying around...

Don't say it, it's quite comfortable.

Especially when Violet and the others looked over here, Witt always held back and grinned.

After the cleanup was finished, Violet and the others joined Witt and the others in the conversation.

Rest by the way.

When they had almost finished talking and resting, the dragons flew towards the Sky City.

As soon as they arrived at the Sky City, Violet, who had been thinking all the way, suddenly started.

"Witt, we discussed it before and are ready to go back."

"Go back?"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"Why don't you stay for a while?"

While speaking, Witt turned his head and looked at Celine.

"You just met, and you just left Celine like this?"

"Of course not!"

Knitt smiled and said: "So, this time Celine and I will leave together. She is very curious about the Evernight City. In addition, in exchange, Billy will be left to you!"


Witt was silent for a while.

"Can you exchange it for Moshi?"


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