Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1172 Look at him!

Chapter 1172 Look at 놛!

Looking at each other, whether it was Neil or Xavier, there was a subtle hint of disgust in their eyes, which meant...

Is this also a red dragon?

Of course, on the surface, the two dragons still nodded to show friendship.

Afterwards, Xavier's eyes quickly shifted to 깊Witt, and then he asked with great interest: "Why did you come to me 깊?

I remember you had never been here before when you came back. "

Hearing this, Werther smiled and said: "That's it..."

He used the same words as before, and then asked conclusively: "So, are you coming? There are many dragons."

Hearing this, Xavier's eyes flashed, and then he chuckled and nodded.

"Of course I'll go. I've been in the Sky City for hundreds of years. Although the ordinary life is nice, it lacks a touch of passion. My bones are almost rusting."

Hearing this, a flash of vigilance flashed in Werther's eyes.

"You are a legend. Although I have prepared the arena, it is not for you old guys. If you want to move your bones, I recommend you to go to the Endless Sea.

In that vast and boundless sea, countless islands are occupied by the abyss.

When you move your bones, you can also bring some benefits to the dragon world.

Kill two birds with one stone! "

The smile on Xavier's face remained unchanged, as if he accepted Werther's proposal, he nodded.

"This is a good idea. You can consider it later. By the way, you can also look for treasures and ruins."

After the topic ended, Witte glanced at the store.

"Then it's agreed, I'll give you this. When the time comes, this dragon scale will explode. When the time comes, you can go directly to the plain south of the Sky City.

Okay, now that the news has been notified to 깊, I should go find the other dragon 깊. See you at the party! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Werther saw Neil's eyes falling on 깊놛, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

It suddenly dawned on Werther that Neil might be interested in the lava pool here.

After all, it is extremely hot, and 놛 is a red dragon.

"Neal, if you want to stay here and take care of Xavier, I have no objection, but..."

As he spoke, Werther looked at the stars.

"You stay too and watch!"

Having been together for such a long time, Xingchen is not the kind of boring character, but Neil, as long as he is not a dragon who is obviously hostile to him, he will talk to him warmly.

Therefore, although he didn’t say it, Neil was already familiar with both Xingchen and Meyer along the way.

There must be nothing wrong with leaving Xingchen to look at Neil.

Neil's eyes lit up when he heard Werther's words, and then he asked hesitantly: "Don't you need us to come together?"

Werther shook his head.

"There are only two places outside the city, and the rest are not far from here. What's more, Mayer is following me!"

After that, Werther glanced at the stars, motioned to keep an eye on the person, and then walked out the door.

After watching Werther leave, Xavier's eyes immediately fell on Neil.

"I have a very hot pool here, I don't know..."

"Of course, the hotter the better!"

Neil said without hesitation.

Xingchen looked at this scene, his mouth twitching, what should I do, I want to quit!

After coming out of Xavier's shop, Werther walked directly towards Ilaya's shop.

However, I don't have too much hope that Ilaya is in the store. If Antasha comes back, Ilaya will most likely go to Antasha's place.

Just as Werther was thinking about this, Meyer's voice suddenly sounded.

"Is it really okay to leave Neil there?"

Hearing this, Werther retracted his thoughts and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you may suffer a little, but Xavier knows it well and won't mess around.

More generally, 놛 is a legendary dragon, and he won't do anything to Neil.

Besides, 깊, 놋stars are here. "

After hearing what Werther said, Meyer didn't say anything else.

Soon, Witmeier arrived at 깊Ilaya's shop.

And here, as Werther guessed before, the door of the shop was closed tightly, and there was no dragon inside.

Seeing this, Werther went straight to Avery.

"Witt, I'm so sad!"

Hearing this, Werther rolled his eyes, looked at Avery, who hurriedly ran out after receiving the news, and said speechlessly: "Young man, I informed you according to the least laborious route."

Werther's words blocked Avery's words in his stomach. Avery smiled bitterly, and then pointed behind him.

"So, 놚, come in and chat for a while?"

Hearing this, Witte walked directly inside.

"Isn't this nonsense? You are so busy. It's rare to meet 깊 once. Why don't you go in and chat for a while? Yes, let those two guys come!"

Avery followed Werther, and after hearing Werter's words, he nodded and said: "I've been here for a while, and I've heard people talk about your plan.

However, are you sure you want to do this? "

As a member of the administrator, Avery is responsible for the security of an area in Sky City, so he knows very well what a group of dragons gathering together looks like to the administrator.

Witt certainly knew what Avery was worried about.

"Don't worry!"

As he said this, Werther chuckled lightly.

"There are ten consuls in the entire Sky City. Among my invitation list, there are only four of them, nearly one of the top city-state officials.

What we should be worried about is not whether I will attack the Sky City, but whether I will abduct these dragons! "

Avery couldn't help but roll his eyes at Werther's bold statement.

Then, 놛 suddenly realized something.

"Who else is there besides Redeker?"

"Candice Anne, the former has already said it, and the latter is going to ask Boredia to inform her. Of course, whether she will come or not, that's a matter of two people."

While he was talking, Witte had already arrived at the 꺶 shed specially prepared for 놛 among the 깊Avery tribe.

At this time, several familiar figures...

Well, flying dragons are all the same in Werther's eyes.

Werther relied on his breath to tell the difference, and in this area, there were no other Thunder Winged Dragons at all times. Therefore, Werther still knew who Jones was and who was Hess.

"Long time no see, Jones, Hess!"

After saying hello, Witte walked in naturally, and then continued: "Let me introduce to you, this is Meyer, a friend I met in Sekent Continent.

You are all flying dragons, so there should be no problem in communicating. "

Under Witte's introduction, both parties got to know each other briefly, and then Witte started talking.

Perhaps, we didn't know each other for a long time, especially Colon and Alva, who lost contact with each other after less than ten years.

But at that special time, it was so harmonious for the Wittes to get along with each other!

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