Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1163: Surprises must be thorough!

Chapter 1163: Surprise, be thorough!

After a long period of silence, Dinnit spoke first.

"Long time no see, Janis!"

A smile immediately appeared on Janis' face.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Although I've heard from Werther, when I saw it with my own eyes, I still couldn't help but sigh. You have all grown up very well!"

The conversation between the two dragons finally pulled the other dragons out of the sudden surprise.

Billy immediately jumped out from among the dragons, ran to the counter, and circled around to look at Janis.

"It's really Janis, not an alchemy product, nor a dragon pretending to be another dragon. She is really Janis... Dinnit, she is really Janis!"

While speaking, Billy even raised his paw and tried to scratch it.

Janis helplessly raised his paw and pressed Billy on the counter.

"Billy, you are still so lively, but moving your claws is a bit too much. I will teach you the magic circle, teacher, um... even though you have never studied seriously in class."

Janis' words brought Billy back to his senses. Seeing the dragons looking at him with strange expressions, Billy hurriedly whispered: "Jannis, let me go first. This is too embarrassing."

Hearing this, Janis was dumbfounded and let Billy go.

After Billy got out of Janis's claws, he hurriedly jumped behind the counter. When he got behind the counter, he realized that there was more than just Janis here.

Looking at the strange dragon whose chest was covered with black lines that looked like shattered space, Billy smiled sheepishly.

"Haha, it turns out I'm not a dragon. Well... hello, I'm Billy, and I was born in the same group as Werther. Since you're the dragon in his store, you should have heard him mention me. .

By the way, what's your name? I didn't even notice you just now. "

After hearing Billy's words, Dinnett and the others noticed that there was another dragon lying behind the counter not far from Janis.

Just now, all of their eyes were attracted to Janis, but they subconsciously ignored the dragon.


Dinnit frowned slightly.

"Why does it look so familiar?"

At this time, Isa's muttering came over, and Dinnit's eyes couldn't help but widen.


"Celine, where is Celine?"

When Billy heard Dinnet's exclamation, he quickly looked around, but he didn't notice at all that the face of the dragon beside him had darkened.


A claw filled with black energy and flames suddenly grabbed Billy's head and pressed him to the counter.

"Billy, although I've changed a lot, I shouldn't have changed to the point where I'm completely unrecognizable. What's more, Dinnet has already recognized me!

You disappoint me, Billy! "

A layer of cold sweat broke out instantly, and when it came out, the golden eyes quickly turned to the side, and through the gaps between the dark claws, the rest of the body was covered, leaving only a head...

Don't tell me, it's really Celine!

"Misunderstanding...misunderstanding...misunderstanding, Celine is all a misunderstanding. The main reason is that I was so happy to see Janis. In addition, you have changed a lot, so I didn't recognize you."

Moreover, we haven’t seen each other for more than nine hundred years, haven’t we…”

Listening to Billy's sudden deep words, Celine's paws paused for a moment, and then she let go of Billy.

Before Billy could breathe a sigh of relief, Celine's words made him feel excited again.

"Not bad, you know how to play the emotional card, but this trick doesn't work for me. Once that guy Werther makes me angry, 늀 will use this trick, and I'm used to it.

But seeing as I haven’t seen each other in over nine hundred years, for your sake, I’ll let you go this time. "

Billy was completely relieved.

Then, with a big heart, he circled around and observed Celine carefully, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

"Céline, what's the matter with these lines of yours? Werther infected them with you?"

Looks pretty good! "

Celine rolled her eyes, flicked her tail, and whipped Billy's head aside.

"Stay away from me. I don't know if the lines are contagious, but I know that stupidity is contagious. After so many years, you are still so stupid!

Okay, stop studying, I will tell you later..."

Having said this, Celine paused, then turned her head and glanced at the dragons, grinning.

"I feel relieved to see that you are having a good time. You also know that it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false when words come out of that guy Werther's mouth.

It wasn't until I saw you with my own eyes that I really confirmed that that guy didn't lie to me. "

Saying that, Celine's eyes finally rested on Dinnit and Isa.

Their six-headed dragons are a group, but within the group, there are small groups. Werther, Billy, and Moxxi are a small group, Werther and Ao are a small group, she, Dinnett , Isha is a small group.

The relationship between small groups should be more intimate.

When their eyes met, Celine chuckled, stood up and walked over.

"Why, why don't you introduce your friends to me?"

Werther bypassed the dragons and came to Janis, smiling and saying: "Teacher, I'm back!"

When Janis heard this, a happy smile appeared on his face.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his head.

"It's good for you, Werther. It's good for you both. In this way, I can leave with peace of mind."

Hearing this, the smile on Witte's face froze, and his eyes fell behind Janis.

Seeing that Janis's wings had not fully recovered, he couldn't help but look at Janis with doubts.

Seeing this, Janis said with a smile: "Of course not now, I will not leave until my wings have completely recovered and I have finished carving the magic circle.

Teacher and the others follow Desedro and clear the abyss.

I am living a quiet life here with you, which is not appropriate after all.

What's more, you have all grown up and do not need me to stay with you to take care of you. "

"녦 is the teacher, Desidero..."

"Teacher knows what you want to say, but how can you find it if you don't look for it? Didn't you give the teacher a dragon scale that belongs to you? This means that you already knew that it would be like this.

When the teacher finds Desedro, 늀 will give you directions.

When you really grow up, follow the teacher's guidance and come to Desidero!

I believe Winters is looking forward to your growth and changes. "


Hearing this, Werther let out a sigh of relief.

Yes, he does know that the teacher will not stay with them. After all, what Desidero faces is not Qingshuixiu and time, but the invasion of the abyss.

The teacher cannot stay here.


"Teacher, please do me a favor. This favor is very simple. Don't tell Winters that we have changed over the years. Are you surprised? Be more thorough!"


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