Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1161 Billy is very self-aware!

Afterwards, Antasha quickly withdrew her gaze, a look of anticipation flashing in her eyes.

According to Boredia, Witte asked him to help find out if she had the intention to accept students... Of course she did, and some dragons still hope that their research results can be inherited by dragons.

And she knew Werther's character, so an ordinary dragon would definitely introduce him to her.

That guy is just watching the fun and making trouble!

But precisely because of this, she was quite interested in that dragon.

Let’s talk about what Antasha is thinking first. After Dinnet’s lesson, Billy finally became quiet. Of course, his body became quiet.

His eyes were still moving around, and his mouth was still making all kinds of strange sounds, attracting the attention of the surrounding dragons.

Fortunately, no dragon really dared to stare.

This saved Billy from being silenced by Dinnett.

Glancing at Billy who was running around again, Dinnett turned to look at the teleportation magic circle behind him.

Billy, her, Boredia, Antasha, Moxxi who just came out, followed by Isa, and then Oh, Violet, is it over?

Of course it’s not over!

When Holsis and Elise walked out of the teleportation magic circle, the dragons were all here!

That's right, Elise woke up and Holsis's specimen was finished.

After hearing that the teleportation system was set up and Billy and the others were preparing to head to the Sky City, Elise and Holsis followed over excitedly.

As for Ze, Dinnett asked specifically about it, but unfortunately, the two city-states are connected to each other. As a member of the Night Guard, Ze's workload has increased dramatically, and he is here.

Seeing that the dragons were gathered together, Dinnett turned his eyes to Ao.

"Oh, you are familiar with this place. What are we going to do next?"

Hearing this, Ao smiled and said: "A dragon should have come over to register, but I just noticed that the dragon responsible for registration did not come over. I think he recognized Boredia and Antasha.

In addition, after I came here, I already informed Werther. If he hadn't slept, he should be here soon. "

"If you don't sleep..."

Muttering, Dinnet grinned.

"You'd better go call him. I think that guy is probably sleeping!"

"I'm going, I'm going!"

As soon as Dinnett finished speaking, Billy spoke eagerly.

Looking at Billy's expectant eyes, Dinnett seemed to have thought of something, and then nodded.

"Then leave it to you!"

After hearing this, Billy's eyes immediately fell on Ao.

Obviously, this is asking him to show the way.

As if thinking of something interesting, Ao threw a green crystal to Billy.

"Inject elemental power and just follow the guidance."

Billy took the crystal, then followed the instructions with excitement on his face and flew towards the distance.

Looking at Billy's back, Ao's eyes suddenly flashed with hesitation, and then he turned to look at Dinnett.

"I think he will be beaten to death!"

Dinnett shook his head.

"Break a few bones at most. This is good. After suffering a little bit, he can calm down a lot."

Boredia looked at this scene and grinned.

These dragons are really fun!

After returning to Gongkong City, it should be lively for a while.

"It should be right here..."

As he spoke, Billy stood in front of the wooden house, looking at the wooden door that was shaking, and his eyes rolled uncontrollably.

"This guy is sleeping as expected. Watch me punish you!"

Thinking of what happened to him in the past few years, Billy's resentment almost solidified.

Then, without knocking on the door, Billy opened the wooden door directly and walked in with the crystal floating in front of him.

No dragon!

Billy raised an eyebrow.

꽭Give us a good opportunity!

Then, he walked towards the inside of the house.

In the room, there was the scent of two strange dragons, which should be Meyer and Donitasa mentioned by Ot.

After determining the location of Meyer and Donitasa's rooms based on the remaining auras, Billy began to search for the place where Werther slept from room to room.

There were many rooms, and soon, after a wooden door was opened and a familiar smell appeared, the corners of Billy's mouth curled up in relief.

He turned around and looked behind him, and when he saw that Meyer and Donitasa were not there, he walked into the room with a low smile and closed the door at the same time.

"Werther, Werther...we are here, it's time for you to wake up!"

After calling twice to make sure that there was no movement from Werther, Billy felt completely relieved and began to rummage around in his own space.

"놊 is this...껩놊 is this...where did it go?"

While rummaging carefully, Billy muttered quietly.

"What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a potion that can put giant dragons into sleep."

"What are you looking for this potion for?"

"Then, of course, let Werther have a good sleep. In this way, I can drag his tail and fly down the street. I am worried that he will wake up suddenly."

"This is so nice!"

"Yeah, as soon as I heard that he might be sleeping, I immediately..."

As he spoke, Billy suddenly froze on the spot.

"Just what?"

Turning around with some difficulty, when he saw Werther staring at him with his round eyes, an ugly smile appeared on Billy's face.

"Just... just... now that you're awake, let's set off. We'll be wasting time. Dinnit and the others are still waiting over there at the teleportation magic circle!"

As he spoke, Billy calmly put the things he had dug out into his own back-scale space, then stood up and walked towards the door.

"Yeah, 놊 can make them wait."

As he spoke, Werther stood up and followed Billy.

"When did you wake up?"

Billy was a little reluctant.

Werther chuckled.

"When you walk into this house."

"That's the beginning!"

"Yeah, right at the beginning, um... wait a moment, they two should be sleeping, I'll wake them up."

With that said, Werther knocked on the doors of Meyer and Donitasa one by one.

After telling the two dragons that they were about to leave, they walked towards the gate.

Billy looked at the door getting closer and closer, the expression on his face gradually collapsed.

Meyer and Donitasa looked at Billy with some confusion.

Werther had just introduced them to him. Billy was a dragon born in the same batch as him, and they had a very good relationship, but what was this expression about?

Just as they were wondering, Werther opened the door, walked out of the house, and then his eyes fell on Billy.

And Billy's eyes were numb.

"Can you fly higher?"

Werther chuckled.


Hearing this, Billy let out a long breath, then turned around and lay down on the spot under the confused looks of Meyer and Donitasa.

Werther nodded with satisfaction, then grabbed Billy's tail and flew high into the sky.

"Follow me!"


Meyer and Donitasa stared blankly at this scene, but Billy's sad and angry shouts were heard in the distance.

"Witt, you keep your word!"

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