Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1158 Carlock, do you have the nerve to get it for free?

Werther didn't even need to think, he knew quite well what choice Carlock would make.

Will the giant dragon not care about its own strength at all?

But there really is such a dragon, but it will definitely not be Carlock. Therefore, there is a high probability that the other party will embark on that path.

As for where Carlock will go from now on... this has nothing to do with Werther.

Carlock has a new goal, so, after only three years, the teleportation magic circles of the two city-states are connected, they can go to Yongye City again...

Werther was stunned for a moment, then swung his tail and slapped his head hard.

"That's not right. What else should I do in the past? I can't just ask them to come over!"

Anyway, the dragons he was familiar with over there were Billy and the others.

As for the other dragons, it’s really just a nod. If you have a chance, say it when you leave. If there is no chance, it’s okay not to say it.

As for O and Isa...

After more than three hundred years of getting along, they are quite familiar with those dragons.

But it doesn't matter, he must have contacted Boredia anyway. After they say goodbye to Carlock, if they need to say goodbye to those dragons, ask Boredia to pick them up.

When the teleportation magic circle is connected, they can come over from Yongye City.

Anyway, long-distance teleportation magic array is not without distance restrictions. Yongye City is too far away, and it is unrealistic to teleport directly from Yongye City to other city-states.

늀Let him go, 놚 will come back when everything is done!

"I'm so smart!"

After Werther boasted, he walked quickly towards his residence.

Again, after eating and drinking enough, all that is left is to have a good sleep.

He went to Hemeland and traveled back and forth for 궝귷 years. He never had a good sleep, so he just took advantage of this opportunity to have a good sleep.

However, he was too asleep in the previous part, so he still needs to contact Boredia.

After returning to his residence, after talking to Meyer and Donitasa, Werther went into the room and went to sleep!

Didn't sleep long.

About two months later, Meyer ran into the room and woke Werther up.

Of course, as it was agreed in advance, Werther did not sleep too deeply, so there was no such thing as getting up.

"I thought you were gone!"

After walking out of the room and seeing Carlock standing behind Ao and Isa, Witte said with some surprise.

Hearing this, Carlock smiled.

"Actually, I'm leaving, and Ao and Isa are going to give me a ride. Meyer said, you said that if I leave, I'll wake you up, but now...it's okay!"

"That's true!"

With that said, Werther gave a big hello, and then asked: "So, you have a goal?"

Hearing this, Carlock's eyes flashed with confusion, he shook his head, and then said helplessly: "Actually, this is the second purpose of waking you up.

Ao and Isa said that you have traveled to several continents and have some understanding of those continents.

Therefore, I would like to ask your opinion.

Of course, there is no need to go to too much trouble, you just need to tell me some things related to these continents. "

Upon hearing this, Werther flicked his tail and slapped himself on the forehead.

"I said, I couldn't sleep well this time. I always felt like I had forgotten something..."

As he spoke, Werther took out a metal book that was not very thin, but not very thick either.

"It records the teleportation space between continents, uh..."

Seeing Carlock's confused look, Witte said helplessly: "Well, for most dragons, the teleportation space is still relatively mysterious.

It seems I need to explain it to you.


To put it simply, the teleportation space is a weak space that has undergone special changes in the Dragon Realm, located on the continent or on the edge of the continent.

Just enter these spaces and you will be transported to other places.

Some teleportation spaces have a limited teleportation distance, which can be just a few mountains or a few plains, but some teleportation distances are relatively far, and can reach across continents!

So far, the most famous rock dragon in the Dragon Realm, Ignatz, spent his whole life traveling across all the continents in the Dragon Realm, and used the teleportation spaces connecting these continents to describe what he saw. Smell it and record it.

This is "Wandering in the Dragon World"!

Of course, it's not the one in my hand.

"Dragon World" is very large, and although Ignatz is a good traveler, he is not a very good narrator.

In addition, Ignatz was freed by the Dragon Soul more than 귷thousands of years ago.

Time is too long, and the teleportation space is not permanent.

A rock dragon friend of mine marked out all the teleportation spaces that he knew about in "A Journey Through the Dragon World" that connect several continents and still exist today.

And planned the fastest route.

As for me, I sorted out these teleportation spaces, which is also the note in my hand.

With 돗, you 늀 can really do it and swim in the dragon world!


As he said this, Werther grinned.

"I believe you also understand that I spent a lot of money to copy this thing. Even if I am willing to give it to you for free, you should be embarrassed!"

Hearing this, not only Ao and Isa, but also Meier, who was quietly watching the show, couldn't help but roll their eyes.

This 뎀䩩 appearance really makes it difficult for Long to admit that he knows him!

Carlock also understood what Werther meant, scratched his head in embarrassment, and then said sheepishly: "You know, I have been doing something before, and I have nothing on me.

늀Even some of the dragon beasts I raised in the past have not reproduced the next generation because their life span has expired and I have necessary things to do. "

Hearing this, Witte's face darkened.

Why is this dragon so ignorant?

"What do I want to do with your dragon beast? Well, I said clearly that I can give you this thing. I don't want anything for you now, but...

During your travels, you will always encounter some treasures and ruins!

By the way, what you like is probably not gold coins! "

"No, I like diamonds."

Werther nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, my request is very simple. Find the treasures and ruins. Not to mention diamonds. As long as they are not diamonds, keep them all for me. What do you think?"


Kaluk hesitated, and his eyes subconsciously looked at Ao and Isa.

Okay, Werther understood. These two guys had already taken advantage of them. However, when it came to this, Werther realized that he didn't even know what Ao and Isa liked.

In other words, maybe they mentioned it once, but more than nine hundred years have passed and they have long forgotten it. They only vaguely remember it...

With this thought in his mind, Witte looked towards the two dragons.

When he noticed the expressions of the two dragons, Werther's heart skipped a beat.

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