Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1154 Meet again!

"Teacher, is the wider world just boring shopping?"

"I told you, don't call me teacher. There are so many dragons around. Besides, what's wrong with going shopping? Have you tried the specialties of the City of Life?"

As he spoke, Werther pointed towards the shop not far away where there was a lot of traffic.

"Uh... I seem to have actually eaten this before."

"That happened thousands of years ago. It's no different than never eating it."

As he said this, Witte couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

City of Life, they have arrived!

However, when I wanted to return to the City of Eternal Night, I encountered a little problem, or rather, encountered several problems.

The first question is that the teleportation magic circle between the City of Eternal Night and the City of Life is not connected yet. We have already asked. It will take at least 꺘꾉 years.

The second question is that Carlock is still in autistic state and is unwilling to come out of the room, and Kamel is unwilling to come out. Naturally, Ao and Isa will not leave like this without worry.

The first question is that Meier is a legend. Boredia can take Witte and the others back, but Meier can't do anything. If Meier teleports over a short distance, then long-distance teleportation would be necessary. His old fate.

Uh... Okay, that's an exaggeration, not that serious, but it's true that it hurt Meyer.

The old age of flying dragons and earth dragons means that the most glorious moment in a dragon's life is over, and the road ahead for them will be downhill.

꺘 questions make up 꺘 words, there is no going back!

At least there is no way to go back in a short time.

Of course, other problems are nothing, mainly Carlock's problem.

Qiu Long is dead, but he himself has destroyed his future in order to take revenge.

The second point is nothing. After all, the fact that he made this choice means that he is ready to bear all the consequences of this choice.

Including but not limited to aspects such as lifespan, strength, etc.

The thing that hit him hardest was Kamel's death.


Thinking of this, Werther couldn't help but sigh, then collected his thoughts and continued shopping.


"Don't call me teacher!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm used to it these days. Well, Werther, the things over there don't seem to have existed thousands of years ago..."


Hearing this, Werther chuckled.

"Aren't you serious about shopping?"

With that said, Werther walked in the direction pointed by Meier.

As for what attracts Meier, it is actually a drink made by mixing fruits and smoothies with strong vitamins from the Continent of Life, and adding some fruit wine fermented from other fruits.

As a magic circle master whose purpose is to be rigorous, Witte doesn't like the feeling that alcohol affects his judgment.

Although this drink contains fruit wine ingredients, it does not affect the judgment. It tastes ice-cold and has a stimulating taste mixed with various ingredients. Werther still likes it very much.

After some maneuvering, Witt and Meyer succeeded in getting the store to close early.

In the City of Life, fruits with 꽮素꺆, especially fresh ones, are rationed every day, and Weite drank up 99% of the stock in the store.

And similar things happened again and again during subsequent shopping trips.

After two days of shopping, Witt and Meier almost visited the entire City of Life, uh... and ate all over it.

On this day, the two dragons finished their food shopping trip and were ready to go find Ao and the others.

Legge has left. In the city of life, where Werther lives, there is the house where O and Isa once lived.

Originally, this house had been returned to the City of Life by them.

After all, they were not planning to come back originally.

Ao also thought that another dragon was already living in that house. Unexpectedly, Carlock became autistic and they had to stay in the City of Life for a while.

And when they were looking for a temporary residence, they realized that the house was not occupied by other dragons.

So, Ao and Isa bought it back.

But on their way back, when Werther and Meyer passed by the Althea Alchemy Shop, Werther did see a familiar figure here.

"It's her!"

Looking at the purple dragon swinging in front of the store, Werther subconsciously uttered two words.

Meier looked at the dragon with some curiosity.

"You know him?"

Hearing this, Werther shook his head.

"I don't know him. I just met him once in the endless sand sea before. Don't pay attention to him."

With that said, Werther withdrew his gaze and continued walking towards Ao's residence.

However, Witte doesn't want to have too much interaction with the other party, but it doesn't mean that the other party thinks so too.

Donitaza looked at the alchemy shop in front of him, or rather, the sign hanging on the door of the alchemy shop, his eyes filled with disappointment.

Althea, the legendary alchemist!

When she heard the news in this city-state, she couldn't wait to run over, but she saw the closed store door.


This is the news she heard around.


Sighing, Donitasa sighed helplessly: "놙I can choose another alchemist꼊..."

As soon as the words fell, Donitaza was ready to leave.

녦At this moment, a familiar figure flashed past the corner of her eye.

After being stunned for a moment, Donitasa quickly turned her head and looked over. When she saw the familiar silver back, her face lit up, and then she hurriedly chased after him.

"Wait a moment!"

On the other side, when he heard the voice coming from behind, Werther originally didn't want to pay attention to it, but when he noticed the other party's rapidly approaching aura, Werther helplessly stopped.

"What's going on?"

The tone is not very good, after all, eat enough, drink enough, and sleep, this is a package!

After he completed the first two things and was about to return to his residence to continue completing the third thing, he was entangled by a strange dragon. How could he be in a good mood?

"Feel sorry!"

After noticing Werther's tone, Donitasa subconsciously apologized, and his originally delighted eyes became evasive.

"Did I disturb you?"

After hearing this and looking at the other party's expression, the anger in Werther's heart dissipated a lot unconsciously.

"I do have something to do, but it doesn't mean I can't listen to your problem."

Hearing this, Donitasa's face lit up, and then he hurriedly said: "My name is Donitasa, the Dragon of the Fog Moon. Thanks to your previous help, I can come here..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Werther interrupted: "It's a small thing. If you stopped me just to say these things, there's no need!"

"Of course not, the truth is, I want to find a reliable alchemist!"

Hearing this, Witte raised his eyebrows and looked at the purple dragon in front of him with interest.

"Alchemist...what do you want from the alchemist?"

"I want to learn alchemy!"

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