Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1151 Swallowing the Moonlight Dragon!

In the long-abandoned ruins, Witt and Leger stared at each other.

Unfortunately, Leger had not left yet.

The two dragons looked at each other for a while, and Witt sighed helplessly. He finally chose to give in.

"Well, who told you to be farther away? I'll give you the teleportation magic circle!"

Leger glanced at Witt.

"I have always thought so, and what's more, I came here to help you, so I won't be grateful for your humility this time!"

After saying that, Leger activated the teleportation magic circle, and then flew into the teleportation cave and disappeared in front of Witt.

Witt rolled his eyes and said nothing more. He watched Leger leave, and then continued to observe until the teleportation magic circle was hidden by the space hiding magic circle again, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he turned and flew back.

The teleportation magic circle was not broken, but the more than 8,000 elemental powers stored in it were consumed.

Well, Witt almost forgot that the last time he used this teleportation magic circle to go to Hemerland, the elemental power accumulated in the teleportation magic circle was not much left.

More than ten days ago, Redek and Piaowu left with the help of this teleportation magic circle.

Those were two legends, and Piaowu was also a dragon legend.

How could there be too much elemental power left in this teleportation magic circle?

The fact is that if it was just him, the teleportation magic circle would indeed be enough for a while, but Leger was a high-ranking legend, and his goal was the distant Hot City.

The remaining elemental power was just enough for Leiger to use.

Witt never let Leiger fly back to the Burning City, and Leiger had no intention of being polite to him.

So, he flew to Hemerland by himself.

Flying over the ruins, looking at the yellow sand all over the sky, Witt sighed, and then flew eastward.

He didn't reject this way of traveling.

After all, he had just recently used the teleportation magic circle to travel, and it took a lot of flying to travel there!

Witt hated traveling alone!

When this thought came to his mind, Witt himself was stunned for a moment, and then laughed at himself.

Unexpectedly, traveling with those guys often would make him picky.

Shaking his head, Witt determined the direction Hemerand was going, and then started the idle mode.

A dragon can be idle, and it can only use a small part of its attention to control its body to fly in a specific direction, and the rest of its attention can be focused on other things that can be solved by thinking.

For a giant dragon, there are too many things that need to be thought about to be completed, such as absorbing elements, practicing (learning) magic, improving magic circles, and so on!

What Witt is doing now is learning new magic.

Of course, when we say learning, we actually think about how to integrate new magic into our own combat system.

When Witt traveled alone in the past, he was still able to ensure his rapid growth, relying on this "idle mode"!

Time flies!

If flying normally, for Witt, the abandoned ruins are three to four hours away from Hemerland.

However, this time, he found something.



In the cloudless night sky, the moon, like a silver wheel, hangs low in the sky, and the bright moonlight illuminates the entire desert.

The nocturnal dragon beasts took advantage of the time period without strong exposure to the sun to start activities to maintain their own vital signs, hunting and eating.

In such a beautiful environment, there is a strong murderous intent hidden.

Suddenly, a strong breath came from far and near, and no matter whether they were hunting or trying to escape the fate of being preyed, they all stopped their actions.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Under a ray of moonlight, a huge figure shimmering in silver light flew past from far to near and then far away.

Until the aura on the other party disappeared completely, the world that seemed to have been suspended in time was restarted, the hunter continued to hunt, and the hunted continued to struggle.

Needless to say, this dragon is killing Witte!


Witt, who was trying to improve the magic circle while flying, let out a light "huh", and then all his attention took over his body, and then he stopped.

Originally, Witte should not have stopped at this time, but a unique aura blocked the way ahead.

If he continued to fly, he would definitely hit it.

Witte came back to his senses and carefully felt the aura, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

A strange but familiar aura.

This made him hesitate.

The other party has a giant dragon, a giant dragon with a similar realm to him.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering such a situation, Witt would choose to bypass the other party, after all, this place is wild.

In the real wild, like the experience of Carlock's mother, you never know when you will encounter a giant dragon that inexplicably targets you.

Therefore, avoiding is the best choice.

But the familiar feeling brought to him by this strange breath is like a cat's paw, constantly scratching his heart, as if urging him to go over and take a look.

"When the realm is similar..."

He is not afraid of any dragon!

Witt seemed to have found a reason to convince himself, and then continued to fly forward with a curious look on his face.

Of course, he did not restrain his breath.

When encountering a strange dragon, when the other party did not discover him, completely restraining his breath, that is not a synonym for friendliness, and preparing to hunt.

Witt was thinking while flying.

The other party did not seem to notice him, and did not respond to his approach, and even his breath did not fluctuate at all.

Witt's mouth grinned.

It feels like a giant dragon with little experience in surviving in the wild!

Which "cute" ran out of the dragon's nest?

While thinking this, Witt continued to approach, and as he approached, a unique breath became more and more obvious in his perception.

As for the owner of this breath, it was not the dragon, but a force.

In fact, the familiar feeling that Witt felt was not from the dragon, but from the power leaked from the other party.


Witt's memory was a little fuzzy, and he couldn't remember where he had seen this power.

This vague feeling that made the dragon uncomfortable soon got the answer.

A deep purple dragon, with its head raised and its mouth open, kept swallowing the moon in the night sky.

A silvery white, rich moonlight like a streamer, seemed to have turned into substance, and as the purple dragon swallowed, it poured into his body.

What gave Witt a sense of familiarity was the swallowed moonlight...

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