Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1146 I just asked you to tell me something!

Chapter 1146 I asked you to give me a message!

"Oh, so fast!"

Witte walked out of the rift in space and glanced around. Thousands of meters ahead, a lush rainforest stood in the sea of ​​sand.

That's right, he has arrived outside the continent of life.

There is definitely no way to get in. Not to mention the City of Life, just the fact that Gabriella is sleeping somewhere in the Continent of Life makes Boredia dare not open a space in the Continent of Life.

The exclamation coming from behind made Werther retract his gaze and turned to look at Ao and Isa.

"Why, it's fast enough!"

Hearing this, Isa couldn't help but murmured: "That's because Boredia is so powerful, what does it have to do with you."

Werther pretended not to hear Isa's words, looked at the space rift that was still not closed, and then said: "Don't drink too much recently.

After we finish our work, we will return to this location to contact you.

When the time comes, you can take us back. "

"I know, I know, you're the only one with a lot to do!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the space rift closed.

Witte chuckled, looked at the two dragons, and then said: "You guys, this is so convenient. It saves ten years of travel. Let's go and find Carlock. I hope he is still in Life City!"

As he spoke, Werther flew towards the City of Life.

Ao and Isa looked at each other, then followed.

On the way, Ao couldn't help but ask: "Speaking of which, how did you know Boredia? A dragon of this level should be difficult to get close to!"

What's more, Werther actually stayed by Boredia's side and managed to get to the point where Boredia was willing to entrust her daughter to him.

Of course, this refers to being admitted as a student.

Hearing this, a flash of memory flashed in Werther's eyes.


I remember I should have told you that he lives next door to us. As he comes and goes, we gradually become familiar with him. Because of the abyss, we are getting closer and closer.

I can't say his temper is good, but I can't say it's bad. 놙 is a bit weird.

After getting used to his weird temper, it's actually quite easy to get along with..."

As he talked, Werther began to talk about some of the things that happened in the past, and hearing these things made Ao and Isa break into a cold sweat.

If Boredia had a bad temper, Werther would have been beaten long ago!

In other words, he had already been beaten, but he didn't say anything.

Time passed quite quickly when there was a topic to talk about.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and they officially entered the city of life.

"Hey, there's a knock on the door and you're still looking!"

After hearing what Werther said, Ao withdrew his gaze, and then said helplessly: "I'm not in a hurry. Why are you anxious? After all, this is a house that has been lived in for hundreds of years. Why don't you take a few more glances?"

Hearing this, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Ao and Isa with some surprise.

"Are you planning to move to 꽭空껣城?"

Ao nodded.

"Isn't this obvious? Although I have lived here for hundreds of years, I can only miss this place. I can't accept it if I continue to live here.

Not to mention Issa.

Although I have stopped eating for a long time, under the ban on eating meat, I want to eat meat even more.

So, Isa and I had already planned to settle in Konggong City. "

After hearing this, Witte said with a smile: "That's great. I thought before that you, like Billy and the others, were prepared to stay in the original city-state."

"We are different from Billy and the others. We left. For the dragons around here, it is like missing two giant dragons that don't communicate much with the outside world.

When Billy and the others left, for many dragons, they were missing several friends.

Okay, no more talking! "

As he said that, Ao knocked on the wooden door in front of him slightly nervously.

At this moment, for Ao and Isa, it felt like time had stopped. They held their breath and waited quietly.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps broke the stagnant atmosphere.

Both dragons had a smile on their faces.

Carlock didn't leave!

Sure enough, the footsteps stopped, the wooden door was opened, and a familiar blue dragon appeared in front of them.

Carlock was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes fell on Werther, who was standing behind him.

"I asked you to give me a message!"

Werther nodded and said innocently: "I did bring the words!"

But what choice Ao and Isa will make is their own business, and it has nothing to do with him.

Seeing this, Carlock couldn't help but sigh.

Seeing Ao and Isa staring at him, he sighed again, then turned and walked towards the room.

"When you come in, close the door!"

Hearing this, Ao and Isa couldn't help but feel happy, they had a chance to persuade!

They hurried inside.

Werther followed in enthusiastically. Hexagram was a common problem among all intelligent creatures, and Werther was no exception.

Carlock noticed that Witte had followed him in, his face darkened slightly, but he didn't say anything after all.

"What are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Ao said without hesitation: "Help!"


Carlock sighed again, and then said helplessly: "This matter has nothing to do with you, why do you need to get involved, not to mention, you don't know anything, and you don't understand anything."

"Your matter is related to us.

If you don't know or understand, then you can tell us and we will know and understand. If it is really something that you must do in person, we don't have to participate.

But at least, let us provide some help within our capacity."

Isa, who used to be outspoken, suddenly became talkative this time.

Which made Witt look at her sideways.

Ao nodded on the side.

"Witt's alchemy is not low. He can see at a glance that you have used the dragon body to alchemy and transformed your own dragon crystal. If you can do this, it means that this matter is really important to you.

However, no matter how important the matter is, you should not use your life as the price.

If your enemy is very strong, then you should tell us the matter, and we can work together to find a way to kill him.

Witt knows many powerful dragons.

If you don't want to fight other dragons, we can be your guarantee.

Even if revenge fails, you can have another chance to come back.

Face these alone, Carlock, you are not seeking revenge, you are seeking death. As a friend, I will not agree to this alone!"

Hearing Ao's words, Witt was surprised.

Ao is extremely arrogant, but this time, he actually said that he wanted Witt to help find a strong man, which shows that Carlock is really important in his mind.

It is rare for Ao to have such awareness, and Witt will do his best to support him.

"Legendary high, legendary middle, legendary high, no matter what level of helper you want, I will definitely have no problem with it!"


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