Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 11145 Help me open the door!

"As expected, it's you who is tricking me!"

Hearing this, Witte laughed dryly and then looked away.

"I'm not trying to trick you on purpose. One time, I saw that she was unhappy, so I wanted to put some pressure on her, so I showed her your alchemy items.

I didn’t think much about it at the time, well… I really didn’t think much about it! "

"I want to be with you..."


Before Billy could finish speaking, Werther agreed with excitement.

Billy's expression froze, and then he rolled his eyes.

"This is what you promised me. What I just wanted to say is that I want to ask you for ten thousand dragon scales that belong to you. You can't keep your word!"

"Tsk, you've learned a lot!"

Werther glanced at Billy, and then when he was about to say something, the store door suddenly rang.

Turning around, he saw a seven-meter-long black dragon walking in.

Needless to say, that familiar smell is Antasha!

"Whose name is Billy?"

Antasha spoke as soon as she came in. Then, she looked at the empty shelves with only potions and no alchemy items left, and was stunned for a moment.


On the other side, Werther was also stunned for a moment when he saw Antasha coming in, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"We're just going to Tianzuo녿 now. Are you done?"

As he spoke, Werther grabbed Billy's tail, lowered his body and was about to crawl away.

After hearing what Werther said, Antasha finally focused on Werther.

"You said this, I don't know what happened, but the senior management of Eternal Night City happily agreed. Therefore, the negotiation process fast-forwarded to the issues that need to be paid attention to after the two parties are connected.

However, this aspect was mainly discussed by Boredia and had nothing to do with me. After confirming that I would lead and the high-level alchemists of the City of Eternal Night would watch, I ran out.

As for Boredia, it will be quick, just two or three days will be enough.

By the way..."

As she said that, Antasha turned her eyes to Werther's paws.

"What are you doing holding his tail? He's Billy?"

Werther looked down and saw Billy lying on his back, his eyes closed naturally, and his breathing slow and long.

Werther grinned.

"Yes, he is the companion I mentioned to you before, Billy. As for why you are grabbing his tail, you are not looking for him!"

He was sleeping, so of course I had to wake him up.

However, if you ran over so aggressively, weren't you planning to bully him? I told you in advance that this guy is my good brother! "

Antasha was not stupid. After hearing this, she understood what Werther meant and rolled her eyes.

"What the hell, I just think there is a very novel idea in his alchemy items, so I'm going to have a good exchange with him.

Why are you looking for trouble? It sounds like I'm going to bully him. "

"That's it!"

As he spoke, Werther pulled Billy's tail hard.

"Hey, what time are you? If you're still sleeping, get up quickly. I'll introduce you to a legendary alchemist!"

"Ah...oh...the legendary alchemist!"

Billy woke up in a daze, and then opened his eyes suddenly as if he was shocked by the name "Legendary Alchemist".

When he met Antasha's half-smiling gaze, although his heart was filled with embarrassment of being exposed, he still bit the bullet and continued acting.

Fortunately, after a brief introduction, Antasha offered to visit the laboratory, which relieved Billy's embarrassment.

When the two parties left, Billy glared at Werther hatefully.

늀Witt's gaze just now was the most irritating!

After watching the two dragons leave, Ao turned to look at Witte.

"So, she really won't bully Billy?"

Hearing this, Werther grinned.

"If you mean beating, then it won't, but in terms of words, it will inevitably be sharper. After all, she is an alchemist who has an abnormal pursuit of 'exquisiteness'."

Saying that, Werther paused briefly, then said with a smile: "Now you can relax a little bit!"

Ao was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Antasha just made it clear that in a day or two, the dragon that can quickly transport them to the City of Life will come.

With clear time, Ao did relax.

"Now that you've relaxed, let's talk about magic. I want to understand your current level of magic."

Hearing this, Ao's lips widened and he smiled confidently.

"You have been running around all these years, and you still have magic circles to study. No matter how talented you are, I am confident that I will not lose to you in terms of understanding magic!"

Two days, compared to a banquet that takes 굛days and half a month to count, is nothing at all!

땤When discussing magic, time flies by.


A sudden sound of opening the door interrupted the conversation between Werther and Ao.

It can be seen from the expressions of the two dragons that Ao has the upper hand in this discussion.

Just like O said!

Werther has too many things to do, while Ao only needs to study magic theory and practice. What's more, Ao's magic talent is not much lower than that of Werther.

Therefore, what was originally a mutual discussion quickly turned into a one-sided teaching.

Of course, it is limited to the two elemental magics of fire and 눓!

Witt, whose communication was interrupted by the sound of the door opening, frowned, but when he saw Poredia coming in from outside, the displeasure on his face subsided.

"It's you, Poredia. Have you settled the matter in the City of Eternal Night?"

Poredia naturally noticed the change in Witt's expression.

"Sorry, it seems that I came at the wrong time and interrupted your communication. As for the matter... I am only negotiating on behalf of the City of Sky.

It is the City of Life that established contact with the City of Eternal Night.

After the teleportation magic circle is built, the specific matters will also be discussed between them.

I just need to have a brief exchange with the senior management of the City of Eternal Night because the City of Sky is the leader."

As he said, Poredia's eyes fell on Ao.

He had to pay attention to this dragon.

The other party looked at him with a really hot look.

"He is the companion of Desidero that you and I mentioned, Witt. Is it Ao or Isa?"

"Hello, I am Ao, the golden dragon!"

Hearing this, Poredia nodded.

"Call me Poredia, as you can see, a giant dragon of the element of thunder."

As a dragon that grew up with Witt, Poredia was still very respectful.

Seeing that both parties had a simple acquaintance, Witt said, "The construction of the teleportation magic circle here has little to do with me. I need your help with something."


Poredia looked at Witt with some surprise, then looked at Ao, and immediately understood something.

"What help?"

"Help open the door!"


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