Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1129 Lost Magic!

Chapter 1129 Falling Magic!

A red light quickly passed through the air of the ravine hundreds of meters deep, and wherever it passed, the abyss beasts turned into ashes in an instant.

Suddenly, the red light stopped, and it was a huge flame.

The flame dissipated, revealing the silver-white behemoth inside.

Needless to say, this is naturally Witt.

He took a look at the gap in the defense line in front. Because he reacted quickly enough, when this gap was formed, the abyss beasts in that line were also cleared by Zakli.

Therefore, although the abyss beasts had already broken out of the gap in the defense line at this time, there were not many of them, and they had not run far.

This made Witt breathe a sigh of relief.

Then he quickly used his breath to clean up. Soon, the abyss beasts that escaped from the gap in the defense line were cleaned up by him, and he also blocked the gap with the quicksand hell magic array trap he left before.

After doing all this, Witt had time to rest.

He flew to a large sand dune not far outside the defense line, and after lying down, he absorbed free elements to replenish himself while looking inside the defense line, the area in the distance that was still covered by yellow sand and thunderstorms.

Zakli had given up this abyss-infected area.

Without the abyss legend blocking Poredia and Antasa, it was only a matter of time to close the space rift.

Moreover, with their strength, they could completely stop those abyss beasts from rushing out.

This was indeed the case.

Not long after Witt lay down to rest, he saw that the abyss beasts that had covered the entire area like a black tide suddenly had a fault.

Under the erosion of the abyss, the desert, which had long lost its golden color, was exposed again.

As for those abyss beasts that were not cleared, they continued to carry out the tasks assigned to them by the abyss believers, and "unswervingly" continued to attack the defense line of the quicksand prison, and then died.

Even if the abyss believers who issued the order to them had fled back to the abyss, they still carried out this order.

The abyss beasts that jumped into the quicksand prison like a fool did not look funny in Witt's eyes, but brought him a strong chill.

If they were not blocked, these abyss beasts, which were only black iron, bronze, and at most silver, would cause far more damage to the dragon world than those abyss legends.

While Witt was thinking about this, the dust and thunderstorm in the center of the defense line gradually stopped. Before the sandstorm ravaged by the legend appeared, two huge figures jumped out of the dust and thunderstorm.

After a while, Poredia and Antasa, whose bodies shrank to more than 100 meters, landed in front of Witt.

Before she spoke, Antasa lay down as soon as she touched the surface. Her golden eyes, which were originally shining, were slightly dim at this time, and her breathing was heavier than normal.

Obviously, although she had the ability to fight two people alone, the consumption was also quite large.

However, Antasa, who lay down to rest, did not mean to sleep, but stared with big eyes, constantly looking at Witt, as if looking at a rare treasure.

Witt, who was very familiar with Antasa, knew that this was definitely not a look of appreciation for his beautiful face. Sure enough...

"You can do time magic!"

The tone was quite certain, and it was obvious that he was asking the question with an answer.

Poredia also crouched down, looking at Witt with a hint of doubt, of course, more of a sense of watching a good show.

He wanted to see how Witt, who had been hiding it tightly in the past but now suddenly exposed his own strength, would deal with the super gossip dragon-Antasha!

After hearing Antasa's words, Witt subconsciously glanced at Witt.

After seeing the other party's expression, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, then turned his head to look at Antasa and nodded.

"Yes, it's time magic!"

"How many do you know?"

"Time acceleration, time pause and time reversal!"

"Teach me!"

After a pause, Antasa continued: "Given our relationship, you won't refuse me. If you think it's a disadvantage to just hand it over to me, I can exchange things with you.

For example, legendary alchemical items, some lost magic, and even the alchemical notes of my teacher, Metenulos!"

Lost magic!

Witt's eyes lit up immediately.

This is a good thing!

Not all dragons will kindly teach their precious knowledge to other dragons, especially some of the powerful magic they created.

These powerful magics are all extremely powerful forbidden spells without exception.

And these lost magics have a common feature, that is, the number of their element nodes has exceeded one hundred.

In other words, only the forbidden spells with more than 100 element nodes are qualified to be called Falling Magic.

This type of magic cannot be recorded on metal plates or other things. There is only one way to obtain Falling Magic, that is the dragon crystal of a dead dragon.

And the strength of the owner of the dragon crystal is still a legend.

Because only legends can research new magic with more than 100 nodes.

In addition, Metenulos's alchemy notes are also good things.

Antasha had tempted him with this alchemy notebook not long after they met. Of course, he forgot about it because there were too many things happening later.

Unexpectedly, this time, Antasa would bring it up without hesitation.

Even Poredia couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Antasa's conditions.

Of course, he was surprised that Antasa actually used magic. Although he himself knew this thing, in reality, it was not necessarily that one dragon could hold this thing out of ten thousand dragons.

After all, finding a legendary dragon ruins requires luck. The remains of this dragon in the ruins also depended on luck. This dragon also developed magic with more than a hundred nodes, which still depended on luck.

And the biggest luck in this process is to walk out of this ruins alive!

Of course, if it is a dragon from a dragon's nest, then he didn't say it.

That's not luck, that's background!

In addition, the most important thing is that Antasa has never used such a powerful magic.

He couldn't help but be surprised.


After saying that, Witt felt that he was too anxious and added: "Of course, I agree, definitely not because of the conditions you put forward.

But we have a good relationship, and time magic is not a very important magic. Even without those conditions, I will still teach you."


Then you think what I said before was bullshit!"


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