Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1116 It’s time to go!

Hearing what Witt said, Vilite nodded, and then said: "Only Lingyan fights with me. Candice and others will occasionally fight with me, but the number of times is limited."

Speaking of this, Vilite's face fell, and then she looked at Vitt with a squint.

"If a certain dragon had taught me such a lesson earlier, I'm sure my mother wouldn't stop me from leaving the Sky City!"

Vitt smiled and looked away.

Well, this matter is really not his fault.

Regarding Vilite's magic training, he should have told Poredia and others hundreds of years ago, when he was preparing to sleep through the young dragon period.

But at that time, he was fully devoted to improving his own strength and finding Billy and others, and completely ignored Vilite as a student.

Of course, he also thought at that time that both Poredia and Annie were legendary strongmen, and they were also friendly to the element of lightning, so they should be able to see that Violet's training direction was different from theirs.

As a result, these two guys, whether they trusted him too much or did not trust him, probably always thought that the combat system he formulated for Violet was a frontal attack common to the giant dragon of the element of lightning.

The training method of frontal attack is completely different from the super-speed attack.

The latter only needs to focus on practicing the magic of three cores in a row, and the rest is to fight, fight, and fight in large numbers!

As for the former, the focus is on magic.

As for magic, Poredia and Annie really don't need to practice too much. In most cases, magic training depends on themselves.

As a result, Vitt forgot to say it, and Poredia and Anne misunderstood, so Viollet went a little off track.

Vitt's fault is not only this!

He has just returned to the Sky City recently.

But after he came back to the Sky City, he was busy with his own things and ignored this student again.

And he always thought that Viollet was on the right path.

Fortunately, Viollet was too naughty, so he couldn't help but come for such a surprise inspection, and then he found the problem.

Otherwise, Viollet's growth rate would be greatly restricted.

As a teacher, he failed to notice the student's status in time. Who else should he take the blame for!

Of course, Poredia and Anne are also to blame.

They said they trusted him, but they actually doubted his professional ability, thinking that he only formulated a thunder element affinity for Viollet, the most conventional combat system.

Although he said he didn't trust him, he never asked about Violet's magic training. Obviously, he believed that he could make a magic training plan for Violet to grow up smoothly.

Thinking of this, a strange look appeared on Violet's face.

Violet was thinking about a lot of things. Violet saw that Violet was embarrassed, so she didn't continue to ridicule him, and said speechlessly: "Teacher, don't be silent, you have to give me a solution!"

Violet's words pulled Violet's thoughts back, and then he said helplessly: "What other solutions can there be? This is a matter of fighting!

Fight, fight, keep fighting, find problems, deal with problems, and then apply the experience to the next battle. It's that simple.

It can be said to be simple, but it is also It's not easy. If you fight the same dragon too many times, your fighting style will become fixed.

In simple terms, it forms a fixed mindset.

You have already demonstrated this in the battle just now.

For example, the time when you launch an attack is always fixed when you are in the blind spot of the opponent's vision.

But can this be fixed?

Don't tell me, I don't know if you know Cyrus, he is a three-headed dragon, tell me, where is his blind spot?

You can't tell!

Question Right here, the battle is flexible and the thinking must not be fixed.

When I realized that you always appeared in my blind spot, then the first time you launched an attack, I would kill you.

This is a very simple truth.

So, you must change this for me.

In addition, you don't have to worry about your mother's problems.

Just now, your father should have watched the whole battle between us, and he should have understood that your fighting style is different from his and needs training. The direction is also different.

He will definitely communicate with your mother about this.

And after your mother knows what kind of combat system you choose, she will definitely know what kind of training method you need.

Naturally, she will not stop you from leaving the Sky City.

As for the problem of getting lost, I will help you solve it before that.

Once you return to the Sky City, you will have only one training goal, fight, fight, and fight all the time!

Do you understand? "

Hearing this, Violet nodded hurriedly, her eyes full of hope for the future.

She likes to run around, and she also likes to fight. If she can do this without any scruples, for her, this kind of training method is completely a reward!

What's more, Witt just said that he would find a way to help her solve the problem of being lost in the direction.

Seeing Violet's renewed fighting spirit, Witt smiled helplessly.

"Since you understand, why don't you stand up quickly! "

Upon hearing this, Violet quickly got up, but no matter how strong her fighting spirit was, she could not change the fact that she was injured.

The wings are slanted, hanging weakly on the back.

Seeing this, Werther stood up, then lifted Villette's wings, used his mental power to lift her up, and then threw a life away to recover.

Along with a wave of aqua blue light, Violet's wings were severed and began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. Two or three minutes later, Violet's wings were healed.

As for why there is such a strong effect...

In fact, the healing speed is already very slow, and life recovery can be done with seventy-nine nodes and a water element healing forbidden spell.

If there is not much water element in the surrounding environment, the injury can be healed instantly.

This 놆Witt has recently been perfected and can be used in fast-paced battles.

But after seeing the magic effect, Witte said: "By the way, before you reach Amethyst, you can't use the two nuclear forbidden spells, so your ability to end the battle may be weak.

This situation can be quite troublesome for your combat system. After that, you can learn a healing forbidden spell, Thunder Healing.

It can improve your fault tolerance rate. "

After saying that, Werther flew up and looked down at Verlett.

"Okay, the matter has been resolved. It's time for us to go back. Antasha and the others should also complete the construction of the space teleportation magic array, and it's time to set off again!"

As he said that, a flash of excitement flashed in Witte's eyes...

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