Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1112 Explosive Magic!

Walter sneered as he walked out of the shop.

Trust you?

I'd be crazy if I trusted you!

Most of the explosive information about Boredia was heard from Antasa. Would he trust Antasa?

As for what happened just now...

It was just a pretense!

As for this matter, there was nothing he could do. Antasa was the one who had her mouth opened, and he had no way to stop her, so he could only take it one step at a time.

What's more, he wasn't really going to teach Violet a lesson.

In fact, as he said just now, he was really going to test what level of magic this student who had been left alone for hundreds of years had reached.

As long as Boredia didn't want to take the opportunity to beat him up, there would be no problem.

If Boredia really wanted to take the opportunity to beat him up...

Then what else was there to think about? Just lie down and take the beating. If you can't resist, then don't resist, and you can save some energy.

If you feel unfair, just wait for the right time and fight back.

Whitt was thinking about this, and his eyes were already on Violet in front of him.

What he taught Violet, as he told the teacher before, was thunder element and explosion magic.

There are many classifications of magic.

The most common classifications are two, one is by element classification, and the other is by function classification.

Needless to say, the element classification is eight-element magic.

The functional classification is treatment, defense, attack, and status!

However, this is only a common classification, and there are many uncommon classifications. Explosion magic does not belong to the above two classifications.

To be precise, explosion magic should be called explosion tactics!

The word tactics has already explained the basis for the classification of this kind of magic. That's right, it is to determine the commonly used magic according to the favorite fighting method.

So, it is better to say that it is a battle method classification than a magic classification.

There are only a few common fighting methods, such as full-scale attack, super-speed attack, and defensive counterattack.

Of course, it does not mean that once you choose a fighting method, you must stick to it. Fighting is flexible, and the fighting method is also flexible. Full-scale attack does not mean that you cannot dodge.

Explosion magic (explosion tactics) belongs to the super-speed attack type, giving up its own defense, focusing on improving its own speed and attack power, and focusing on swiftness.

And this fighting method is more suitable for thunder, fire, light, and wind, the four elements that are friendly to dragons.

Therefore, after Violet chose to learn magic from Violet instead of magic circles, Violet had already planned Violet's future fighting method and the magic she needed to learn.

Each element contains a large number of magic, but not every magic requires a lot of time and energy to learn and study!

After all, a magic is not learned and used, and everything will be fine.

Each magic contains a lot of knowledge. The more magic nodes there are, the more knowledge there is, and the more you need to study.

The most important thing to remember when learning magic is that magic is not the truth!

The node position can be changed by changing the spell, and the change of the node will cause the magic effect to change.

The so-called study of magic is to try to change the spell constantly, so that the magic effect is more suitable for oneself and more adapted to one's own fighting style.

Therefore, Changlong's learning of magic is completely different from that of Witte!

Mental magic requires a huge amount of magic reserves, and in order to learn mental magic, Witte's way of learning magic is to take it all, and the main purpose is a comprehensive one!

And Changlong chooses the magic that suits his own fighting style and focuses on learning it.

They may not know many magics, but the magic they use is definitely the most suitable for their own fighting style.

As for Vit's mental magic, why is it still effective after the opponent changes the node position...

That's because this type of change is actually very small, that is, one or two node changes can achieve the effect these dragons want.

And if one or two nodes are lucky enough to avoid Vit's mental magic, there is basically no difference from the whole thing. You can't expect one or two nodes to form a complete and powerful magic.

As for the fact that there are more node changes...that is no longer a change in magic, but a new magic is created.

Let's not talk about these!

Violet did not learn mental magic, so she only needs to focus on learning some magic.

Although these magics were selected by Vitt for Violet, after hundreds of years of free-range, Vitt didn't know to what extent Violet could use these magics.

In addition, it doesn't mean that if he didn't choose the magic, Violet can't learn it.

He chose the core magic of the battle method, but the core is just the skeleton, and the "flesh and blood" needs Violet to fill it according to her own combat habits.

So, to be honest, Vitt is looking forward to it!


"Okay, let's go this way!"

Vitt stopped, looked around, nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his head and said.

This location is not on the business road, and it is quite far from the Destiny Continent. From his current position, the Destiny Continent can no longer be seen.

Moreover, there are fewer sand dunes, the terrain is flat, and the vision is wide, which is perfect as a battle site.

After Witt finished speaking, he turned his head and saw Violet staring at him.

With a helpless smile, Witt said: "Don't be so nervous, I'm just testing the results of your practice for hundreds of years. It's just a competition, not a fight to the death."

Hearing this, Violet suddenly grinned.

"Teacher, I'm not nervous, I'm just a little excited."

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then said speechlessly: "Are you showing your cards?"

Villet laughed.

"Teacher, using the fighting method you taught to defeat you, this is not the most proud moment for a teacher, because it proves your teaching ability."

Hearing this, Witt shook his head.

"As a teacher, I am definitely happy that you defeated me, but as a dragon, the desire for victory is the most basic, so I will not let you down!"

While speaking, Witt chanted the spell, and as he chanted the spell, his breath began to gradually weaken.

According to the agreement, Witt needs to limit his physical strength to the same level as Violet.

Do not use shaping magic, mental magic, or time magic. Of course, the breath is only used at the normal level, not the extreme force!

When Witt's breath dropped to about the same level as Violet, he stopped chanting and looked at Violet on the opposite side.

"This is an exam, but also a teaching, Violet, are you ready?"


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