Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 111 Why is there a baby dragon?

"The important point is not the environment, but the number of dragons. You must have never seen so many dragons gathered together!"


Werther stared at Miles silently for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, I have never seen so many dragons gathered together... and then what?"


Miles was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the raging valley below and said in astonishment: "There are so many dragons and so many opponents, but you are not excited at all, and you can't arouse any interest at all?"

Hearing this, Werther sighed helplessly.

"So, let's fight!"

That's what he said, but when Werther looked at the valley below, his eyes couldn't help but show some emotion.

Speaking of which, fighting Miles all the time is indeed a bit tiring.

Moreover, for so many years, he has spent most of his time learning magic circles and studying shaping magic, so there are really not many opportunities to fight.

Miles naturally noticed the movement in 깊Witt's eyes, and said with a smile: "Look, as 놖 said, you won't be disappointed here.

Let's go, find an opponent, and have a hearty game.

Fortunately, I can recommend an opponent to you here. His strength is quite strong! "

As he said this, Miles's eyes flashed with uneasiness.

But Werther didn't notice this, and instead there was a touch of expectation on his face.

Afterwards, Witte entered the valley under the leadership of Miles.

Since Witte's body shape is almost the same as Miles, under normal circumstances, the reverse scales are hidden among the layers of dragon scales on his neck, especially for dragons that walk on four legs!

Therefore, no dragon has discovered the identity of the young dragon Witte!

The most noticeable thing is that Witte is stronger than the normal silver dragon and has larger wings.

Entering the valley, Witte quickly noticed that the surface under his feet was a little hard, but unlike the academy, it was not the kind protected by a magic circle!

Miles had been paying attention to Witte's movements. When he saw the look of surprise on his face at the feet, he said, "I heard that since the Dragon's Nest was established, it has been used as a reserve for the Legion. Training ground.

After countless magical baptisms, the rocks here are no longer ordinary rocks. Even the dragons in the green stage need to use 꺆 to dig out some stones. "

Just as he was talking, Miles' eyes suddenly lit up when he saw a figure in front of him.

"Witt, here comes your opponent!"

After hearing this, Werther looked in the direction Miles was looking.

It was a dragon with upright legs like Miles. The whole body was red, with black lines on the edges of its scales. From a distance, Witte could feel a hot breath.

Compared with the five-color dragon, the forelimbs are shorter and thinner, the wings are larger than the five-color dragon, the wingspan is more than twice the body length, and the dragon's tail is also slender!

With just one glance, Witte recognized the opponent's race - the giant fire element dragon!

The current form is that the other party has not become humanized.

As if feeling the gaze coming from behind, the other party turned his head slightly doubtfully.

When he saw Miles, he was startled for a moment, then slowly turned around, grinning slightly.

"I didn't expect you to actually bring the dragon!"


Hearing this, Werther silently turned to look at Miles. He needed an explanation!

Miles also understood Werther's character. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said helplessly: "I'm not convinced if I lose. It's obvious that the reality is similar, but his fire magic is too restrained and his ice magic is too restrained." .

Then he 늀 spoke and asked 놖 to find a dragon to challenge him, and the loser 깊늀 admitted that he was not as good as 놖! "

Werther looked at Miles speechlessly.

"So, you brought me here? By the way, your logic is not right either!"

Miles looked away embarrassedly.

"Uh...well, it was 놖 who said this, and then he 늀 promised 깊!"

Werther rolled his eyes angrily.

"Okay, 늀 will help you this time, but if this happens again in the future, you'd better make it clear 깊!"

Seeing that Werther was not angry, Miles nodded quickly.

"Have you discussed it yet?

If it's agreed upon, let's get started!

Yes, 놖's name is Luck. Remember 놖's name. If you lose 깊, you must recognize 놖 as the boss! "

Werther turned to look at Miles in shock.

But he saw that the other party had already hid aside at some point. After noticing his gaze, he didn't even have the courage to look at him!

"Anyway, I think you can win, so..."

Witte took a deep breath, and then said calmly: "After the fight with Lark, let's have a fight too. It's been a long time since we've had a fight!"

Hearing this, Miles' face froze.


"You're a cheater, you have no right to refuse!"


Miles closed his mouth in embarrassment. It seemed that he couldn't avoid this beating!

On the other side, Werther was already standing opposite 놇깊Lark, his eyes calm.

Lark is a bit bigger than him, with a body length of eleven meters, and his body's elemental fluctuations are more than twice that of him, but Werther's body contains both water and fire elements, and the total is about the same.

What's more, the magic he used was not 꽮prime.

To sum it up in two words - we can win!

When both sides were about to take action, the sky suddenly darkened.

Witt looked up with some doubt, and then his pupils shrank suddenly.

A dragon!

So big!

According to visual estimation, the body length is definitely more than one kilometer!

Moreover, the magic fluctuations on the other party, in Witt's view, are like the boundless ocean in the legend!

This is a brass dragon!

As a metal dragon, it is naturally a four-legged type.

The angle between the two dragon horns and the head is relatively large, pointing obliquely to the sky, straight and spiral.

The wingspan is about 1.3 times the body length, and the whole body is covered with brass-colored diamond dragon scales, with a metallic luster on the surface. The dragon scales are large and convex, and being scratched is definitely not a good experience.

The dragon tail is thick and long, and looks extremely powerful.

After seeing this dragon, a name emerged in Witt's mind-Elbert!

One of the five legendary peak dragons in Desidero, he is responsible for all affairs of the dragon army, including the reserve here.

When Witt was thinking about the other party's intention, accompanied by a thunderous sound of falling, Albert stood in front of the dragons like a brass mountain.

Then, his unique and lively voice rang out!

"Guys, girls, today is another day of patrol outside. The old rules, five dragons in a group, each team, set off after half a magic hour!"

Witt was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Miles came over with an apologetic look.

"Sorry, Witt, I just came in not long ago, and I didn't expect to run into you today. It's a patrol mission every two months!"

Hearing this, Witt shook his head, and when he was about to say something, his face suddenly froze.

Then, he looked up and saw a pair of eyes as hot as the sun, staring at him.

"Why is there a baby dragon here?"


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